Soda Tier List Thread

this thread is AWESOME. Also A&W root beer should be highter its GOD TIER.

Here’s my tier list -

SSS Tier - Saranac Root Beer
SS Tier - IBC Root beer
S Tier - Barq’s Root Beer
A Tier - A&W Root Beer

Shit Tier - Mug Root Beer

I’m gonna try to find some Johnnie Ryan Root Beer, I think I seen it around a few stores, that tier list may change…

Any kind of Root Beer is so free- 7-3 match ups across the board. Step your game up and pick a real soda. Like Dr.Pepper, Mountain Dew, Cactus Cooler. Something with variety. Or keep picking root beer and losing, whatever.

Sheeeeit, Mountain Dew is at the bottom for me.

The top ranks for me are the relatively new Sierra Mist, Sprite, Fresca, A&W Root Beer, and Pepsi in terms of carbonated beverages/sodas. There’s also Nestea’s Ice Tea…but I’m not even sure that counts as a “soda”… I guess so… it’s in a can and is sold in the same kind of vending machines here. I prefer the Sweet Tea you can get by the gallon carton in grocery stores though…Arizona brand is my preferred choice there.

A strong 2nd tier for me is Dr. Pepper… I didn’t even try it until recently about 2 or 3 years ago. Back to the Mountain Dew hate… I’d only drink this if some world-breaking catastrophe happens, and sodas or other drinks of any kind are a rarity…in the absence of all other choices, including water…then I would consider drinking that if I found it.

Green River Soda is pretty amazing.

Ruby Red Squirt for top…bitches don’t know how awesome that it.

God Tier:
Vanilla Coke
Mr. Pibb
Coca Cola

A Tier:
Cherry Coke
Root Beer
Dr. Pepper

B Tier:
Cream Soda
Sierra Mist
Fanta (all)

C Tier:

Coca Cola has some serious fanboy syndrome. Pepsi is just plain better.

How’s a soda tier list thread going to exclude Jones Soda from it?

What y’all been smokin?

Also, vanilla coke, pepsi, and A&W are all top tier.

Yeah ever since I dropped soda from my life, I lost like 20 pounds easily. :rofl:

Dr. Pepper is good though, and I guess I’ll try out Manzanita Sol someday.

Water for Broken Tier though. :rock:

Surge is so high tier it had to retire itself due to no competition.

I’ve actually tried Beverly before, they serve it at Epcot. There’s a room there with fountains of drinks from different countries and Beverly is, by far, the worst thing I have ever drank.

I’ll take this thread serious when I see Nehi Peach Soda as top tier.

Also, Mountain Dew is very vague. You need to get into the classifications. With Baja Blast being the epitome, followed by original. Code Red is horrible.

Anybody remember Pepsi Blue? It was so bad I threw my bottle away after one sip.

You can make MDMA out of the same stuff used to make traditional rootbeer. Sassafras root contains something called safrol that’s used in the synthesis of the drug.


Paging Tweleve.

Mountain Dew is too amazing.

How do you feel when you see horrible things like this happen to your baby

Anyway I don’t give a fuck if I double post, Sprite Remix


But this a is soda tier list bro. Not random other ish.

Touche sir. Sprite Remix is the shit.

All that Mexican drink shit= Low tier. Root Beer sucks.

Fresh, cold, can Pepsi is top tier.