Smash League 2.0 Thread: Hammerspace 9

Then you’ll beat yourself up forever, since doing so to the degree you are is putting you further from ‘great player’ status.

Dre still scrub status.

Everybody gets lucky once.

I wanna FT10 u so bad po. Im tired of ur mouth lol

I’m in

Hey boys, it’s LEAGUE TIME!

Feel free to start your matches when I upload this week’s matches

And while we’re at it, please chime in and let everyone in the thread know if your connection is wired or not. While not ruled out, an unwired connection is frowned upon.

Cynt vs PA

Mood vs Kabo

Po vs Davidstar

SH vs Dre

LW vs Manie

Wireless, because Nintendo are nickel and diming assholes.

Ill be wired when i play.

Poor, poor Sonichuman…

you said the third!

Wired, and when we doing this bitch?

@dre37k, let your bro know that I’ll be able to play this weekend. I’m assuming he’ll be available then as well.

Poor LW too…

If the connection proves to be a problem once more, CG will simply remove them from the league until their connection issues are settled.

Ummm, we can do it tomorrow night

I’m wireless but my Wii U is 2 feet from the router and I have fios so people shouldn’t have issues.

I had the same thing but fuck fios shitty router

It really should be wired or go home.

All 4 of my USB ports are being used sooooooooo…

So get a hub or unplug something.

Assuming you run Smash off a disc you should need 3 USB ports to play wired with a Gamecube controller, 2 if you can live without rumble.

If you run off an external that needs a Y cable you’ll need a hub.