SFxT General Discussion #4 - Witty title

Ah yeah, wrong version of geyser cannon. It’s either HK or LK. LK comes out in the same speed if HK wont hit.

Agreed. -_-

Was going to say, I’ve yet to have Juri’s EX Senpusha lose to anything aside from a reversal with more invul., me doing it too late (thus eating the meaty), or… a straight up bad read (#getblockedson).

Sidebar: Ve, ggs yesterday, forgot to message you afterwards lol. Poison mirrors <3

Also, I was very happy that Pandora worked out, have to keep that use in mind now.

…Also I hate Swoops’ new team. T.T (in all seriousness, it being so unique is awesome but gawddamn all those mixups…)

Ah yes. Times like this are when I like Juri’s other reversal. Dive kick crossups? Ain’t nobody got time fo dat (teleports half a screen away)

I want pandoras delay erased…I hate that 4 frame delay…>_>. Any charge reversal can be interrupted due to it’s charge function…which is ridiculous…Is Marduk’s ex NLS not throw invincible? I remember being able to grab marduk out of it in training…online is full of LIES!!!

@Roknin demostrating why he only plays top tiers. Look at his character list!

loool FSE so obsessed with interrupting everything, he will even try to interrupt the hits between Dudley’s Heavy or EX version of MGB if he could

Yeah, I wasn’t playing great yesterday…

I need to boost alot more with poison. Half the time I would be doing well and you would clock me once and be right back in the lead. Boost more would help alot.

Yeah… Swoops team… I don’t know how to deal with blanka… I know alot of that stuff is punishable, but I haven’t practice the punishes. I let too many horiballs get away, and let him jump on me way too much. You were letting boosts get away in punished… Still, jab>electricity is too stronk. I have no idea how you actually do that, but i understand its possible.

T.T…I hate that 4frame delay…garbage…

Actually recently I’ve cr.mp with Juri dud’s MGB’s from full screen. Funny as hell.

I don’t even know about that 4 frame delay thing…sounds annoying

And loool, them reactions

Oh trust me that delay is annoying. I’m trying to use Pandora as a wake-up/reversal option instead of a combo into. But that delay is getting in the way…I hate it…

Because I won’t always be able to combo into Pandora and I won’t always have the requirements to combo into it. So using it after a empty jump-in or whatever could benefit me.

Garbage delay…

A lot of Dud’s I face like to linger near the edge of the screen with meter just waiting to launch that ex MGB and I’m loike “no back off! Get finger banged!”

It’s said in SFIII that she has a weird accent due to all her traveling. I think Elena would much sooner speak English before Japanese, and I think her English voice does a good job of hitting an awkward middle ground of accents.

But that’s my opinion. I think all the English VAs are good…except Xiaoyu…

More obsessed with trucking me over when using King. Seriously, how many times did I eat King’s shoulder charge? I think Ryu’s, Hwo’s, and Elena’s faces have a little spot on King’s arm by now. =__=

On my end: I think I’ma try to put a lil work into Ryu X Sakura and Hwoarang X Dudley. Already got a Ryu colored Sakura and a Hwoarang colored Dudley, so why not? After playing rounds with Sonic yesterday, I think I can carve out a style with Sakura I can get behind…maybe. Of course, Elena’s still best. Especially Ryu-themed Elena. <3 <3 <3

Shoulder tackle is awesome. Everyone loves pressing buttons. King feeds off that which makes ST powerful. Of course I spam it too much…and end up paying the for it in the end…such is the life of the king.

You and me both man. I kept dropping stuff, particularly Nina combos (it got really bad later that afternoon). Her0 would have karate chopped me in the throat for some of the stuff I dropped lol.

I mainly boost with Poison because she doesn’t have the easiest ways out, or really great/easy tag options like I’m used to having with Juri. Truth be told, I need to work on that a bit more with Poison because I’m sure she has some. Nina actually can tag off her dp easy enough - overall I like that team’s synergy as well.

I’m like that though. I tend to go in bursts: super defensive or getting blown up, then get an opening and stay aggressive (sometimes to my own detriment). Because of that I tend to be open for baiting, especially with lows as I’m always looking for a raw launch or reversal opportunity.

Agreed on me letting too many boosts go unpunished. In the Blanka match it was more a lack of matchup knowledge - I’ve played like maybe 4-5 Blanka lifetime in this game so far. That said, I don’t punish boosts enough in general, so that’s something else I’ll need to take to training mode and see what my main teams can do to certain boosts.

I still can’t figure out how to make Poison do stuff. :C

Nothing wrong with using boosts as Poison - she has some of the most reliable ones in the game for far-reaching punishes. I would definitely not do it first thing in a game though. Might as well take advantage of meter-building/gem activation first (Whip of Love ftw).

Just punish most boosts with cr.mp/mk and cl/st.mp. Punished or not cancel into fuhajin for safety or you got the punish cancel into fuhajin anyway then combo with sekku, cr.mk then L senpusha as the finisher then either charge a Fuhajin, or walk back slightly for a ambi cross-up with j.lk/mk or a fake cross-up with j.hp. Charging a Fuhajin leaves you at enough advantage that you can meaty with cr.mp/mk or a throw and carry on.

Playing around more with Christie…holy CRAP that cr.mp has range. And it hits low? If it were cancellable that’d be downright stupid. You can boost from it though and restart safe pressure with meter (EX Handstand to the overhead is +1 on block) or get a safe tag (cr.mp xx st.hp, st.hp hits twice).

I’m starting to like Christie, but I’ve noticed that for some reason the tekken chain from her cr.lp doesn’t want to come out sometimes. I have no idea why…

I get the chain all the time but it does have a wierd timing to it. But once you get used to it it’s no big deal.

Testing it out in training mode…okay, it’s not a timing issue. It’s a spacing issue. If you hit at the tip of her cr.lp (or a bit closer) and try to go into the chain, boost st.mk will come out instead. It’s weird.

Closer ranges it comes out every time.

Christie and Guy? I’m looking forward to this.

I never actually had the idea of just going into ex handstand-front stringer after boosted c.mp on block. If you don’t want to boost into a tag though. Boosted C.Mp can go into Ex Double Stinger for pretty good damage if you’re willing to the spend the bar. Not to mention you can get easy hardknockdown after F.Hk-Hk’s wallbounce or just get the free launcher.