SFxT General Discussion #4 - Witty title

Well, he has.Saw it myself, so.

Took 'em long enough to get something going.

Still doesn’t change the fact that, as Lone Dragon pointed out, the poll is rubbish now. All the bribing from the different companies…it’s no longer representative of the playerbase. As far as I can tell Melee is the only one that got up there “legitimately” (Injustice had the bribe with the new character reveal which would have been revealed anyway, I think TTT2 had arcade stick giveaways or something?).

Still hope we can spread the word and get more people to vote for SF X TK though. :tup:

Just let it go. We won’t get anywhere. Best just let it be and carry on. In the end we don’t have the final call. We could be first place and probably still get denied. Whatever…screw em’.

That still doesn’t explain how SFxT ended up being last. It should be 4th at worst. We should be the ones with the motivation to try and win part of the bonus prize.

I just saw it as well now, my bad.

Who cares…waste of time anyway. Let it go.

Yeah let’s start drooling over video game girls again. shots

Wait…175 votes, we can catch up, we can do it! (no not you Lili go away)

Ignore me…I’m having a bad day…just ignore me.

We all have shit days breh. S’cool.

This reminds me of a scene from Street Fighter the Later Years.

Balrog: "It’s me, Balrog. You know, the boxer."
Zangief: "What are you’re special moves?"
Balrog: "I punch really hard."
Dhalsim: "Do you… kick?"
Balrog: “What’s a kick?”

He cheats on his matches anyway, so they might as well make him kick.

Just had mine as well. We just really need to suck it up.

This is the part where everyone calls capcom desperate for trying to get ppl to vote for sfxt but doesn’t mind when nrs or snk does it for their games.

Wow, is everyone having a bad day?

Because I had a bad day too. Like, fucking awful, wanted to just walk out of work and throw my middle digits up in the air.

Well, I guess I’ll see if going into training mode with the rhythm of the earth will make me feel any better.

I’m not having an awful day, it’s just one of those days where I’m just “ughh…” one of those days. Just a bad day. I feel better after doing some TKD practice though. I dunno. Hopefully my upcoming vacation and getting away from online and some gaming will do me some good.

I think I’m the only one having a good day today lol. Which is weird because up until yesterday I was having a bad… month or so. O___O

Talking to family helps me out a lot in those times, though, even if it’s not directly about what’s bothering me.

Anyhow, to the major point:

While I definitely put out word as well and it was a nice gesture by Combo and Haunts to attempt to put word out… there was not much that was going to move that poll otherwise once the big guns came out.

In either case, while I agree I want to see more votes before it ends… that ship honestly has sailed, and there’s a much, much bigger metric to this than that.


Point blank, real talk, and any other words I can think of to say “this is really important”: we need to show up to shit. That’s it. I know that’s hard for majors (hell I think I can only do two a year at most if I try from here on out, EVO for sure), but if there is a major in your backyard or a local you know of, go to it. Show up for it. And for TFC, if we show up there at a good number and put on a good performance despite losing that poll, then it won’t matter much. It will suck in that we won’t get the big payout, but that will earn us more “respect” than the poll will.

But to that point, let’s be real: our game isn’t well received. It had little to no chance of winning a popularity poll because… well, it’s not popular. We’re going to get mocked/laughed at by people that either don’t play this game, or (usual case) people that don’t even play fighters.


Play anyway. Show up. One thing people can’t refuse is numbers. If we show up and we’re helping the numbers at the event, then we’ve got a much stronger case for ourselves and the future of the game we enjoy. So for TFC, show up. For Summer Jam? Show up. For Bobby Jones’ Basement Tourney in the back of the Waffle House… show up but probably take a baseball bat with you, just in case.

The other thing is content. Right now we still have that awkward moment when someone asks “where do I go for what [insert character] info” and we say, painfully, “well {char} bards are dry, let me find these random videos.” Rc_ON started the compendium thread and its kinda’ stalled. Let’s try to seriously make that a commitment to get it filled up as much as we can on every character, so there’s not “empty - coming soon” slots.

Vids. Make 'em! Tuts. Type 'em! Y’all get the drift.

In the end, we’ll probably get mocked, and trust me, we aren’t the only game to get it (though we get it baaaaad). We need to learn to look past that noise and keep at it with out game. So do that. Show up, make content, tweet that link up there, share vids, all that.

…I’m not all that good with motivational stuff. But you probably get my drift anyway.

As an aside, I fully believe that is still a huge problem with the FGC in general and one of the reasons growth is so hard - there’s too many pocket communities, each one trying to tear each other down because “we like our fighting game better, so yours must die so we can take your players and your air time!”. Doubt it will ever go away because let’s face it, if you’re older you know that’s been around forever… but gawd-damn it could use some calming down.

Sometimes this does help, just do it out of sight of your boss.

My day has been ordinary, like, I’ve been quite melancholy for the last week or so but that’s mostly due to work fucking me around and needing a distraction more than usual due to being in some intense pain.

In the end though, my philosophy with life is that if you can you always do something about bad events. If you can’t change the circumstances, you can change how you let them affect you. Just don’t dwell on it.

This whole thread is like that depressing outcast corner in high school.

You say one thing it can get blown up. Eh…tomorrow’s Friday…sweetness.

LOL - I practically lived in that corner!

But nah, every once in a while we need to get each other motivated is all. Its a harsh road supporting something you love, sometimes.

Consequently, that’s why I don’t mind the diversion in conversations sometimes… if we can’t have that in the general thread, then where will it be?

Where else can I go to talk about Team Nerd Girl x Psycho Chick and how much the compliment each other?! T.T

It caaaaaaaaaaaaaan get a little tooooo out there, though. :-p

Are you talking about in this thread? Cuz’ unless I reaaaaally overlooked something… either way, my raving wasn’t directed towards you. Your Juri act kinda’ worries me sometimes lol, and we have some disagreances on certain gameplay ideals but I’ve no qualms with you, good sir.

And fuck yes, Friday and my bank account is still not in the negative!



I mean I’m not going out to Red Lobster this weekend or anything but damn, for once this month my acount doesn’t start with a minus sign!

…brb going to DQ



Juri is my idol. She’s someone I look up to…well in my case down…but you get the idea. I need a role model. Whether be real or fictional. Yeah I do go a little over the top sometimes, it’s hard not to though…when you’re that awesome…you have to express it.

I was more or less talking about things in general. Like you say one small thing and it branches off into something and so on and so fourth.