SFxT General Discussion #4 - Witty title

Does Raven have any notable bad match ups? Besides…ehhh…

That’s real-life fighting.

Alisa v. Hugo
Ogre v. Guile
Dhalsim v. Shotos
Sagat v. Hugo

These are the ones that stick out to me. I’m too lazy to elaborate but will do so if requested. Also, just joined the Injustice: GAU party. Game is fantastic, should have bought it sooner!! Next up: KOF13. Between SFxT, IGAU, and KOF13 - that’s a great fighting game rotation. I plan to give AE 2014 a chance just because of Rolento.

Well also back in the day, fighting games didn’t exist.

god, going back to AE online almost made me have an aneurysm that shit was horrible

I think ggpo is overrated and all types of netcode have their own problems. At the very least, sfiv doesn’t present you with visual misinformation.

But. Yeah. Not totally disagreeing with you by any means.

Here we go…

Keenan?! Keenan!

Bison/Vega/Chun vs Asuka
Law vs Dhalsim (maybe I just haven’t fought good Dhalsim player yet but this shit feels like a 10-0)
Alisa vs Hugo (between her fireball and DESTOMYYYYYYYYY FOOOORM this is probably the ‘Blanka vs T. Hawk’ equivalent of SFxT)

Fighting against Vega with Kuma makes me wanna cry. That bastard never lets me in

What do you guys think about Alisa/Ken? I started using rhia


I should really send AlphaZero a friend request by now. Keep bumping into the guy. Hope to face Racetrac sometime this week.

Okay. So, I’m thinking about coming back to this game with a Sakura/Guile or Guile/Sakura team. If anyone was watching Salty Bet a few minutes ago, they’ll probably know why. Any thoughts about this team? I’d assume the Guile/Sakura setup would work out best, but I’d like to hear opinions first. In fact, how is Sakura in general?

I’ll be on a ton this week. I’ve been playing terrible lately so it probably won’t be too eventful



10-0 in Law vs Sim? I can only imagine that those Sim’s would be pretty bad… Agreed on Alisa vs Hugo, count in Raven too.

you should have stayed in our room… and thx for posting the vid of the pandora stage double p. perfect example of how a bad connection and an even worse stage can make the neutral game stupid.

Quick question for players in the thread what characters do you think I should use with Akuma and why?
I’ve been meaning to get some training/lab time in for a while but I haven’t been able to play nearly as much as I’d like since I’ve been busy with TAFE work and life shit, since I got a bit of free time now though I thought I’d ask this so I have an idea of what team combinations I can work on for Akuma that I haven’t already.

Good partners with him as anchor: Law, Sagat, Bison
Good partners with him on point: Asuka, Nina, Sagat

Others probably can work just as well if not better, but I feel like these teams are the best I can come up with for him, really good synergy and great damage on them

Both characters are ok, but as a team not very effective. It’s a squishy team (Guile 900 and Sakura 950 health) and the damage output is far from being the highest (except for specific situations such as corner combos).

Just did a Guile tag in combo with 2 flash kicks in it, sure its only 395 damage BUT THE SWAG

