Since the SFIII rom has been hacked

And who is ‘dropping the knowledge’? Is it new posters? No. They don’t know anything about ST at all. They play HDR, or even SSFIV and no SF2 at all, and then come here to bitch and moan about ST. They are too busy whining about ST, and how it’s so imbalanced and how tick throwing or ToD combos and so on are so cheap, to actually understand the game. Why would NKI post here when almost every single new poster isn’t even going to listen or read his posts? He’d be preaching to the choir with old posters and the rest would have deaf ears. Did you see the amount of stupid arguing that NKI had to deal with when he argued that ST was better than HDR? And Mike Watson said that ST should have been played at EVO this year over HDR and a ton of new posters jumped all over him without even realizing who he was.

Not really. Most of the HDR players who post in the ST section are clueless and only post to complain about something in ST. And why are people discussing ST when they don’t even play it? I just played over four hours of GGPO for example. Shouldn’t they be spending time on GGPO first before talking about the game? It’s one thing if someone pops in and asks an articulate question or makes a post with great strategic information. Like when someone started the thread about escaping from holds with zero damage it generated some great discussion. But to simply drop into an ST thread and say “the game needs rebalancing” is obnoxious at best.

How is it elitist to tell people who don’t understand ST at even a basic level to not talk about it? They don’t play ST and it’s obvious when they complain about it. It’s been how many years since HDR came out and people still complain about ST on these forums?

If someone comes on this forum and says “I’m having trouble with my anti-air in the Dictator versus Hawk match, can anyone help? I try ‘this, this, and this’ but they aren’t consistent”. Then I would have no problem helping them because at least they are playing and have a basic understanding of the game. But most of the questions asked here can be answered by reading the Wiki, watching Sirlin’s CCC2 tutorials, simply watching match videos, or actually playing the game.

And the ‘discussion’ that you are referring to is merely “I suck at ST and I don’t understand it so let me criticize the game in a failed attempt to validate my uninformed opinions”.

yes another post that had nothing to do with you, how many times have you posted insulting things directed at me?

you’ve even gone so far as to put words in my mouth, im sorry that i hurt you by putting down srk(kinda) and dont worry i wont insult you back

I also wish NKI, nohoho and other great players would post on a regular basis. But they didn’t get pushed away. They made their own decision to stay away. I don’t think anything could push me away from the game or forums that I love. Ultimately, I hope they return. The community still needs all the players and posters it can get.

ask them why they dont post anymore

Actually one of the people I was thinking of was you :slight_smile:

But it seems like you and John Rambo agree. I think the fundamental difference between your position and mine is that it doesn’t bother me that people post things that show that they don’t have very good knowledge of the game. There aren’t just two levels: NKI/nohoho and scrub, there’s a continuum.

I’ve met both NKI and nohoho and they didn’t seem to me like people who would get pushed away from a web forum because they got frustrated. Is that what you’re implying?

Double post.

But it does have something to do with me, and with all of us. Because when you make posts like this you are pushing people away.

the problem is alot of these posts actually hurt the game, if someone wants to get into st, comes here and they just see “walldive is unbeatable, change the game” its a turn off and doesnt help bring st back.

now if these guys were in the business of posting “how do i beat walldive”, the thread responses help us all

theres a big difference, and you still owe me an apology geo

hah once again your putting words in my mouth, all i said was ask them, i would like to know. nki plays hardcore in japan now and nohoho played with me a few weeks ago. they still play so i wonder why they dont post, could it be similar to the reasons vf4 gave?

and that post you keep linking is actually quite productive if you keep reading the thread, i wound up talking to the makers of that website and we are all working together on something for the community.

i dotn know what your issue is anymore, your trying to win an arguement that doesnt exist, calm down and apologise sir

I do believe whining about bad matchups serves no-one and at this point, with the misconception that HDR has brought (no hate here) to new players that ST has serious problems. It does not. Being a Cammy player and facing Honda may be frustrating at times, but she can win if the other player makes mistakes, and almost everyone makes mistakes, as it takes a lot of consistency and experience to play this game well. I challenge any beginner or simply average player to pick Dhalsim and defeat Mars, True_Old_School or Brian’s Guile in GGPO. Mashing crouching punch will not save your ass against a good Guile, just to mention one of the matchups that HDR “fixed.”

On the other hand, arguing that the game is perfect shows (and rejoices) me that people like the game, but one must admit that there is no perfect fighting game. Each new SF2 iteration has brought new things which necessarily changed the way people played before, and the need to adapt did not praise everyone. It is not set in stone that HF is a better game than CE, or ST is better than HF, not at all. Ryu vs Ken is way more manageable in ST, while Ryu vs Vega is not. I don’t need to whine about it, but I don’t need to close my eyes. Similarly, HDR has tried to improve a few things, but it has also introduced new problems. No SF2 version is perfect, people should just play the one they want and help the game’s scene without attacking the other versions.

Geo, didn’t you know? John Rambo feels justified in his elitism because he trains with DSP, a world-renowned ST player.

  1. Honda’s Super only full connects when the opponent is falling from a jump, is uselful in certain situations, if other characters have a very useful super in all kind of situations, why honda doesn’t?, the same for Ken’s super, is not uselful as a reversal.

  2. About Crazy Kicks, yes, you’re probably right about that, more practice with them, but i still think CK motions could be less easy to pull off by accident, i’ve seen many matches and videos where even pros pulls off crazy kicks by accident, so that motion sometimes interfere, you can find out more information about that issue at

it does connect from up close in certain spots, you can also store it and combo it, it is what it is and its fine, in order for perfect super balance everyone would have to have the same exact one and thats no fun

honda’s dynamic of he rapes or gets raped in his matchups creates a nice little balance in the game

human error happens it all kinda of ways on all levels, doesnt mean the game is messed up,if you can get yourself to the point where your only getting crazy kicks by accident 2% of the time your going to feel rewarded and deservingly so

Honda’s super is great up close and connects all 4 hits. But I rarely see Honda players make effective use of it that way or in combos; random desperation super from half screen is what I always encounter. Anyway, out of all the supers, I’d say only Chun Li’s super is safe and all-purpose. Every other super has flaws ranging from small to glaring.

LOL :slight_smile: I saw those “DSP is a scrub” videos on YouTube. I’ve never met or played DSP but I think I’ve seen his DJ from what I remember he’s actually pretty good.

Uhm, for what? Do you usually get much success asking people on web forums to apologize to you.

its cool and flattering that you know who i am, sorry i dont know you

nah i never had to deal with someone before that followed me into two seperate threads, misconstruing my words and calling names like a child. posting a link to something that was resolved over a month ago,
was my behavior really so outrageously bad that you needed to play wanna be-mod and attack me, if so i apologize to you

its ok you dont have to apologize to me- i only asked you to do that when i thought you were a better person

you’re missunderstanding the point of this thread guys.

The chances of me apologizing to you are exactly zero.