SFxT General Discussion #4 - Witty title

So last night I beat kaxblastard while he was lagswitching on me. It was terrible, but I won. One second you’re grabbing him, the next, you’re being Tiger Uppercutted (when your grab animation is already happening). By all accounts I should have lost, but I just got the life lead and ran away.

Don’t try this at home, kids.

By the way, I would upload a video but he ragequit. :smiley:

Right on. Probably good to join up on the facebook page as well:

Usually can find matches in there. :slight_smile:

I love kaxblastard stories. Glad he’s on PC where I don’t have to deal with him though.

Practicing some more with Guy X Christie…both characters individually feel like a lot of fun to play, but as a team, it seems rather sub-par imo. The combo synergy isn’t all that great, and the overall damage between them is relatively low. Though on the flipside they both have some great tag-out options (guy has LK tatsu and his running overhead, Christie has st.hp, f.hk and wheel kicks).

It’s a neat team but I wish I could get more damage from punishes without burning a lot of meter. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks a lot!

Only reason I played him was due to hatemail overload because I kept leaving every time I ran into him.

Needs more run pressure.

You always jab me out of my CADCs so I wasn’t sure that doing run pressure against you was a good idea. :stuck_out_tongue:

I am going to play some SFxT on the PS3

Anyone wanna play a few rounds?

Please note I am not the best but not a scrub

Use the run stop pressure…you don’t have to do it all the time, run xx stop then wait and see your opponent dp towards the heavens

Raw launch me then. You really love raw launching any chance you get.

Send me a FR. Id is OZLeon. Hit up the irc room too. You can usually catch me or other players in the irc looking for games.

I only do that because you love Akuma’s cr.mk and sweep. :stuck_out_tongue:

And I’ve never had good success with raw launching as a frame trap. I’ve always guessed wrong and get blown up.

I’m actually going to use raw launch as a frame trap…some players do it to me so why not

Raw launching is a very nice thing

Look what you’ve done FengShuiEnergy. You’ve even driven @roknin away from Juri.

New Rog tech!



Raw launch+switch cancel if you suspect a low coming but arent 100% sure about that feeling - on hit its a big damage combo, on block its relatively safe depending on who you launched with (eg: Jin’s is 100% safe, I get the feeling so is Law’s)

…damn. When you actually SEE it like that… it looks utterly weird.

Jaycee…meh inferior.

Rok would never abandon Juri. Some people just need a small break from that sexiness. Fans get tired to y’know…except me.