Ummn… They just did something about it. But I agree, it is BS.
Way to go Sony. You just used a Rocket Launcher to swat a fly.
Going to test my HV2G adaptor, not that I really care for the adaptor.
Ummn… They just did something about it. But I agree, it is BS.
Way to go Sony. You just used a Rocket Launcher to swat a fly.
Going to test my HV2G adaptor, not that I really care for the adaptor.
the “plain” Cthulhu works as well on 3.50
Only news I wanted to hear.
I was playing on my paewang PCB and its fine… I think their targeting wireless knockoffs more than anything else…
Confirmed, everything of mine is working fine.
People’s reaction to Toodles after FW updates:
This is not the case, as the BD&A/Power A ProElite Wireless PS3 Controller still works just fine. However the player indicator light no longer works properly.
going to wait for more feedback on the paewang before updating, I usually use my consoles on tournaments and this board is the most popular here with the chtulhu after
My MadcrapzSE stick still works and my 1gb usb flash drive still works
damn esplodan controllers
Power A is a licensed developer manufacturer though, so technically, there shouldn’t be any minor issues either.
Not for controllers. It doesn’t matter. The key is, what VID/PID companies are using for their controllers. If someone is using the Sony one/cloning the Sony one. Then most likely, they are safe.
Mad Catz is a licensed developer/manufacturer but our older controllers still got disabled. See what I’m getting at here?
Wanted to confirm that DealExtreme: $7.93 PS2 to Xbox 360 Controller Adapter Cable work fine on 3.5
Also, I didn’t even know PS3 SSF4 runs an extra frame slower… is there a thread about this? This is the first time I have heard of it and I been playing PS3 and Xbox 360 for a long time without noticing any different. As of now though, I have to say saying PS3 shouldn’t be standard is silly without any evident.
I was asking, thanks Toodles! Sorry I panicked…
i guess you can use this same adapter as an xbox to ps3 converter
Oh, my mistake. I was under the impression that licensed automatically meant using Sony’s own VIP/PID.
My guess is, there’s probably another bug handling some lousy unlicensed knockoff hardware and it’s slated to be fixed in 3.51, Given that some games like HAWX and Gran Turismo 5: Prologue support USB controllers that aren’t official PS3 controllers(G25 for instance).
I tested these myself:
Anyone know if the HRAP3 SA still works? Haven’t got the chance to test it out yet.
It also converts PS1/2 to PS3. I’m telling you that it works fine on PS3 Slim with 3.5
Just finished a Chaos Breaker session. HRAP3 works, Qanba T6 works, InPin works.