Shim Sang Joon!

Shim your a star mate dont worry if you dont see it on this website i want it for the bungie site but i’ll definatly be using it another top avatar dude theres no stopping you it seems,

I’ll be on early next week for them games of CVS so keep an eye on your invites :tup:

I have an avatar request…

Can you make me an avatar with these two pics,,


Explore Chris Chou

with the first pic, have who is mike jones flash up, then fade into the 2nd pic saying “Coming to a tourney near you”

Thanks in advance

Shim Sang Joon: not a request, but what filter do you use when scaling oversized avatars(I assume you use PS)? My problem is that once I rescale to fit the guidelines, the color bleeds or they have that “fuzzy” gif looks.

Hey Shim if it’s not any trouble can you make me a new CvS2 avatar with Blanka, Ken, and Sagat with the flashing C-Groove meter?

Um, make it so that Sagat stands out a bit as the team leader.

Thanks for reading.

Hi Guys… I’ll do the av’s in the beginning of
next week. No time untill then.

As for resizing images that sometimes can be almost
impossible if you need it to look good.

I use PS mostly but sometimes also gimp. Sometimes I find
that it helps to make sure that images I’m about to resize
has an indexed colour table before resizing to avoid it
getting all fuzzy looking.


Brand Nubian:

Duy Nguyen:


Hope you like em’

Hello. I asked Corsair who to turn to for an awesome avvy. And he recommended me to you.
So here is what I am looking for…

Ken’s Mid Kick Animation Before the animation begins I’d like the words “Choose Ken…” play animation, then flash the words “and fuck it.”

Alot of frames (13) in this animation so it’s basically only what
you asked for since av’s need to be under 20k unless you’ve
got premium…

Its perfect, Thanks much. :tup:

Awesome, thanks Shim.

WOW, I knew you were good, but damn… Your work is the best. Thanks for the sweet avatar, I couldn’t ask for any better.

Yo shimmy, got some time for a pal?? ;] can you possible make me a nice bluish abstracty backgroundy with a pic of akuma?? do w.e u want i just want it to stand out. NO animation please, just pure abstract and ps skill baby :]

Hey thankz… Glad you like it.

aLee I can give it a try sometime soon but is this for
an avatar or what is it?

yeah i ran outta ideas for avy’s i can make for myself, so im asking you to make me one :]

Try this on then and see if it fits… :karate:

ooo that is hot, can you just make the text more visible and make akuma a bit darker :}

lol… Sure.

Hows this then.

Even darker :stuck_out_tongue:

damn you update quick, thnx and wtf is that in the background. looks like a god damn sheep

rofl… Close dude. Try a tiger.

Maybe I’ll try something with a sheep next time.
(for the doom pic, just used the one on the bottom left)*-http%3A//

Ight, for this avatar I want to do a dedication to Ghostface and MF DOOM for there new album they are working on together. I want you to use both pics and have MF DOOM on the right side and Ghostface on the left side then the pics of the rappers change into dr. doom and ironman sprites in there place. With the words pretty tony over iron man and metal fingers over doom. In between both sprites have “Ironman Operations” writen. Be creative and go wild with this one.

oh yeah, if you can throw my s/n in there, that would be pimp