SFxT General Discussion #4 - Witty title

Ve, I can’t get Juri’s command normal OS to work T.T I think I’ve gotten the Sweep OS timing down but I feel like I’m doing the timing too late for Sekku, and instead it comes out at the end of the backdash.

I’m testing this against Julia, in case its character specific.




Don’t get me wrong, you know how much of a Juri fan I am… but inferior? Nah.

Also, Team Nature aka Team Planeteers aka Team Tree Huggers aka Team Listen to Mother Earth… is going to be a thing. Just gotta start putting in work with Elena more soon. I surprisingly like her neutral now that I understand it a bit more. Just having trouble getting combo synergy between her and Julia.

Actually combos with Elena in general. I see a lot of training room time in my future.

No seriously, I love Training as of late, sometimes prefer that to playing matches. :-o

Every woman is inferior to Juri. It called natural selection. Oh and I know who much of a fan you are rok. You’re like me. But I figured you needed a break from the awesomeness that is Juri so.

A piece of wood with a face drawn on it is better than Juri tho

Juri is really cool. One of the coolest new characters.

Shots fired!

Xiaoyu > Juri. Just sayin’.

Couldn’t disagree more. Xiao is generic and Christie is a J-lo clone to make an already stupid character, Eddie, more popular by giving it boobinz.

I don’t play any of these characters so. Unbiased opinion is go.

Oh you guys…trying to stir up trouble. Eh, I know when I’m not wanted…fine…I’ll go over there. ->

Christie > Xiaoyu? WTF am I seeing here? Xiaoyu > Juri > Christie imo. I play Xiaoyu but I’m unbiased. I think.

Schoolgirls…what a norm thing to do… Hotness>cuteness. Badassary>everything. Pretty sure it said that on the 10 rules of women.

Fixed my comment for ya. I just said that since I’m using Christie at the moment. :3

Christie>>>>both of them…I’m bias, don’t care

Edit: I do like Xiao and Juri as well don’t get it twisted haha

At least we can all agree Vega’s the best. B)

Fixed that for ya. :smiley:

Tekken 4 Christie… sigh.

Ok can we stop this and get back to the game? What’s up with the tfc bonus prize poll? Literally one person (shoutouts to emezie) got Capcom to get moving, but it’s only at around 170 votes. This is like the perfect chance to show that there is an active and supportive community for sfxt and yet people do bull sh*t. I guess you’re already used to the mocking?
Come on… At least beat SC V, DOA5 and P4A.

I think I’ll just quit SFxT.

I’ll vote, link me?

You need a Twitter account to vote:

It’s on Twitter. I voted sfxt, despite originally coming from a melee background.

Just figured sfxt could use my vote more.

Ono and others were pushing for votes, and Combo was/is giving out prizes to voters also.

I saw Combofiend and Haunts. But I doubt that Ono has tweeted it yet. Otherwise there would be more votes. 170 is pathetic.

Just put the link in your video descriptions and stuff. Tweet about it, if you have followers that play sfxt. DO something, if you like this game.