i thought the lag was way more than 1-2 frames. it was basically unplayable for me, also skips frames a ton
Is it because PS3’s just emulate PS2 games unlike the old PS3’s that had the actual hardware in them?
Frameskipping, really? That’s very surprising - I can’t imagine ps3 hardware would have difficulty emulating the game. Then again, I have yet to play a single ps2 game on ps3, maybe the problem is more pervasive than just punishment for us cvs2 players.
Man… I hope CVS2 gets a fixed network so that it can be playable. I really want this on the our PSN badly!
Well the director is making noise at Capcom to get CvS2 and Rival Schools a proper port.
The man is you.
Funny how Itsuno directed my favorite fighter of all time and is responsible for nearing killing my favorite action game once (DMC2) and is now created this bastardized version of my favorite character.
Either way, here’s to hoping for a CvS2:OE
This site is a BIT more cheaper, (the overall price that is) but the cheapest deal is 3000 points, no 1500 points.
Nice. I doubt this will be the version of choice people will play though.
More info coming next year for the US release. I’m assuming it’s just a PS2 classic and will still have the frame skipping and input lag.
God please release CvS2 for X360 with netplay.
Yes plz. Without online it is pretty useless. DC was the best rendition, just about arcade perfect, please release on xbox 360 arcade perfect. I don’t need any idiotic improvements capcom just give us the game how it was meant to be.
I mean damn, it can’t be that hard. I’d gladly pay full price of one of todays current games for it.
You and me both! It is by far my favorite fighting game, i would have no problem paying sixty bucks for it… Untouched and arcade perfect with RC’ing. Capcom always feels the need to “improve” things, or change the new ports… Just leave it alone, the game was perfect. imo.
I love both of you guys.
I miss ironactiv8
Eh, I’ll stick to playing CvS2 on Dreamcast.
People still have those, right?
My local scene still uses DC to play Marvel 2.
Has capcom released any word on a US release?
I never knew it got released on PSN/JPN, so you’d think a US release is a natural progression.
I’ve been going back and playing some old SF games just to spice things up and go down memory lane (loving Alpha 3 right now)
I’d KILL for some CVS2, I only have it on Xbox and I can’t use my fight stick of course – for the life of me I can’t see how I ever played on a controller, lol I’m forever spoiled…