The Capcom USA media people have dropped strong hints about a CvS2 release of some kind in 2013. Whether that’s just a laggy ps2 port or an online release remains to be seen.
Good lord I’d give my left kidney for some CvS2 online.
Capcom wake the fuck up!
$20 says it’ll be released as PS2 classic.
Shame we didn’t have a good port of this classic instead of others games like shitty third strike
Late April for PS2 Classic release. sigh Anyways hit me up if you guys wanna throw down on Demul.
Is this still accurate? Because…
And there’s only one Drop left… Just sayin.
I honestly don’t know. I was just in the process of looking it up as well. Judging by the amount of love CvS2 gets, we’ll probably see it in like August.
Guilty Gear gets it new version finally, that’s cool. XD
If you didn’t notice, that’s the Vita version… no word on the PS3 update.
PSN updates. Desolate as always. -_-
Well, last Tuesday of the month. Not too sure if it’ll get uploaded, but damn it’d be nice to have a version of this to take to my local gatherings.
Classic released today is Katamari
Just saw that. =/
Oh well. I guess it’ll show up when no one cares anymore XD
I think the only people left caring are me and you.
Truth be told, the only reason I want it to come out is because it’s easier to take my PS3 to local gatherings rather than lug my huge ass PC to an event. I would take my PC, but most people won’t play CvS2 that long before going back to AE or Marvel. Granted I do have other fighters on my PC, but with EVO coming up, everyone is grinding out their respective games. AE and Marvel dominate my local scene (Colorado Springs) and up north in Denver people are a bit more spread out. There’s dedicated Tekken, KOF, and anime players up there as well as guys that play the Capcom fighters too. Looks like I’m just S.O.L. for now. Maybe once EVO is over people will kick back and play more across the board in my area again.
I just want it so that I can stop worrying about rebuilding my Dreamcast stick… lol
Well if you have a halfway decent PC, you can always get NullDC or Demul. Demul has a habit of randomly crashing though. It has netplay too.
LOL, my dude…
I can’t run MAME + DodonPachi or Giga Wing without my system crashing.
EDIT: In fact, I get slow down with Gundam Wing Endless Duel on ZSNES.
Damn. Time for an upgrade man.
Don’t care enough to? I use my PC like, once every 3-4 months. No need to upgrade.
Asked about this earlier today on the Ask Capcom forum, here:
As expected, though, I’ve yet to receive a reply.
Couple of people asking about the game in the comments section of this week’s PSN Drop blog post, too, but no answers there, either.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they were trying to give Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R a little more room/time to breathe on the PSN before posting CVS2.
Worst part was watching NCR this weekend and them running several ‘vintage’ replays of CVS2 at past tournaments.
Couple of trolls in the chat were hating it, but others were more excited to see those matches.
I, myself, was thinking ‘when the hell is that game finally getting released on PSN, damn it?’
Really want an HD Remix, but I’ll settle for the original, so I can try to convince these guys to pursue some more CVS goodness.