Since the SFIII rom has been hacked

You obviously have no friggin clue what it’s like to main N Ken. It’s not human error, it’s a bad decision by the ST designers. I’m sure that even top players like Aniken would be happy if the Crazy Kick motions were made less obtrusive.

Adding a hop after Vega does his walldive would be a welcome change.

oh yes… finally someone that really knows what we’re talking about!, crazy kicks out of nowhere is just lame!

You can just hold your kick down and you won’t get negative edge.

If by pretty good you mean like how he’s pretty good at capturing the retarded and vacuous imagination of the average prepubescent 10-year-old internet scrub and deluding himself into thinking he’s anything more than a run-of-the-mill youtube troll, then yes, I agree; he’s not only pretty good, he’s fucking great.

I know who you are because your so-far-from-up-to-par gameplay epitomizes and is representative of what the east coast will have to offer at Tougeki '10.

Spare yourselves the embarrassment on July 24th and use that money to fly in John Choi, GigaMSX and Afrolegends for the SBO qualifier so that the US can be properly represented. If that’s not possible, forfeit your spots to the Three Wise Monkeys.

I’m curious why doesn’t GigaMSX go to tournies like Evo and SBO quals? His Dictator is really incredible.

I spoke to Giga, over a year ago I think, and he said that he was retiring from ST for good. He took all of his YouTube videos down and I haven’t seen him on GGPO since. Daigo said that Giga was the best O.Sagat that he had ever faced, better than Choi, Valle, and Wong. And he was certainly the best Dictator outside of Japan when he was playing. Tremendous patience, execution, and understanding of the character. He once said to me, “there are only two games worth playing, ST and Virtua Fighter”. Legendary player and one of my favorites. GigaMSX.

DSP was top 8 for ST at EVO in 2005 and won EVO-East in 2007. So to outright state, or even imply, that DSP isn’t good at ST is ludicrous. You honestly sound like you have a personal vendetta against him.

@bmn, it means a lot that you spent your time watching my matches, it’s flattering though can’t say I would ever do the same for you. God bless you and your family

See you guys at sbo quals, ill try not to suck

Stop hating. Why don’t you do something productive and try supporting the players. No instead youre just angry that your straight garbage in the game and can’t even compete with us.

ST is my favourite game ever and this statement is still so wrong lol.

I meant that I don’t think the game should be changed.

I have a vendetta against the blind leading the blind in the perpetuation of this myth that he’s “good”. What’s your definition of good? Evo-East? A regional? Really? He beat Wong, who forfeited against damdai at Final Round XIII. That should tell you all you need to know about how seriously he takes ST/HDR. He doesn’t play it and pretty much made it clear that he doesn’t even like it. What does that say about the competition on the EC, or lack thereof, when Wong was the best player on your coast in a game he doesn’t even like much less play? Top 8 in '05? Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while. I’d like to see who he beat to get there.

Evo lets anyone and everyone play so obviously the quality of competition will be severely lacking and not be nearly what it should until the end. Depending on the amount of entries for x game, and at the time ST was one of them, you can work your way up to top 8 and not have played anyone of any significance. There’s a very small pool of players in the US that should be the measuring stick for success and the accurate appraisal of one’s skill set. He’s not in that pool. If anything, he’s in the toddler kiddie pool as far as I’m and anyone else with half a brain is concerned.

Words from Afrolegends himself. Pretty sure this is the consensus among people that matter i.e., top players. Really though, it should be the general agreement among everyone with even a modicum of common sense. Thread for validity:

VF4, you seem to be well-versed in the goings-on of the ST scene as a whole, so it comes as somewhat of a surprise that you would be one of the sheep steadfast in the fallacy that he’s good. You’ve watched tons of Japanese vids and some of the higher quality play from legit top players stateside for many years now. After watching those and then going back to watch DSP, can you earnestly not differentiate the stark contrast in quality of play between one side and the other? Not only is it not close, it’s not even remotely close to being close. Quite frankly, it’s pathetic. If you want to say he’s “good” relative to the aggregate competition and skill level of the US, then I suppose you could make that case. But really, calling someone good under that premise is really not saying much and should most certainly be taken as a backhanded compliment. To claim that he’s good under any other viable premise is really what’s ludicrous.

Yes, your half-witted compadre DSP successfully trolled me into watching three of your vids and as a result, wasted 10 min. of my life I’ll never get back. If all you can muster is JUST to try not to suck, chances are you’re probably going to suck. Good luck, though.

LOL @ “us”. Who are you again? Ah yes, another blind supporter and avid contributor to the DSP Trolls “R” Us brigade. Stop. Just stop. Grow a set of eyes that don’t have rose-colored glasses attached to them and then get back to me, thanks.

lol wow,

so you admittedly went to dsp’s channel and watched his videos…

went through srk and read conversations from years ago he had with other people and re-posted them

came into this thread brought his name up for no reason and just typed a marathon post about him

are you sure you hate him or do you have a crush?

I agree John, it’s a thin line between love and hate!

Does it really matter if DSP is “good” or not? I’m more of the opinion that no matter how good (or bad) you are, what matters more is whether you’re enjoying it.

Double post.

Well if you actually took the time to do your research I’m the one that owns the cab. So by you saying that I’m one of DSP’s Troll’s R Us is actually extremely funny.

As I said once and I’ll say again what are you doing for the ST community by bitching and complaining about DSP. This is exactly why the U.S. will never do well against the Japanese. Instead of trying to give CONSTRUCTIVE criticism you come on srk to bash him and everyone that’s involved with him. Who gives a damn if you lost ten minutes of your life. If you’re hating on him because he’s doing what he’s doing and is actually somewhat successful than just say it.

Judging by your join date and amount of posts you just made the account to talk trash him. Please do everyone a favor and stop spewing nonsense on SRK or any other fighting game forum.

hah your a cool guy geo, we gotta play soon

@bmn i would also just like to add that dsp did infact beat choi(who you brought up in a previous post) in 05’ and hold victories over both valle and watson at evo west 07 whom you no doubt have posters up in your room of.

second of all jwong is a strong st player who has beaten alot of big names such as nki numerous times, he also was on team usa for st in sbo 08, but you bringing him up doesnt even matter since DSP infact beat S-KILL in the finals of evo east and not justin lol

perhaps we will see you up in the standings someday bmn

Yes, I did watch. Where else could I possibly go other than DSP’s ill-conceived channel to see all things substandard and moronic? The truth today easily gets lost amid the smattering of everything, and a knowledge of nothing. Sometimes you have to subject yourself to such things to uncover the truth. If that means I have to go to the lengths I did to debunk your nonsense and expose your gullibility, then so be it.

LOL @ currying favor with geo after he called you out on your bs. You kept pining for a trivial and baseless e-apology. He refused to give you one; but because he agreed with your nonsensical ramblings, all of a sudden he’s a “cool guy” and someone you just HAVE to play SOON. Priceless. Good shit on feigning interest in wanting to play him. Are you that much of a spineless jellyfish in constant need for approval that you’re willing to do and say anything to get it? You should probably go work on that aspect of yourself because it’s pretty pathetic.

None of those things about Wong or anyone else helps validate DSP and more importantly, the east coast at ST. Nearly everything you’ve mentioned is an indictment and not a supportive cause of EC’s overall level of play.

Wong is not a “strong” player at ST. He has a firm grasp of the fundamentals which apparently is GOOD ENOUGH to scrape 95% of the EC in a game he could care two shits about and couldn’t remove himself any further from if his life depended on it. The fact that he qualified to be on Team USA in '08 pretty much encapsulates everything I’ve said about the EC up to this point, and was proven to be lollerskates when his team got embarrassed. Forfeiting at any game doesn’t equate to being a strong player… period. Already made mention of most of this in my previous post. If you took the time to read it, you would’ve seen and understood that. Reading comprehension is a skill.

With all due respect to NKI and s-kill, if you’re just talking purely about actual gameplay, they’re not “big names”. They’re competent players and infinitely better than the average US player, but overall they’re second-tier players at best. So, Wong beating them doesn’t come as much of a surprise, and therefore should not be lauded for it. Chris Doyle is the only legit player you have. Real talk. Everyone else ranges from hot garbage i.e., DSP to mediocre at best.

As I stated earlier, please miss me with the Evo-East, Evo-West, Evo-Southeast, Evo-Northwest bs. Evo regionals don’t mean shit. They accomplish nothing. Fine. He beat Choi in '05. Whoopty doo. He managed to pin the tail on the donkey while standing on his bloated head. You have a better chance of being able to hold your breath until you’re literally blue in the face before something like that ever happens again. You keep bringing shit up from half a decade ago. What has he done since? What noteworthy tournament has he placed top 3 in since then? What has he done besides NOT win local mom-and-pop tourneys, duck MM’s with Xbox Live players, become the laughingstock and running joke in the FGC, and being all but exiled from Evo? Quite the entrepreneur that DSP.

You definitely should be up for the Mr. Irrelevant award of this conversation. What does you owning a cab have anything to do with what’s being discussed? Okay. You’re the equipment manager for Trolls “R” Us. Happy? The very fact that you’re in some way, shape, or form involved with DSP’s proliferation of idiocy and retardation automatically makes you one of the many vital cogs in the Trolls “R” Us machine. Why is that not self-evident to you? Is beating your chest about owning a cab the only way you can think of to interject yourself into this conversation? Who exactly are you trying to impress? Tell me, was it worth it in exchange for coming off as a self-important, egotistical asshat? Sadly, it probably was. Look in the mirror. This is what YOU’RE doing for the ST community.

Again, my join date and post count have absolutely nothing to do with the subject matter being discussed. I could’ve made this account whenever and it wouldn’t make anything I’ve said any less true. Try again.

You want constructive criticism? Okay. Of the players that I’ve seen so far that are going to be at the qualifier, they’re simply not good enough to compete with the Japanese. Simple as that. If the US can’t field two or three of the best players on a consistent basis for whatever reason and have to settle for second and third tier players, then the US should just do the honorable thing and relinquish their spot to a country more deserving. Maybe having the spot taken away from you would be an even better alternative. This could potentially relight a fire under top players who aren’t as active or hungry anymore as well as inject new life into the game. This, in turn, would produce the best of the best to rep the country year in and year out without having to worry about SETTLING.

And what exactly have you done for the ST community besides act like a belligerent kid in your criticism? Whether you like it or not, the CT players are probably the only community consistently playing offline ST right now and they should be commended for keeping the dream alive. Are you so envious that rather than ignoring what you don’t like and trying to get better at the game yourself, it’s more worth your while to write a diatribe and digging up posts from years back?

Good US ST players tend to be cool cats in person and deserve respect whichever coast they may live on. All you’ve done here is insult players without any empirical evidence. Is there really a good chance for the US ST Tougeki 2010 team to get past the first round? Probably not, but that’s been par for the course in pretty much every past instance on either coast except for the Wolfes in AE. If you really loved the game, you’d stop this nonsense right now and get to playing the game or sharing actual game knowledge if you know any. If you actually meet players from the (older) ST crowd, you’ll see nobody wants to bother with this sort of drama.

I’m not saying DSP is good or bad but he’s proved himself and had to travel to west coast to do so. If you’re so convinced otherwise, I think he would be fine with money matching you. You already know he’s going to Nashville and the gatherings he goes to. And if you think that’s not a fair match, then perhaps you’re not fit to act as an evaluator of ST talent. Just because someone seems to lack knowledge and mechanics from a cursory and uninformed viewpoint doesn’t mean they’ll lose; that’s why despite Japan being technical wizards, they haven’t had a huge edge against US OGs in actual competitions.

I agree with VF4 that it seems you have a personal vendetta, although I think an inferiority complex brought about by not competing may be closer to the truth. If you really came out to gatherings and played in person, I’d bet your hate will eventually be mellowed; it’s easy to criticize behind a computer and when you don’t see a player for who he is. I admire that DSP is willing to put up videos of his play so that you can study them; take it or leave it. If you came to Nashville or paid to have someone come and school everybody, I would be more inclined to agree with you; but right now, all I see is spiteful fluff…

@bmn, why are you still posting? your information is wrong and your points have all been disproved,

your dating yourself with this east vs west obsession, its really amazing that someone still cares about that since online play has been introduced years ago. No one said the east is better than the west or vice versa, you trying to drive home that point over and over again is stupid. For that matter no one said that anyone could beat japan or anything like that, your talking to yourself sir.

You mention choi as being a worthy player, then say dsp didnt beat anyone at evo= well he beat choi…
now your saying chris is the best player on the east coast, phil has beaten him more than once in tourney. you have defeated your own argument.

You talk about how dsp only beat justin at evo east= he didnt play justin…you incorrectly brought his name up and then continue to talk about him after you’ve been corrected. I guess ill talk about him too if it makes you happy-

justin is a strong player, he made top 8 at evo a few times(beating west coast players) and won majors, the us team in 08 did as well as any other american team for sbo. Show some respect for people that actually play. He forfeited a hdr tournament…great, do you know him personally and the reason why he did this? or do you just make assumptions like everything else. He has told me that he doesnt like hdr and he rarely enters tournaments for it.

you talk about dsp taking advantage of a weak east coast= he beat valle and watson at EVO WEST, yes so i guess he got “lucky”, only these victories were over the course of several years in different locations, but im sure you’ll have a good excuse for that right? lol @ your “lets see him do that again” argument, (why do i get the impression that if an east coast player did beat one of your idols again or if the us were to do well at an sbo, you would still have some nonsense excuse?)

but yes you dont want to hear about evo-west-east-north-whatever, especially when those results are used to destroy your argument.

Your argument has then been reduced to “what has he done lately?”, well i havent heard of any major st tournies in the last several years, if so i would have been at them.

the facts dont support your argument, your statements are pure opinion only, your opinion is that s-kill, justin, nki and dsp are not good players. you believe anyone can get top 8 at evo and something labeled as a “regional” is a cake walk.

Well my opinion is that you are misguided, Get your facts straight before coming to these conclusions. Continue to watch everything from the sidelines as the real players enjoy and compete in street fighter.