My HRAP3 works, my PS2/PS3 Cthulu thing works, my third party pelican (IT GLOWS GREEN) controller works, and this piece of shit $7 usb keyboard I bought works.
My HRAP3 works, my PS2/PS3 Cthulu thing works, my third party pelican (IT GLOWS GREEN) controller works, and this piece of shit $7 usb keyboard I bought works.
Yes, it does work! I have the same stick modded and I have a fat ps3 as well. I was jumping for joy. :lol:
Just imagine the fallout if this or a future update killed all the Madcatz sticks aside from the Chun-li one.
With current update installed;
Console: PS3 80GB PHAT Non Backwards Compatible
Converter: Radioshack PS1/PS2 to USB
Fightpad: NubyTech SF 15th Anniversary Pad
Results: Works… flawlessly
I don’t see why Sony thinks that continually taking away features from the PS3 is a good idea.
So what you’re saying is that you’re outraged over a hypothetical scenario that has not happened, making it all the more ridiculous?
Really though: Do you have any controllers or adapters that are no longer working?
Rampage, he’s very much correct on the subject as it affects all of us. There’s nothing hypothetical about what’s going on right now.
I just wish to double-confirm this as I have the same setup. Bare in mind, my adapter is the “blue box” and not the simple one which came out later. Also want to confirm other non-standard controllers like Thrustmaster Firestorm Duel Power 3 and Raider Advanced FX still work.
hehe, thanks a lot ^^
From what I’ve gathered the Real and HAIS converters were neutered. Are there any other well-known converters that were zapped with 3.5?
The situation *is *hypothetical at this point, however. What he’s referencing is a potential future point, where the majority are affected. Right now, it is indubitably the minority of people. Yes, it is a bullshit move on Sony’s part, and nobody is denying that. However, it is absolutely absurd for anyone to deny that this is not blown way out of proportion.
To me, it’s as simple as this: You don’t have any components that are no longer functional, and you’re implying that this is an absolute OUTRAGE that “affects all of us”. If that’s not disproportionate, then I don’t know what is.
Like I said, I disagree with the move on Sony’s part. It’s a pretty good definition of the phrase, “dick move”. However, I’m not going to pretend that it screwed the majority of people over. Just like how I didn’t pretend that removing OtherOS screwed the majority over; and yes, I actually have a launch 60gb, and actually utilized the Linux installation, unlike the majority who bitched in the first place.
Maybe if you’re seeing it as a “violation of rights” or something, it would be somewhat understandable, but even then it’s null and void due to the fact that you agree to Sony’s rules when logging on to the PSN.
Also, has anyone stopped to think that the reason they did this was to avoid potential physical harm to their customers? I sure as hell would not want my children having a knock-off controller possibly malfunctioning and maiming their hands.
It doesn’t have anything to do with kids or controllers…
This 3.5 OS Update is about enabling the 3D Hi-Def twin stream support that was built into the system and knocking off the ability of pirates to play games they didn’t pay for on the PS3.
The latter part is why the PSP is up to Revision 6.3 of its OS now.
Updates are going to have casualties but if you’re smart it shouldn’t materially affect you…
I have a 60GB PS3, too, but am very careful about these updates. I prefer to do the updates off my computer rather than the PS3. Downloads are a lot faster onto the computer and I do installs from a 2GB Flash drive.
The unfortunate thing is that you’re forced to update if you want to retain connectivity to the PSN network.
You REALLY think controllers were blowing up? Common man, these are just lame excuses to push these otherwise useless “security” updates out.
IMHO The usefulness of this thread for the community is not going to come from skepticism and Sony bashing. It doesn’t take a genious to look at the cause(pirated software, third party hardware/software) and effect (“Mandatory” PSN updates to block any unwanted PS3 features for the betterment of Sony and it’s affilates and to enable PS3 features for the betterment of Sony and it’s affilates)
Hopefully the OP can keep an ongoing list of the affected adaptors and controllers by the update. “Just the facts mam.”
Several things about this point since you’ve brought it up several times:
However I don’t want to give up playing MvC2 with my MvC2 sticks which is as close to the arcade experience as I can get at home, at least without buying a dedicated cabinet I have no room for. More functional MvC2 cabinet substitute = my original reason for PS3.
If the Gran Turismo experience and the Marvel vs. Capcom were conflicting with each other, it’s something I’d have to consider my options over.
I know lots of people are hoping when the PS2 is finally end of life’d (it’s still being manufactured and sold surprisingly!) that Sony’s PS2 emulation patents will come into fruition in such a way that they’d all be backwards compatible… I kinda doubt it but it’s a vague possibility. If it does happen, then perhaps Sony would have motive to make it so whatever PS3 controllers do work could be made backwards compatible. If it did happen, would this sway your opinion?
Definitely hypothetical as of the moment but I wouldn’t feel secure in the thought that it’s entirely unrealistic. Is Sony the sort who’d inconvenience a large subset of their customer base just for the sake of their own commercial interests in other areas? I think historical precedence Sony BMG C.D. copy protection scandal and the Other O.S. incidence has proven that yes, they are. The people affected are by large people who’ve bought their products and used them as intended. Unlike with those users who were Sony’s direct customers, unlicensed controllers were never on Sony’s planned agenda to begin with, so why should they care about the users of such devices?
Why would they do it? You see there’s one thing do find one thing kinda funny. Even though my four PS3 T.E.s aren’t licensed, the R1 360 T.E.s one I bought for use with my computer is! Has a lil’ green spot with the xBox logo and “Licensed for 360” right on the bottom.
Why do you think that is? Because the 360 had controller security from the start, giving their license more value to Madcatz, since they couldn’t work around it. This allowed Microsoft to gain profits in a lucrative market where Sony didn’t get any at all.
Making manners worse, amongst the more tech Savvy, 360 controllers are preferable to PS3 controllers because the 360’s security is difficult if not impossible to bypass. This leads to a situation where even if the company licenses sticks for both consoles, the sales are going to be lopsided in favor of the 360 because the end customer also don’t value the PS3 license as in the end it’s not much more than just a logo to them.
At the moment anyway. This wouldn’t happen if Sony implemented something similar to the 360’s security on their system. Perhaps it’s not entirely too late?
It’d be huge. The Fighting Game community would very likely ragequit on Sony’s PS3.
The better question is; would Sony care? I think they might’ve sold the better majority of fighting games that that’re coming out this generation. Time might heal wounds just in time for the next if the next generation of games are good enough. Perhaps people who already own such games, would buy more controllers to better play them with though?
I don’t think anyone actually thought controllers were exploding
In fact if controllers were exploding due to errors with the battery charging in them, disabling their functionality isn’t going to stop them from blowing up.
So then why not make updates that aren’t security based updates optional? Before I go any further I realize that individually each update doesn’t take up much space but cumulatively it can be annoying especially for non-critical features that I think we can agree on not everyone wants. It’s also the fact that I’d rather not rage on customer service if a non-critical update bricked my PS3 (this is virtually guaranteed to happen to a small percentage of users with every single update) so why should I risk system stability over something I don’t want.
btw, as of now, the 3.50 fw update didn’t per se block the use of dongles to play pirated games(it is a bit reduction too, it means homebrew too, on copying you OWN GAMES for faster loading access too), the 3.42 fw update did.
cheap $10 controller that i picked up off of ebay works.
notice the home button says p3? the lights?
it works.
Can I see that Ibuki?