SFxT General Discussion #4 - Witty title

Winning with counter is an awesome feeling.

Unless of course, you’re Asuka.

what is this free hard knockdown punish on Akuma’s blocked sweeps you talk of?! I’ve been looking for one but assuming the sweep is at or near max range, st.lp doesn’t reach, and Amazon River Run is too slow.

Winning with counter-hit raw launcher…


Nah, the best feeling is winning a match with Guy’s anime combo. :3

Add me if you like, just pick training stage lol. Pandora, Anarctica…and you actually tried to do walk up standing jab Cammy setups…Keep that up and I’ll make Heihachi hurt you worse. You didn’t post the Asuka vs. meets Heihachi F+MP matches I see :smiley: ggs

Hmm, I was talking about river run. It should be fast enough and I was positive I’ve gotten the punish before. Akuma sweep is -12 normally and can’t get better than -10. River Run gets pretty far with its 10 frame start up. Abel EX charge is fast enough to catch it.

EDIT: it seems we’re both kinda right :P. At the absolute tip of Akuma’s sweep he’s safe. But it literally has to be max, MAX distance. If Blanka is even the slightest twitch inside that range, he gets the river run punish.

Yep! lool

Starting to understand what I’m supposed to do with Elena and Guy now…still needs a lot of work

Part 2 of Episode 3:

Currently uploading Part 3, and soon after that the combo vid for Guy X Christie should be uploaded as well.

Wow Ryu and Sagat is a legit team, great damage, especially in the corner (698 from an anti air f+hk for 3 bars with sagat, 559 for 2 bars from a Ryu DP punish/DP mash, 679 for 3 bars from a dp punish/mash), good synergy, good footsies, good frame traps, decent zoning, pandora setups, strong everything

Might have to make some room for these 2 in my list of mains.

Winning by crushing a move with a horribly punishable option as Asuka is the BEST feeling. Lili counter is too free~

Well played sir…well played. Since you’re rolling out the big guns…

My loyalty is omnipotent almost unhealthy. I have 100’s of pictures of Juri, getting some commissioned, naughty ones, getting a Juri statue soon, Have Jessica Straus on Facebook (her eng VA <3), her eng OVA, multiple versions of her theme, fav colour purple, writing fan fiction( trying to anyway), a SF4AE calendar, Nearly every picture that can be customized Juri is there looking hot as usual. hmm what else…I plan to get a Juri pillow (gotta find where though), took up TKD, is an inspiration to me, my idol.

Woman has got game.

BrolyLegs plays with his face…

On my end: I might be out for a bit. SHIN MEGAMI, BITCHEEEESSSSSEEEEHHHH!!!

You guys got nothing on me, I watched every Bruce Lee movie and I work out like he did and also did martial arts for 3 years.



Only played nocturne, persona 3, and persona 4, but damn they are some fine ass games

You may have 100’s of pictures of Juri…but I have almost 1000 pictures, and sprites images, of Link on my PCs, and have built my own Legend of Zelda fan-games. I built Link into my own fighting engine. I took up fencing because of Link. I would even build my own replica Legend of Zelda swords and shields out of cardboard pizza boxes when I was a kid since I couldn’t afford to get an actual replica Master Sword/Hylian Shield, and made my own Link costume. I even went as far as to name my weapons in Fire Emblem: Awakening after the weapon names in Legend of Zelda. And to top it all off, I have my very own treasure chest in my room.

You’re still not on my level.

I… I have Elena as my profile pic and sometimes as my wallpaper :S

Oh…I see…hmmmm guess I’m gona have to get the real life Juri then.

But you’re right…I’m not on your level…I’m above it. :smiley:

You are definitely Link sir!

Links gone FengShui…uh oh…>:D