So it's on the JP PSN store

Guh, no update please. We all saw how ST ended up.

That Ricky vs. Combofiend match was too good. Ratio 2, the original comeback mechanic man.

Fantastic. According to the reply in my Ask Capcom thread:

Here’s the deal with CvS2:

Apr 24, 2013 – 4:42PM, Sven wrote:
CVS2 still supposed to happen. Code is all approved by Sony FQA. It’s now awaiting legal clearance from Capcom Japan to finalize the deal with SNK. Now before you ask “hey it’s out in Japan, that deal must be done already”… evidentaly, that deal didn’t include territories outside Japan originally so they have to go back and get them added before it can be released.

Unfortunately, there’s no timeframe to be given.

Damn it.

Damn. Looks like I’m lugging my PC around for a bit. XD

Did they try to address any issues with input lag before submitting it to Sony FQA tho?


If it’s a direct port, no.