So it's on the JP PSN store

Too bad it’s a PS2 classic. Oh well. It should be easier to get side tournaments going for it now. I don’t know too many people that still have DC/PS2 sticks laying around.

Also has anyone else had trouble with using TE’s and other PS3 sticks while playing PS2 games on PS3? A while back I played CvS2 on a friend’s BC PS3 and it didn’t recognize my PS3 stick. Anyone else have this issue?

All PS3 sticks are confirmed to work with this version.

Good to know. Can’t wait till payday :D. I’m so glad I can bring this to my local meet-ups now.

Don’t get it, doesn’t play right. :frowning:

How so? Bad port? Dropped frames? What are the problems?

According to HAV, it has input lag. :frowning:

God damn! That’s so annoying to hear. Why can’t we get a dedicated developer to take this project over. Dare I say it, Iron Galaxy.

Sucks about the lag. Is it because it’s running on a PS2 emulator and not the actual hardware?

That’s lame, just as I was getting hyped for CVS2 coming back, it has lag issues D: we should make a petition for a patched fix or some sort of improvements in terms of the revival of CVS. Who’s with me!?

Yup, as stated before, I perceived input lag. I didn’t have a way of measuring though but, my guess is 1 - 2 frames.

HAV also said its very playable. If you have no other way of accessing the game, this may yet be worth the buy. Or you can just wait and see if it pops up in the US PSN store. If the latter actually happens, I will buy it in solidarity of our game.

Knowing my luck I’ll wait for the US release and I’ll get fed up with waiting and they’ll release it after I buy the JP version. Oh well.

so, I played today for the first time, and its already my 2nd favorite fighter ever.

does it have online?

No online…

ok ty

I hear you. The ONLY reason I’m not buying it anyway is that I have access to both ps2/CRT and arcade. If I had no other way to play CvS2, I would hella buy that shit.

Just doing a quick search for guys that sell JP PSN cards, the cheapest one I found sold 1000 yen for $19 and some change. And since no one can sell 200yen, I’d have drop another $20 on another 1000yen. I’ll just keep playing it on my PS2 or PC.

I have arcade access, PS2 and Dreamcast version… and I bought PS3 port anyway. Fuck it.

And yeah… I’m on record saying there’s lag. There is. But unless you have a good history with the game, you won’t notice. It doesn’t matter. Buy it and play it.

In case if anyone does not know how to create Jap account here goes step by step: