Skullgirls franchise only for PC?

On the Neogaf Skullgirls thread, they are talking if maybe the developers have found a problem about how to update the PS3 and the PC version if they will have crossplataform, also even it will better if the developers and the FGC move to the PC.

Oil… good intentions only get one so far. Everyone can tell that you’re interested in the game, but you obsess over it and make very unnecessary and/or annoying comments. And that does nothing to support your cause. Griping at people and complaining to people who have been waiting just as long as you have, except a lot more calmly, will only get them agitated. They dont need to be reminded. There’s a reason they’re in the SG forums. If you really want to reach new players, it’d make more sense to do it in a different forum in a calm and logical manner.

Just relax and stop obsessing for a bit. It’s like that overly attached girlfriend meme, dude/dudette. Just chill.

I’m probably the only shithead in this forum for SG that knows the utter pain in the ass that is running tournaments / gatherings / god damn anything with fighting games on a PC. Melty Blood started out as a PC game, then it went to arcades, then back to PC, then back to arcades, then to PS2, then to PC, then to arcades, then to PS2, then to arcades ,then to PC, then to arcades, then nothing.

The patches for any PC version of the game came swiftly. They were fast, easy, and not a bother. The PC ports tended to be closest to the arcade rendition. Netplay hacks helped people play online too. At the time of each new release however, it was the console releases that brought in new people, always. The game dropping on the PS2 three or so years ago led to our largest tournament prior to Evolution (and FR this year), and I firmly believe if it wasn’t on the PS2 getting into Evo would have been close to impossible. There’s also the fact that this is an import only title we’re talking about, thus you needed a JP PS2 or had to mod your own, the hurdles we faced and overcame were many but we did it.

Of course at the time you needed an USB adapter of some sort to play on the PC, and to be honest Ecole / Frenchbread aren’t the smartest in porting the game. It was a memory hog on the PC and the first PS2 version was vastly different than the arcade rendition at the time.

Honestly though, running tournaments for the game was a giant, giant, pain in the ass. Everyone’s computer or laptop was different, the game would work flawlessly on some set ups and pure shit on others. We had a set up or two freeze up / die in the middle of tournament too. The worst part is that for major tournaments it was really hard to get the set ups we needed, and if we did get them it was the bare minimum that we needed, meaning if something went wrong we had that much more shit to deal with. And to be bluntly honest alot of the folks who played the PC port of Melty were selfish little shits because it was convenient to them. A huge number of them never stepped foot outside of their house thanks to how easy it was to netplay, we essentially foreshadowed what the FGC turned into 3-4 years later.

Now, well everyone has a stick or controller you can use on PC easily. The PC has an actual market to make use of as well. PC’s have gotten faster, better, whatever. Consoles are turning into PC’s at this point anyway, and I think eventually most entertainment will migrate to the PC.

For now though, keep shit on consoles. I want a PC port for SG because I want more people to play and enjoy this game, and for the developers to get more money (fuck anyone who has to wait for a steam sale to buy a $15 game), but I have little faith that a PC port will suddenly get more folks to tournaments / a larger scene. I can be amazingly wrong of course, which I have no problem with.

Part of the reason I think that the PS2 version of MB led to the biggest turnout of players is that like criminals in batman, FG players are often a “superstitious cowardly lot” and the PC strikes terror into their hearts. (How often do you see a FG player instinctively think that “something was changed” in a new revision of a game only to find out later it wasn’t changed and they just thought it felt different because the other actual changes were on their mind."

That and a large majority of FG fans grew up on arcades and SNES/PS1 and weren’t heavily exposed to the PC gaming scene until gaming itself (both on console or PC) became much more socially acceptable in the last 10years. Not a hard set rule, I’m sure PLENTY of FG players have been using Computers since they were in diapers staging grudge matches and rivalries with other babies to get hype. However I doubt it is the norm.

Actually, my introduction to competetive fighting games was on the PC. I have the unfortunate disadvantage of living “in the sticks” (according to Eventhubs’ fight tracker the closest player is 170 miles away). So, in person multiplayer has never been an option. When 2DF (I think it’s Supercade now?) and GGPO came along that was the first time I was ever able to play against other people beyond my immediate family.

lol I stand by my decisions

On Topic: I really don’t think a new indie ip in a super niche genre should become pc only. Especially this early in its life

This reminds me, I was actually considering writing a front page article on whether or not PCs could become a viable alternative to consoles. I wonder if I should consider doing one now.

Ravidrath in Neogaf is talking they are having problems with the crossplay.

"Crossplay probably just isn’t realistically attainable this generation, because the possible matchmaking solutions aren’t good now.

We were hoping we could go with Steam, but PS3 Steam isn’t an approved middleware by Sony, and likely never will be.

If we went with something like Gamespy, there’d be a ton of hassle in getting everyone set up to play online because no one has Gamespy friend lists."

"We know how to do it, it’s just that the ways to do it aren’t very good right or logistically possible right now.

If we ever get to Skullgirls 2, I think we’d try to make this a priority and try to have our own servers or something so as many platforms as possible could play against each other."

Well if they cant add the crossplay its ok and at least they have ideas for this in the future of the franchise.

Also Skullgirls without crossplay can has benefits too because of the mods, imagine Skullgirls Double Rainbow Edition.

Having problems with crossplay, having problems with layoffs. Having a lot of problems these days.

I’m sorry that the entire team losing their jobs 5 months ago is inconvenient for you.

No sweat off mine. 5 months ago was the last time I imagined this game would ever show up on PC.

I’d still play the pc version without crossplay, but damn that was a pretty enticing feature.

When you consider that Valve/Hidden Path dropped Crossplatform play between PC and PS3 for Counterstrike: GO, even though Portal 2 was already out and had xplay I think it speaks to the hidden hurdles Sony has setup for developers. Something tells me that there wont ever be any more Steam on PS3 releases because Sony is scared of opening up their console and how it might affect PSN sales.

Today I decided to purchase Awesomenauts, It is a 2D MOBA with a lot of support, for the PC, and I say this because the developers said that they cant update the console versions anymore because of these problems posted in their forum.

“Here’s an outline of the problems:
-Console patching/DLC is very expensive (although the reasons are more complex than simply that a certain console manufacturer may or may not charge a certain amount of money).
-Console patching/DLC is not just expensive, it also has some very severe technical limitations on certain consoles. We cannot go into details, but creating a console patch with the amount of changes we have would just be incredibly complex and thus a lot of work. For example, all the characters were remade for the PC version to allow for free-aim and we would need to use the new versions to get Raelynn working on console, making the patch very big, which is problematic on certain consoles.
-Steam patching is ridiculously easy. The patching there is so easy and inexpensive that it would be almost weird not to patch on Steam. Seriously, Valve did a fantastic job.
-The game sold fine on console, but it took us three years to make the game and thus a lot of money. Some people say we should spend our money to create console patches, but as a company we also need to make back our investment for development of the game in the first place.
-There needs to be a certain balance between how much it costs us to do a patch, and how much extra money through sales/DLC that patch makes. Because the whole patching story is so expensive on console, it is difficult to make it work financially.
-The Steam version is owned entirely by Ronimo, while the console version is done together with a publisher (DTP). That makes the finances and practicalities a lot more complex, and DTP being insolvent right now also adds more complexity to the whole situation. We cannot comment on any details, but let’s just say that it is a lot simpler to make business decisions for the Steam version.”

Like I said before, for competitive games that you need to update and create more content, the PC is the best choice, Also a question for console players, if Lab Zero Games finish the PC port and they decide to do the same like the developers of Awesomenauts, What will you say? because Its not the first time a developer do that and I saw a lot of users raging because they only care about his version of the game and not in the developers, blaming them for leave the console version without updates.

Maybe in the future but not now. Each platform has benefits and cons about them. That’s just one side of the problem/situation.

It’s not the best choice. Stop running your opinion around like fact.

Its the best choice for the developers of an indie game, of course It has cons for the FGC because of the tournaments, the arcade sticks and so,

You are looking at this through one side, your own.

As an indie game, yeah maybe releasing it on PC would be most beneficial.

To Mike and crew who wanted people to play the game and not just wait for it to be bought every six months as part of a ‘oh it costs $4 now I can get that and never do with it’ they wanted the largest crowd of people to play it, enjoy it, dissect it, and all that good stuff, well console release was a no brainer.

There is a market for folks to buy fighting games on the PC.

There is no competitive scene for said market though.

I’ve registered here just to say that you are annoying little fuck, sir. Shit, just stop posting please, its embarassing to watch you! DAMN, so pissed by this guy, are you 12 y.o. or smth?

PS Oil R, are you russian btw? >:3

Well the problem with competitive scene is the netcode, Even with a good netcode nobody takes seriously online matches in fighting games. In RTS, shooters, MOBAS even with a bit of lag the games work fine, but for Fighting games you need an offline tournament to show real skill.

Also I understand the FGC its a console community and of course they have more fans and that means more sales, a lot of indie developers brings their games to consoles because of the good sales, the problem is when they need to create more content, with a single player game like Braid you dont need to patch it but if its a competitive game its another story.

But dont worry because Mike will never leave the consoles, at least with Skullgirls.