you don’t have a ps3 to check your stuff? what kind of shit you sell?
It would probably be sensible to assume he’s holding out on updating after the 3.5 scare and is still on 3.41-3.42 and won’t update until something is fixed.
It would be sensible to assume that if he wasn’t part of a team that does sales for arcade sticks with adapters that were supposed to have been affected by that same update.
Wow, some peeps just start talking crap without thinking, internet for ya. I am asking if anyone’s adapters of any brand or kind, which is what this thread is about after all, were fixed.
Of course we know what’s going on with our adapters. Our new 2in1 adapter was not affected by the 3.5 update at all in fact, nor were the most recent adapters that we sold.
Good stuff, glad to hear that; I will add them to the list of working adapters then. :lol:
Great, cool that you too are keeping up with it. Where is your list, I will link to it in the OP.
Anyone test out there working converters on Firmware 3.55??
The thing about testing is that your test model may work but when you release your product, there are lots of unknown factors that could crop up. If you’ve got your PS3 hooked up to a USB hub, or some other situation that could break the product, asking your general audience, “Did it break for you?” isn’t a bad thing, and shows that XGaming cares and is a pleasure to deal with.
Still won’t buy their product(been thinking about a Happ/IL stick for over a year now just for the memories); the layout totally doesn’t fit my needs and if I’m going to be tearing apart the control panel to rework the layout, I might as well buy a custom or DIY it and go with a Toodles MC Cthulu+IMP board.
While I’m ranting, ever thought about updating that layout that seems to have been inspired by the HotRod layout?
My USB Saturn Controller still works with 3.55
Hey I just Installed a PS360 Board on my Arcade stick and its not working…can anyone Tell me why???
Is it cause of the PS3 Update???
Just answering this a third time to clear any confusion: Hold down the Turbo button as you plug into the respective console. PS360 board has two modes: PS3 and 360. You need to switch to the other mode after it has been plugged into the other console
My Converter from Hong Kong Works
For the most part, all the devices, adapters and boards that are already reported to work on firmware 3.5 still works on firmware 3.55.
If you have a PS360, ChImp, Cthulhu or a similar PCB that is not working with the PS3 for some reason, I can ensure you its not the firmware that is the problem. As RoyalFlushTZ stated, make sure if your board as multiple Modes to switch it to the correct mode (which will vary with each PCB and set up). Then if that do not work, check your USB, RJ 45 or other connectors, Then check your wiring. ChImp/Cthulhu uses the same protocols/setup as the Hori PS3 sticks, and I am sure the PS360 uses another(if not the same) well documented Controller setup. For Sony to block these devices, they also got to block alot of legitimate and licensed 3rd party hardware like Hori and Madcatz, Sony is not as Anal as Microsoft or Nintendo.
Strangely enough Sony is not out to force all of us to buy only licensed merchandise, they just want to stop all the ps3 usb jailbreak devices.
Can we lock this thread now, before it gets more out of hand?
It seems like there’s a big update on the PS3
I have 2 converters that work on the PS3…I don’t want the update to kill those converters
wonders if Sony would ever have the balls to kill VSHG recognition
Microsoft did it with Dell computers running Windows 7, legit or not due to the high levels of piracy and BIOS hacking. Nobody expected them to do that…
Wait, what did Microsoft do with Dell?
Sent from my haxsung intercept using Tapatalk
A certain Dell computer came bundled with a copy of Windows 7 on disc which could be installed officially unlimited times (instead of the usual once). What people started doing were flashing their BIOS to fool the disc and Win Update tool into thinking their computers were a Dell machine, and so able to install officially recognised copies of Win 7.
But recently Microsoft took the unprecedented action of barring those Dell computers from Win Update, so anyone with an original machine would have to phone up MS to verify their hardware & software. For the thousands of other people with illegal copies… OFF.
Would Sony do the same to stop “unauthorised” custom PS3 boards by removing VSHG support? Unlikely, but still an interesting thought…
I don’t think I understand how the two are even related. Is there some hack out now involving Virtua Sticks?
However, Sony has just officially announced that if they scan and find your system to be modified, they will ban it from online access. As they should.
They’re no doubt going to continue putting out patches that block access to whatever means people are using to hack their systems, but it’s obviously an uphill battle that they won’t ever be able to definitively win.
As far as I can tell, it’s Virtua Stick High Grade code that has been used in a lot of the custom built PS3 PCB’s to date, like Dual Strikes and Cthulhu’s. Though I’m happy to stand corrected on that.
I have no idea what coding Datel uses for it’s ArcadePro/Aki PS360 pcb’s
Oh, gotcha. To be honest, I don’t have the slightest idea; you could tell me it was written in an ancient moon language and fueled by pixie tears and I wouldn’t be able to dispute it. Though, I don’t see why they would intentionally block that unless they are directly being used in some security circumvention method or something.