Shim Sang Joon!

I see Shim owns at playing 3S and at avatar making. Shim, are you busy, or could you hook me up with an avatar? You can take your time over it, i’m in no rush. I’ll PM you the images I’m thinking of using if you can do it, otherwise don’t sweat it, I can see your being totally bombarded by people.

Gunman just pm me the stuff or post it here and I’ll try me best
to hook you up.

Golden Gunman.

Let me know what you think about this one:

thats tight thanx

Wow, Shim that’s pretty tight!. I just have a few requests. Before the bullets get fired, could you make the explosions from the gun a bit clearer, maybe make them red or yellow or something? Could you also make the “G”'s in the Golden Gunman name red, so it’s clearer. I would also prefer a slightly different font than the one you used for the name, something like UgoIvy’s one, or something that’s more striking. Finally, the second Gun (the silver one) is a bit faint, could you outline it a bit more so it’s a little bit more visible? Other than that, I love it man, thanks! :cool:

No props. I agree on the changes. It’s better this way.

EDIT: lol you just added stuff :P.

I can try those as well but I’m not sure I can make it look
good with the font I used for UgoIvy.

Remakes :stuck_out_tongue:

Ha ha, even better dude. Sorry to keep bugging you (i do it too much I know), but could you outline the silver gun a bit more? Also one other quite big thing, I was thinking it would be cool if you had the scene empty, then you had the gunman flash in from the right with some sort of dash effect, and then he fired the bullets. Thats a pretty big change, so if thats not possible, don’t sweat it, the idea just came to me, and I just think it would look cool. However, the font bothers me. I like the “G”'s, but the other letters bother me, I just can’t put my finger on it, I’d prefer something sharper and crisper. Thanks again though dude, you are a legend. I think you make a Sean avatar BTW for yourself after you are getting so good with him. Oh yeah you got a paypal account? I feel i should paypal you small fee for all your great work.

lol… Forget about the paypal stuff. I do this for my
own amusement as well.

I had a sean av a while back :slight_smile:
I stopped using it after your dudley raped my Sean… ha ha.

Check the remakes in the previous posts.

I tried the entrance animation but I had to reduce
the overall quality of the av to fit in the frames so it could
stay below the 20kb limit.

That is the one dude! Awesome. I love it, much better than I could have imagined. Great stuff, I owe you Shim. If you ever come to England one day, I owe you a drink!

He he. Glad you like it now and thx for putting who made
it in you sig… That’s actually sort of nice :slight_smile:

Man, I could do most the stuff that shim posted on the first page (not trying to be like “PFFT I CAN DO DAT”), but I really just… lack ideas, I guess. @_@

I kept noticing people liking Edieman’s, but I went over the avatar’s like 20 times and could not find one that said Edieman on it. >_>

He he. I’m sure you could have made all of them!

No offence taken and it’s not like I think I’m good
at image manipulation at all.

You know my skill level in the image manipulation field is
pretty nooby and I only do this for fun and giggles. However
I never make avatars to show off technical skills or even
think deeply about theoretical artistic concepts.
If I tried like that it would come out wack and overproduced.

It usually starts off with "Hey I wan’t an av with Remy or Urien"
and then I just check for ressources and when I find some good
quality stuff that I can use I try to compliment it as good
as I can. I think I have improoved a bit lately though but
here is eddieman’s av that I made a long time ago for your

Slighty on the subject also note that this is officially not my
av request thread cuz I never created one.

This is a thread created by a member who PM’d me for an
av cuz he had seen some of the stuff I had made for others.

However since people started posting for av’s in this and
I enjoy making them it workz out fine for me this way
and hopefully for the people getting an av as well :karate:

Ah, cool.

Where’d you get the sprite for Remy? I really need 3s sprites, especially NON-default outfits!

I think it was off newwavemugen which is down now. Or
at least they forgot to renew the domain name :sad:

As for changing colors on outfits you should spend some
time learning best practices when palette swapping.

I’m not too good at it myself but doing it many times
tought me some do’s and dont’s.

Sure that some of the experts around here can help
you out with tips.

I’ve thought about trying that, but I’d get the lighting wrong. :stuck_out_tongue:

Shim are you still making avatars dude? if you are would you mind hooking me up with a new one? i would like a Halo one if possible anything with master chief and an elite on would be dope and bigbadcod somewhere…

We should get some games of CVS in man i always see you on when i am playing halo but then when i am on your in DOAU

I’ll try to make one tonight or if not then sometime soon.

I’m up for a beating in cvs2 anytime. Just send the
invite if you see me playing anything else than 3s and
I’ll be there.

I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be free wins for you but I’ll
stick it out just to learn some tactics and shit if
you don’t mind playing a rookie :karate:

Dude i have one decent character which is hibiki i am shit with everyone else so games with me are just more for fun and for people to practise on my ass trust it will be close games

lol… I’m allready getting my hopes up that I might
actually get some cheesy K-Groove wins now.

Won’t be online much this weekend but we could try
to get a set going at the start of next week.


How about this one?