Someone’s mad at their well-earned title… :lol:
'Confidence is key... I mistakenly used to look at top players as untouchable' -...
If there was any ever doubt that Du "Liquid|NuckleDu" Dang was a top contender in Ultra Street ...
Someone’s mad at their well-earned title… :lol:
Those PMs, though…
Po can hold my ballz. Salty cuz i beat LW. He doubted me. Now hold that L po. And then cone hold this personal L
For the record po, even if we didn’t let dre and smashbros get the points, LW would have automatically won the league.
But he didnt tho. I won =)
I shouldn’t have gotten that far to begin with.
LOL what da fuq. Congratz on the win dre. Cant wait to see the set, you took out lw xD good shit.
Could you please not flaunt that like it’s some impressive feat. Beating me is not that much of an accomplishment.
Get off that im not great boat you on. You re a great player along with emblemlord and dre. You re one of the best on here. By you losing it really shows dre is improving with his offline play. He s learning more, so yes its impressive to me. Fuck outta here with that pitty shit lw. You know im not going to pull what i say.
LW ppl have been doubting me somewhat. Honestly i think were both really good. But u shouldnt keep insulting urself. Its wrong and its discrediting my victory.
Bro u 2-0ed me to start the set. I had to adapt and adjust. We both did good.
I insult myself because I don’t deserve praise for my current level of play. I’m not very good in the grand scheme of things.
Misplaced confidence in myself is the reason that I’m not better than I am right now. Removing that confidence and accepting reality is what pushes me forward.
Oh, so it was a runback? Sounds kinda like a reverse of your FT10 situation.
LW ppl have been doubting me somewhat. Honestly i think were both really good. But u shouldnt keep insulting urself. Its wrong and its discrediting my victory.
Bro u 2-0ed me to start the set. I had to adapt and adjust. We both did good.
People doubt your ass because
A. Your intronetz is worse than what i had in 1998
B. You make it seem like your controller is inside a blender while you play.
Truth be told, some of us know you re a solid player, online just doesnt show it.
There’s a difference between confidence and overconfidence
Heck, a lack of confidence is detrimental as much as overconfidence is
When you are overconfident, your skills stagnate.
When you are underconfident, your skills deteriorate.
Constantly belittling yourself is not a way to manage misplaced confidence. You want to humble yourself, not fall into despair. Despair leads to a lack of drive, leads to sloppy play. It’s the same reason people lose to ‘pro players’ when they have no reason to and half of the reason ‘The Wong Factor’ is a thing.
Listen to KnuckleDu
If there was any ever doubt that Du "Liquid|NuckleDu" Dang was a top contender in Ultra Street ...
DISCLAIMER: I have not currently listened to KnuckleDu
@ doubting Dre
It doesn’t help that you use Mario, a character who benefits a lot from lag compared to some other top characters like Rosa or ZSS
Why is pha-ggot sensored?!
I guess they’re hard on some stuff.
N/C words and what you wanted are censored
Don’t beat yourself up, LW. Can’t win em all… 3-2 is nothing to feel bad about, unless you think Dre is that ass lol.
Why is pha-ggot sensored?!
I guess they’re hard on some stuff.
N/C words and what you wanted are censored
I’ll beat myself up until I can consider myself a good player.
At least Windalfr seems to agree with what I’ve been saying.
I’ll beat myself up until I can consider myself a good player.
At least Windalfr seems to agree with what I’ve been saying.
You are a good player. Great, at that. You’re just not the best. It’s your prerogative to be mad at yourself for that, because your depiction of yourself is all that matters in the end. However, as long as you use it as a means to motivate yourself to improve and not sink into depression because of it, it’s all good.
Get off that im not great boat you on. You re a great player along with Davidstar and Swirlyglases. You re one of the best on here. By you losing it really shows dre is improving with his offline play. He s learning more, so yes its impressive to me. Fuck outta here with that pitty shit lw. You know im not going to pull what i say.