Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed - A Sega Fanboy's Wet Dream :)

They’ve already stated that it won’t be hitting 60 frames with all the crap going on. Sorry. :-/


Hmm something tells me a PC steam sale maybe in order…

I hope Jet’s in this. It would be interesting to see Jet riding on extreme gear and it could transform like some gears did in Zero Gravity.

PC is definitely looking to be the best version this time around but I’ve head rumblings of platform-exclusive content. Perhaps Banjo will come back, he definitely suits the game now more than ever considering that he debuted in Diddy Kong Racing.

Gordon Freeman will be PC exclusive driving the junker jalopy and it turns into an airboat. His all-star is the Super Gravity Gun. Calling it now.

Banjo was just a reskinned someone else though.

Where do you see a roster reveal list? Also, got 1000/1000 in the first one, so shall be getting this - especially because, apparently, Vyse is in it.

No he wasn’t. He was godlike on tracks like Dark Arsenal.

His stats were exactly the same as someone else though.

Stats aren’t the only determining factor in that game though, the type of vehicle is also something to consider. Like if he had the same stats as Shadow he’d still be different because Shadow is on a bike whereas Banjo drives a four-wheel truck. So even if he had the same stats as someone else that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s a reskin because he’s still in a different vehicle.

I GUESS, still. I got upset when I bought the 360 version JUST for him and he just didn’t justify it for me.

On another note, I am PISSED they’re ditching the announcer. He was awesome.

The announcer was annoying and he says some very odd things. I turned him off in my game

Hopefully that emo turd Shadow is less popular this time around…>:(

Then again I always used Amy…:oops:


I’m hype for this game though, I really enjoyed the first one. :tup:

The announcer was definitely a very polarizing thing to have. I personally didn’t care for him.

Anyways it looks like the Wikipedia page is the only place that has a list of the confirmed characters thus far.

I want them to reduce the number of unlockables in this game. It was a pain in the ass having to unlock all the tracks and characters in the first game.

You unlock characters by “rescuing” them in the adventure mode. However we don’t know how many of them are unlockable or if this is something that only applies to single player. Hopefully it’s a feasible amount and not something absurd like 2/3 of the entire game’s cast.

It’s been confirmed that there’s 25-27 characters in this game and some of the characters from the first won’t be returning. I’m thinking that Big, Billy Hatcher, Zobio & Zobiko and the Bonanza Bros. got chopped. So that leaves room for four new ones in addition to the remaining ones.

^Can you link to where you are finding this news?


Sorry, I read it a while ago and forgot exactly where I saw it.

Steve Lycett posted these on his Facebook page a little while ago.

Prepare for incoming news, I guess?

game shall not be complete without Axel/Adam or Blaze in a cop car complete with Napalm super moves.

Just watch, that’ll be the first thing they announce next.