Skillful Rekkagnition (Fei Long Matchup Thread)

Seth vs Fei is in fei’s favor I believe. A big thing with seth is you can’t let him dive kick in, you must AA. On wake up fei can level 1 focus his dp and backdash. Forcing Seth to play the neutral game will make most Seth’s impatient and force jump-ins, this is when you must shut it down by AA’ing. Get the life lead and weather him out, he will be forced to make a mistake, capitalize and punish.

On wakeup backdash seems to be the best option most of the time. If you get clipped by a late hit of his dp during a backdash, its better than taking a hard knockdown from an spd.

A note to self, on a loaded U1 don’t focus his fireball as he can react and ultra, try an empty jump bait.

…Need some Akuma help. The KD mixups, the air fireball traps in the corner…pretty lost here as a Fei noob.

Punishes aren’t clear either. JabxxRekka seems to only work for deep RH on block.

If he’s doing mixups after KD, you can try dashing the opposite side, or just blocking with the crossup tatsu. His sweep ain’t safe (-9), so you can :mp: rekka.

You can safe jump him on back throw jump in :hp:. You’re probably not going to keep him in the corner forever, so you have to maximize on damage when you have the chance. His :f: :hk: is like 0 on block, so you have to be weary of that. You can OS his teleports.

Fei loses the matchup 6-4, so I tend to try and be more defensive and shut down his vortex options.

Thanks guys, this thread is super useful. Can you please help out a Fei apprentice with his worst nightmares, Balrog and Guile?

Against Balrog, I can’t handle his spam of dash-punches, and neutral jumping on them on reaction is very hard. I also get caught by his overhead punch into ultra way too many times, which is almost unreactable if done at the right time. His sweep is absolutely broken in my opinion, it shuts down everything I do for free basically and it makes it very hard to get in. Overall, I find this fight very frustrating, Balrog seems like such a braindead character, all he has to do is spam punches, jabs and sweeps all day and his most random moves (jabs, overhead punch, random headbutt) ALL lead into an easy ultra and me being cornered.

Guile also shuts down many of my options, my chicken wing can’t punish his booms and sometimes he can punch through them on reaction. Focusing through his fireballs is risky, because they’re super slow and he can forward + fierce my focus. Jumping is the worst thing to do, as we all know… What do I do?

Both of those matchups Fei loses 6-4. With Balrog, I struggle with that too. If he’s hitting you with overhead (especially EX), it’s because you’re crouching low. He’s - on that. Stand up, st :lp: x rekka. If he’s spamming dash punches, 1) he can be thrown out of them, and 2) don’t press anything (I have to work on this too). On TAP lvl 1, he’s -2, and probably buffering Headbutt. Don’t jump at him directly, he’s got a button for that. Safe jump, or try jump in with :mp:. I think you at least trade, but I could be wrong.

On all headbutts, on whiff, punish for free. Rekkas, Super, Ultra for free. On Dash Uppers, they’re hard to react to. And on ex, he’s -1. Sweep isn’t OP or broken. It’s -6, so you can only really hit him with cr :mp:, cr :mk: sweep (if in range).

And if he tries to backdash on KD, OS with cr :lk: x cr :lk: :hp:, or OS Super.

Guile, the bane of my existence!! Lol. You wanna get to him early and often, and NEVER LET HIM OUT OF THE CORNER! Ever.

You can punish his sweeps with straight rekkas, Super, and Ultra on the 2nd leg. Don’t jump at him. I talked to Jason24cf at Spring Fest, and he was saying in a conversation with Dieminion that Guile has no 2 for 1’s. So what I try to do instead of CW is just take chip or focus at max range the booms. If you have meter, you can use it for ex CW just to get there. Once in the corner, you literally cannot let him leave. His walkspeed is way too fast. So defensive minded Guiles will shut you out with normals. Expect that. Watch for reversal flash kicks (which was easily punishable).

Both are difficult matches, and both you have to play and most importantly, stay patient.

Thanks DoctorP.

I was wondering if there was any safe way to deal with the mixup Balrog gets everytime I block a TAP. Even if he’s -2, he’s in throw range AND in headbutt range, and I basically have to guess between block or throw, since headbutt beats all my options besides block, and throw beats block. Granted, it’s risky for him to go for the headbutt, but if he guesses right, the reward is sooo much bigger than mine.

Is there a way to get out of that situation safely, or at least to avoid the guessing game? I tried with and then block, to see if I recover in time to block the headbutt, but it’s way too unreliable (at least for me).

Like you said, after his TAP, it’s a guess. See the pattern. Play lame in that situation, because he won’t always go for throw or headbutt. If you’re low on HP at that point, Rog may just try for the headbutt just to see if you were pressing buttons. I don’t think he can be thrown at out of TAP, he can on his other dash punches. But I think in that match, you have to close the distance early. Which means putting yourself in territory to get hit.

j.HK is great against U1 giefs that like to whiff HK > SPD

I play a Rog (albeit not a very good one lol), so if you wanna get some sets in, I’m game for it.

Hey everyone,

Even though some community tierlists tend to say that Fei vs Chun is 6-4 or 5.5-4.5, I don’t really feel that way. (And Mago apparently isn’t either)
I feel like no matter how I position myself, there is no better space than being in Chun’s face. Fullscreen she wins, footsie range she wins, midscreen she wins, neutral jumps don’t help, it’s not like I can be in a range where I would jump in since it’s easy for her to keep that simple st.fp range.

How do you guys go with the Chun matchup? Am I missing/not seeing something essential?

What are you trying to jump in with? Jump :mp: is our best air normal. Stay within :lp: rekka range. Her sweep is -5, so you can’t rekka, but if spaced poorly, hit her with cr :mp: or :mk:. Or catch her on her recovery with those rekkas. I woudn’t CW to her often because Fei flies over her.

This was from the How to not suck with Fei Long post. It’s still applicable:

Focus is great in this fight at mid range where chun likes to use her excellent pokes. Meet her in the air with jump :hk:, out poke her, and get on top of her. She has very few answers to cl. :mp: which allows you to work your pressure game. Use it on wake up but be careful of EX spinning bird kick (-18 on block). Bait it and neutral jump to punish it, or block and punish with rekkas. Overall, a pretty easy fight for Fei once you learn it.

Here was a video from Evo with Fuudo playing Lexy. Use it for some tips.

If she has no meter, she’s not much of a challenge. Her fireballs are all minus on block, so up close, she can’t rely on them. Cr :hp: can beat out her St :hk:. Same probably for cr :mp: or :mk:. That match up is pure footsies battle. Anti air is a necessity. :b: :db: :k: FTW. You see how Fuudo shut down those jump ins from Chun and won a round in the 2nd set just shutting down her jump in options.

I try to treat the matchup like I would Guile. Focus to get in, stay within range, and punish heavily when I can. Also all versions of Hazan Shu are -1 on block. You can focus crumple x rekka, super ultra if they’re spamming that out.

I see, those are some nice points, I appreciate your help : )
I was just wondering tho - what would be the best course of action if she keeps charging up by walking backwards, I keep my lp rekka range and she does fireball->walkup? Neutral jump will obviously lose, since her air2air normals work great, it might be a bit difficult to do EX CW on reaction. Is it the best just to block and be glad that she put herself closer to the corner? Whatever she does after that I guess she loses momentum.

If she’s walking herself backwards, she’s either 1) charging or 2) helping you by putting herself there. Now she’s charging for certain anytime she’s walking backwards or crouching. Just walk :f: in that case and be prepared to block. Once you’re in there, you HAVE TO STAY THERE. Her walkspeed/pokes are why it’s a rough matchup for us. If she does fireball, and you have meter, EX CW through there to get dmg on her. Or just focus it. Or neutral jump. We’re +4 on :hk: CW/:3k: CW hit so jab x rekkas or :hp: rekkas/flame kick are options.

I think we do lose that match but it’s close, maybe 5.5/4.5 just because of her long pokes. (We’re probably gonna lose it outright in USF4 thanks to those nerf smh) I wouldn’t rely on jumping much, because she has air throw, but just to let her know you’re gonna do it from time to time.

Also OS’. The Option-Select thread - Decimate your opponent On KD, if Chun backdashes, I like to use cr :hp: often.

Keep practicing, stay patient, and you’ll get there.

Help me fei long masters! I recently got bodied by a good el fuerte and juri and didn’t know how to react. I know you have to guess a lot with fuerte, but what is solid advice? With Juri she just zoned me out and anti-aired with

Just asking for some solid matchup musts, thanks!

Rush ELF’s ass down, don’t play a neutral game much with him.

Play a solid game first with Juri. Make sure to punish EX Pinwheels with raw U1. My experience says that whiffing in lp rekka range is good, since it beats all of her pokes (and her hopkick) quite easily. If you’re being zoned out, try to work on slowly pushing her into the corner. Juris tend to be suicidal and do some silly mistake like divekick when approaching you. Just don’t eat stupid damage.

Both matchups we win & both you have to be aggressive to win. Juri has really good anti air normals so safe jump when possible. Ex pinwheels are really her only wakeup option, and you can punish heavily like Pureken said. If the Juri plays offensively, they are playing her wrong, cuz doesn’t do a ton of dmg. Focus thru fireballs or just take chip dmg as you inch her to the corner.

With elf, it is a guessing game but he doesn’t do great dmg either. Quesadilla bomb are not safe on block, rekka that all day. Same for super.

His body splash can be focused but you can’t hit him out of it. His sweep is -1, which makes him mostly safe except if you setup rekkas slightly out of that sweep range. Stay up on him to cut down on the shenanigans.

The body splash isn’t untechable either so you can quick stand, dash forward to avoid and hit 3 rekka’s from the other side for a full punish. Elf is also really susceptible to throws and neutral jumps and you can focus crumple his slide.

Horse shit character to deal with really. I’ve got a videos of me vs a good elf player but seriously it’s all just reactions and flailing around.

Thanks for the advice, yeah I think i tried to play too legit against el fuerte, I was trying to play solid, i’ll play like a nut next time we meet.

I’ve played some Juris since then and I think I know the matchup, its just that the Juri was better than me :stuck_out_tongue:

how do you deal against ehonda’s buttslam? he’s only @ -2 on block

On block ? Nothing if not hard version (-3). But you can beat all versions clean with a well timed st.HP. Otherwise just flamekick it.

On my part I’d like some inputs on Adon. I don’t know how to deal with JK pressure and freakin st.HK. Usually it’s not an issue but against argueably the best french Adon it’s more difficult.

/!\ French speaking inside

And yeah I know badly space chicken wing. Don’t pay attention to the mirror match right after I did utter crap ahah.