Sony disables 3rd-party PS3 controllers and adapters with PS3 firmware 3.5

My TE round 1 works.

Wha? The earlier PS3 TEs are unlicensed? I find that hard to believe.

Wasn’t it mentioned somewhere? Also, isn’t it the reason the Chun Li TEs have the PS symbol on their home button while the older ones have a generic house icon?

Man Playstation sucks. I havent even checked to see if my Hori fight commander 3 works. Anyone here can give me a heads up. Im at work at the moment

Ah I see. Didn’t know that it wasn’t licensed albeit I suppose that’s why it doesn’t have a PS logo anywhere to be found Regardless my MvC edition works too. Thanks D3v and EmX.

I have four PS3 T.E.s total (two of each, one for each USB port) so it’d be a huge loss for me if they weren’t working, esp. since they were the deciding factor in why I got a PS3 to begin with … Maybe I should dump some on ebay while I still have the chance or something… Also I have a Fighting Commander 3 so just a moment.

Hori Fighting Commander is licensed so I believe it should work.

True but it’s also an import product to the english speaking world so there’s a chance that they might’ve disabled it regionally, perhaps? I’m not sure exactly. Regardless they didn’t. Still works.

Sony has never region locked anything on the PS3.

Well I’ll be damned. The bottom of the PS3 SE box I have here does in fact say that it isn’t spondered, endorsed, blah blah, by SCEI.
But they still wouldn’t do what was needed to get BC games support. Odd.

Quick update, Tournament Edition works. One of the local boys over here just tested his (Round 1).

Speaking of which, I’m helping the local scene here compile a list of what works and what doesn’t based on info around the web.

The list contains info both from here and the Sony forums.

I will test my Hori tonight to give a clear yes/no. If it doesnt good thing I had it modded by Gummowned.

it says MadCatz Super Street Figher IV Wireless FightPad First Generation don’t work. Markman can you confirm that?

Also, if the TE’s don’t work that would essentially kill the home console fighting game community since everyone uses them. The TE is one of the reasons SF4 was such a huge success on xbox/ps3.

That being said…I can attest to my Round 2 TE working.

Just tested the Hori Fighting Commander 3 and it does work on 3.5fw

And just to comment on the PS3jailbreaking.

Anyone who’s going to jailbreak hasn’t updated their PS3 since 3.41 anyway.

You know when I updated to 3.50 It told me it was to add 3D support for Blu Ray 3D Titles.

When I clicked agree it didn’t mention anything about altering the USB functionality of my console.

Edit: Just noticed this in that PS3 Forum thread:

I have the harmony 700 AND the ps3 harmony adapter and it STILL WORKS.

So I don’t know who posted that but they are obviously wrong. If my harmony didn’t work I would be raging pretty hard so… I guess take that list with a grain of salt?

Wow, totally didn’t know that. Would have never guessed :rofl:

PS3 Update Has Killed Three Old Mad Catz Controllers

Just posted on Kotaku, dont think it effects the fight pads as all the pads listed came out in 2008.

Mad Catz: Only A Small Percentage Of Our Stuff Was Broken With PS3 3.50 Firmware Update

Thak you sir!

Soon they want license fee for selling PS3 pcb´s…-_-.