Sony disables 3rd-party PS3 controllers and adapters with PS3 firmware 3.5

Ummn… They just did something about it. But I agree, it is BS.

Way to go Sony. You just used a Rocket Launcher to swat a fly.

Going to test my HV2G adaptor, not that I really care for the adaptor.

the “plain” Cthulhu works as well on 3.50

Only news I wanted to hear.

I was playing on my paewang PCB and its fine… I think their targeting wireless knockoffs more than anything else…

Confirmed, everything of mine is working fine.

People’s reaction to Toodles after FW updates:

This is not the case, as the BD&A/Power A ProElite Wireless PS3 Controller still works just fine. However the player indicator light no longer works properly.

going to wait for more feedback on the paewang before updating, I usually use my consoles on tournaments and this board is the most popular here with the chtulhu after :confused:

My MadcrapzSE stick still works and my 1gb usb flash drive still works

damn esplodan controllers

Power A is a licensed developer manufacturer though, so technically, there shouldn’t be any minor issues either.

Not for controllers. It doesn’t matter. The key is, what VID/PID companies are using for their controllers. If someone is using the Sony one/cloning the Sony one. Then most likely, they are safe.

Mad Catz is a licensed developer/manufacturer but our older controllers still got disabled. See what I’m getting at here?

Wanted to confirm that DealExtreme: $7.93 PS2 to Xbox 360 Controller Adapter Cable work fine on 3.5

Also, I didn’t even know PS3 SSF4 runs an extra frame slower… is there a thread about this? This is the first time I have heard of it and I been playing PS3 and Xbox 360 for a long time without noticing any different. As of now though, I have to say saying PS3 shouldn’t be standard is silly without any evident.

I was asking, thanks Toodles! Sorry I panicked…


i guess you can use this same adapter as an xbox to ps3 converter

Oh, my mistake. I was under the impression that licensed automatically meant using Sony’s own VIP/PID.

My guess is, there’s probably another bug handling some lousy unlicensed knockoff hardware and it’s slated to be fixed in 3.51, Given that some games like HAWX and Gran Turismo 5: Prologue support USB controllers that aren’t official PS3 controllers(G25 for instance).

I tested these myself:

  • REAL converters no longer work (tried both of mines).
  • USB Saturn pads still work.
  • that bum ass Radio Shack converter still works.

Anyone know if the HRAP3 SA still works? Haven’t got the chance to test it out yet.

It also converts PS1/2 to PS3. I’m telling you that it works fine on PS3 Slim with 3.5

USB Rechargeable DualShock Wireless Controller for PS3/Playstation 3 - US$ 25.19

Just finished a Chaos Breaker session. HRAP3 works, Qanba T6 works, InPin works.