Don’t speak of the devil, man!
I honestly wish this thread would get locked now…
Every time a new update happens a small percentage have problems with their systems and the whole thing gets blown out of proportion! We have bitchfests and it just gets real tired… Especially when the system-bashers come in and you get the knuckleheads that get into frame-lapse counting. It’s really unpleasant.
In the future, WAIT A WEEK after updates get released to save yourselves some heartache! Unless you absolutely have to be on PSN or XBL, a week is a good time to wait for bugs to get resolved and keep from potentially locking up/bricking your system.
The only reason to update besides PSN access is to unlock the 3D Video capability of the PS3 and I, for one, have no intention to ever use that.
I don’t like part of the situation, either, but fact is that electronics standards evolve and unfortunately you have to eventually buy new hardware as the older hardware wears out or gets made obsolete by newer operating systems.
Nobody ever guaranteed your 15-your-old copy of Doom is supposed to work on Windows 7! In fact, it’s mainly the work of hobbyists and industry people who happen to like old games that keeps the more popular classics running well in whatever OS your computer is using now.
People that are complaining now seem to be A) impatient and unwilling to wait for solutions; B) anybody with a grudge against Sony for whatever reasons; and C) people with a 20-year-old controller who don’t seem to understand those things weren’t made to work on PS3’s in the first place!
There are solutions for some of the problems with controllers but they generally involve spending money. Most of us who have ever dealt with other people in the trading post know a good percentage here DON’T want to spend money and want freebies. That’s just not the way things work in the world…
Nothing on NubyTech pads?
Or Logic3 adaptors?
There’s still useful information being shared in this thread.
Who the heck wants to do without XBL or PSN support for a week every time an update comes out?
We’re not strictly talking about 15 year old PSX controllers with a, now, non-functioning converter. There’s talk of original Madcatz Wireless fightpads not working as well as very expensive peripherals like the FragFX controllers.
4)People don’t enjoy spending money on something they already spend money on, without any kind of warning.
5)If you don’t like the trading outlet don’t use it.
As previously mentioned, the only MadCatz controllers not working are those older than 2008.
- Completely agree
- Especially when you’re being screwed over for an update that deals with features that most people don’t want or need
- The incomplete list compiled on Sony’s own site did in fact list several expensive and previously functional peripherals.
- Also worth mentioning is that if an update bricks your PS3 and it’s out of warranty Sony will usually ask for $190 to fix their own fuckup.
I have an HVG2 Adapter that I use with my SFAC 3.5v stick. It works fine, however the lights on the adapter that are supposed to show what controller number you are don’t work. All 4 lights just blink constantly.
It worked also for the DS 2.0.1 firmware (so probably for all versions), should have checked for myself.
Has anyone actually tested sony blue/red/white controllers yet? If not I’ll post my results up. I have a white and blue.
Have to do the update though.
edit: Blue sony ds3 works just fine with 3.5, have to check white in a bit. It’s in the other room.
I have red, white, blue, black (DS3 and sixaxis) and silver. All of them work.
edit: On both 80gb fat, and 120gb slim.
re-edit: Holy crap, some of the shit in this thread is so inane. It seriously reminds me of the South Park episodes where they all march to the mayor, and stand together screaming “rabble rabble rabble”. Nobody has any idea what the hell they’re even outraged about.
I got the PIII and Radioshack deals, and a Logitech DFP wheel apparently all work. Have not played PS3 since the update, so, we’ll see.
I believe that the coloured DS3s are being mentioned because bootlegs/counterfeits are more likely to be coloured.
I do not know whether or not it is relevant since the InPin Convertor has been confirmed to work, however, the newer PIC’s and older PCB’s used (PS1&2 versions) in MAS Systems SuperPro Controllers function well coupled to both the InPin and Pelican adapters.
No problems with my PS2=>to PS3 converter from Cables4PC. I use that cable for all the Hori PS2 joysticks I have. (Arcana Heart 2, Tekken 5, HRAP 2 SA.)
I don’t know that there’s a logic chip in that USB converter anyway. It’s probably just a USB pass for PS2 controllers. As long as it’s Hori or official Sony they’re okay.
Not that I bother to use Dual Shock 2’s on the PS3 anyway.
Maybe Toodles can confirm if there’s any difference between logic boards in the PS1, PS2, and PS3 controllers? They all seem to be pretty much the same thing except for the fact that the PS2 and PS3 buttons are all analog whereas the only analogs (I think) in the PS1 controller were the Dual Shock 1 control sticks.
Those are probably the $7-$10 joypads people can find online. JapanVideoGames sells them in the US. You think their business will be affected it the 3.5 upgrade DOES knock out these controllers? :badboy:
I know one of the tournament organizers bought a bunch of these cheap pads because he hated being ripped off of the official Dual Shock 3 pads. People who came in without a controller to his last event LEFT with 4 of those pads! Cost him $220.
IMHO, the only people who should be playing are people who have their own controllers or borrow from a friend. It shouldn’t be up to the organizers to provide controllers and controller adaptors.
They’ve got enough headaches without worrying about people ripping controllers off from them…
Yeah we do. Every time someone ether claims (or proves) that they can hack the PS3, Sony cripples or removes features at the cost of the common non-hacker gamer. The absolutely worst thing that can happen here in the case of fighting game enthusiasts is that Sony might target the Cthulhu or remove the ability to use common non-PS3 USB controllers/devices that our community uses.
First we lose OtherOS, and now shit like this…
With current update installed;
Console: PS3 80GB PHAT Non Backwards Compatible
Converter: Radioshack PS1/PS2 to USB
Joystick: PS1 Hori-Namco Tekken2/Soul Blade Stick
Results: Works… flawlessly
Sorry for the SOL to all the other converter’s pcb’s disabled, install PS3 PCBs or use a known-good converter. I plan to install PS3 PCBs once my converter’s are obsolete, PS3 is Sony’s product. If you don’t agree with their user guidlines there’s always Xbox I suppose, I for one prefer the lesser of the two evils in this case myself. PS is a product and Sony is a for-profit company, it would be a lot more surprising if they didn’t do updates like this.
That’s what it comes down to.
PS is a Sony IP and they’re going to protect it.
They also have obligations to protect their third-party software supporters, too, which is why they’re going after the System OS breaks for emulation and hacked/bootlegged games.
I’m not crazy about all this, either.
I HATE having to install an update every time to be able to get online with the system and be able to get downloadable games… The above reasons are WHY they’re doing it. I don’t know that this affects many of my disc-based games unless they’re games that actually require the 3.5 update.
I know for sure that I’m NOT using the 3-D option. It’s as least as useful to me as Kinect and Sony’s Move controllers.
In other words, not useful at all!
Can we not compare frustration over this to frustration over Other O.S? That was an advertised feature of the system and its removal was very likely huge breech of consumer rights, especially when they’d said they’d continue to support it on older systems on their own blog. Whether or not they have an obligation to their third party affiliates in this case, they also have an obligation to the consumer for the device to be fit for its stated purposes.
Original owners of the fat system console have paid for the feature and its removal devalues it for their intended purposes. Furthermore people who hadn’t intended to use it at all have been forced to pay for it and lose some aspect of resale value for its loss with little to no recompensation. Now I personally bought my PS3s after the fact but for others who may’ve thought ‘hey cool my PS3 can double as a computer’ I offer my deepest sympathies and hope that somehow their wrong can be righted.
On the other hand, pertaining to this controller controversy I don’t think Sony ever advertised the compatibility of or endorsed unlicensed or bootleg product. To the contrary, they state that such products may not work or could even potentially damage the system. All console manufacturers do for that matter. Whether or not it’s true, they haven’t obligated themselves in any way shape or form to guarantee product X from company Y works with their system and even if they were, they’d absolved themselves of any such obligation with a warning. Whomever guaranteed our unauthenticated products would work with the Playstation 3, it sure wasn’t SCEI. With official product it’s different but that doesn’t seem to be what this topic is currently about: multicolored controllers as a potential aside.
To reiterate this sentiment shortly, it’s the difference between a conartist pulling a bait 'n switch and a customer feeling ripped off because they didn’t get something that was never part of any deal to begin with. Well at least it’s not part of any deal Sony was ever seemed to either implicitly or expressly be a part of and as such it shouldn’t be Sony’s problem.
However with all that being said, that doesn’t mean it can’t be our problem. For us it might be prudent to know if our new computer works with our 15 year old library of games before updating to a new platform…
sorry if I sound like a broken record but any reports with a mayflash pcb ? (sorry for the bad quality, I googleimaged it)
(I just got a fat ps3, fw 2.xx, don’t feel like updating for hours to try the controller, and I kinda need to know so I can start on a mod for a friend ^^’’)
thanks a lot to anybody that can give this a shot !
I know it’s not fighting game related, but my Nyko Frontman guitar controllers no longer work. I’m pretty sure they’re not bootleg products.
I’m very pleased that my radioshack converters still work though