Skullgirls franchise only for PC?

It seems Reverge Labs is having a lot of problems with the First Parties because of the cost for patching, what about if they continue the franchise only for PC?, a lot of developers like Robot Entertaiment from Orcs Must Die,Trendy Entertainment from Dungeon Defenders or Overkill Software from Payday: The Heist left the consoles because of all this patching and approval madness and they continue their franchises on PC with new games, content and patches, if you dont have a very successful game like Minecraft, its very hard to make money with a indie game in the consoles market, thats why a lot of developers focus now on PC after see this on consoles.

Think about it, if Skullgirls was released for PC in the first place:
No problems with patching
They dont have to spend money in patches and use the money for DLC
Fast Support.

Maybe you think “GO TO HELL I WANT THIS ON MY CONSOLE”, then dont think only about yourself and think about this company and how they are losing money,

Offline tournaments are on consoles though.

You mean Offline tournaments for fighting games, because offline tournaments on PCs as old as our grandpas.

Just like when melty blood was on pc and nobody gave it a shit?!No

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Yeah because if Melty Blood was on consoles It could has a bigger scene than SFIV, ask that to Arcana Heart.

One of the goals of the project was to present and make standard features for fighting games for plug and play consoles like: button checks (though most non capcom titles have this), hold to pause, unplugging of sticks being handle well, etc not mention every other fighter is on console so good luck saturating even a remotely mainstream if you can’t just play it on the equipment all the TOs already have. Can’t exactly find your target market with all but the death of LAN in PC.
They wouldn’t have predicted their publisher butt fucking them.

And Melty Blood isn’t a fair example because you couldn’t even (legally) get the game more than half the releases.

I thought the rights to SG was sold to Konami or Autumn games… If Reverge still owned most of the SG name, then that might be a fine idea, but as it stands now Konami or Autumn is calling the shots and I have no idea how they feel about Steam (or whatever service) being their main source of income for SG.

Also look this chart of the most played tittles on PC for Games For Windows Live

Games for Windows Top LIVE Titles (based on UU’s)

SSFIV AE is 4th, only a F2P title and two big hits are above, so there is market for Fighting games on PC if you do the things well.


2 Dark Souls

3 Age of Empires Online

4 Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition

5 Bioshock 2

6 Batman Arkham City

7 Resident Evil 5

8 Fallout 3

9 Dead Rising 2

10 DiRT 3

11 Microsoft Flight

12 F1 2011

13 Fable III

14 Section 8: Prejudice

15 Batman: Arkham Asylum

16 Street Fighter IV

17 Colin McRae : Dirt 2

18 F1 2010

19 Resident Evil Racoon City

20 Bulletstorm

I doubt TOs will dash out the cash to get PC setups. If more fighters were released on PC I can see it happening.

The patching thing does make a lot of sense. It’s something I’ve worried about with the PC version waiting on the PS3 version. If there are bugs (there will be), do we have to wait on the PS3 version to get them fixed, due to crossplay? It seems like we’d want to get those ironed out as ASAP before the patch hits consoles. This one patch has taken half a year to hit consoles, and if the PC version has to wait on them we’ll likely be stuck with PC version bugs forever…

Also I dont know why PC users have to wait for the release of the patch to get news about this version, its not our fault Microsoft/Sony take an eternity to approval a gameplay change patch and I wonder who the hell thinks that this silence is good.

So… was this thread you for “The betterment of the Skullgirls Community”, or you still not getting over the fact that you do indeed have to wait for content to be finished and delivered? The PC FGC exists, but it isn’t nearly as big as PS3+360 FGC. Get over it.

Instead of spending all your time sitting on your ass and complaining as an anonymous internet man (not that the wait isn’t messed up, but still,) you could have done any number of things. We knew there was going to be a wait for the PC port in the first place, but I’ll just pretend it was an unpleasant surprise when the game dropped. In the eight months since release you could have gathered enough money for a used 360/PS3 as well as a copy of Skullgirls, though you probably could have gotten both systems and SGs for each. In eight months you could have spent your time doing something constructive, even if just in the Skullgirls scene, like helping spread word about this game to people near you, other places on the internet, a nearby school (with posters, or flyers, or something). You could have spent the time going to college for something, maybe even something in Game Design. You could have spent the time learning C++ and started making your own games, eventually getting hired by people you like (RL, or someone else in the future) to help make your favorite game better. You could have done any number of things.

No, it’s not your fault there’s a wait, but it’s not MS/Sony/Autumn/Reverge Labs/Mike Z/the FGC’s fault that the only thing you apparently have going in your life is waiting for the PC Port of a game that, from the looks of things, potentially may not even get any additional content (PC PORT INCLUDED!).

I know it may sound harsh, and I don’t want you to leave or stop posting, but COME ON! I’m tired of the fact that every time I check Skullgirls status on here, to see something positive, like if someone posted new Fan Art, or to see what other people are doing in the “While waiting for the Patch” thread, or maybe watch some of the awesome stuff they’re doing a Salty Cupcakes, or see the latest news on anything, I see you… in what I like to imagine is a girly, higher-than-tolerable pitched whine… asking about the PC Port. “Why isn’t it here”, “When will it be here”, “It should be here”, “Why aren’t they telling us an exact estimate on when it’ll be here”, “The date that they guessed was wrong”, “Why can’t we focus on the PC Port”, Jesus Fucking Christ, Kid, CUT IT OUT!

I could simply hit Ignore, never have to hear you again, but I don’t like that option. Seems like every 200 posts, you put something useful up. And you aren’t trying to be annoying, and I may be the only one annoyed, but… Damn. Do something constructive.

Just making sure that I’m watching this thread.

This one’s gonna be funny.

Maybe they could use the PC platform to boost their financial status, maybe gain some more recognition and whatnot, and *then *start putting the *next *Skullgirls on consoles.

I do


  1. Writing a thread only takes 5 five minutes, Im not here forever like Cartman waiting the Wii at the store.
    2., I dont want consoles.
  2. I told my friends about this game, thats why Im saying since months where is the port, I dont want them to lose interested in the game, in other forums people was asking for the game a lot, now they lost interest and I think thats important dont you think?
  3. I WANT to BUY the game, its not like Im expecting a free patch, I want to throw money at MikeZ, thats why I dont understand why the silence, there are people complaining for the waiting of a free patch but Im complaining because We dont have information for a game that we want to pay and support.

But Ok I will not post again until the patch is out.

There’s a market on PC. If they can get a PC version out the door it will sell well on the digital markets.

Like I said before, there is strengths and weakness to Consoles and PCs for Fighting Games.

Consoles advantage are that

  • It’s easier to setup in tournaments
  • Accesable controllers and ways to market to FG gamers things that other Fighters don’t do.

Console disadvantages are that…

  • Patching/DLC is a nightmare.

PC advantages are that.

  • You get to work on your independent space and time
  • Less worthy about the

PC disadvantages

  • We are not esport. Therefore TOs trying to setup tournaments with a PC is nightmare.
  • They can’t use their gimmicks to attract FG fans with the PC. Like the Pause stuff and among other things.

Salewise Skullgirls would be better on a PC IMO first. Community wise , it would be better for it to be on a console.

If people could get LAN tournaments of Counterstrike set up on a very consistent and large-scale basis, then people can set up PC tournaments of SG without much difficulty.

The problem is that most fighting game tournaments are not exclusively one game. If SG became a primarilly PC orientated game it would need its own special PC setups at tournaments in addition to the consoles for the other games.