Sony disables 3rd-party PS3 controllers and adapters with PS3 firmware 3.5

There seems to be a small one in the Sony forums. At the very least, the MadCatz stuff still seems to work, some folks have apparently tested the FightPads and the SE (though no TE, but the SE should cover that). Would like to know if any Saturn converters are affected since I’ll be picking up an HSS-0136 soon.


Can anyone confirm Mayflash’s still work?
btw, this is why I never bother updating my ps3 :smiley:


A list of what USB devices work and which do not. - Forums

Hmm getting reports now of actual DualShock 3s not working. I assume these are the counterfeit ones Sony meant to target.

Wow! Just saw that the FragFX V1/V2 are not compatible now, those were pretty nice/pricey controllers.

i heard people saying red and blue controllers… that makes me wonder if they are talking about the sony branded controllers or counterfeits. Because unless someone doesn’t have a good eye they probably bought it from a popular electronics store and bought an original sony blue or red controller.

Yeah, the Splitfish FragFX is a damned sexy controller. Only reason why I liked to play FPS on PS3 over the 360.

Tested InPin converter ( iNPiN PS2 to PS3 Converter ) and it works fine after the new firmware update.

I’ve been hearing stuff about white controllers as well.

If people are really referring to the alternate colors that Sony made themselves, then that’s one epic fail on Sony’s part.

Nope. A USB VID (VendorID) is unique to each company, and if you want one of your own you need to go through the USB-IF.

Anyone can choose whatever PID they want to assign to each product, but the VID + PID is what is used to identify the hardware so simply using the PID from a different product (like a SIXAXIS controller) wouldn’t fool anything into thinking it really was a SIXAXIS.

Updated the first thread with new information on working and non-working adapters/controllers.

I’m assuming the Dual Strike is okay on this bunch?

Already said that was true. But unfortunately at that time that was true only for firmware version 3 and probably before 2.0. For 2.0 there was a problem which has now been fixed with version 2.0.2, see the Dual Strike thread for more information.

mine works fine

Which firmware version are you running?

… So the Cthulu still works but some officially licensed products don’t? If so this is even more inexplicable than the linux fiasco. Or are you talking about other Madcatz products that weren’t licensed?

In other words I guess what I’m getting that is how’re the R1 and MvC T.E.s looking? At the Playstation forum thread they only listed specific models like the Chun Li edition… Is that indicative of what I think it’s indicative of?

Edit: Just remembered I have a spare CECHE I was meaning to sell ever since I got my CECHA… I’ll test the MvC stick now, albeit since my R1 is still sealed, I’d rather not have to open it in the event I have to sell it…BRB, system update.

Chun-Li is the only officially licensed TE. The rest aren’t.

That said, the list indicates that old SEs work so I’m assuming that this means that TEs work as well since they should have the same chipset. Unless anyone says otherwise.