SFxT General Discussion #4 - Witty title

Yeah her eng VA ain’t the best so that’s why I have her in Japanese. That jambo hnnngh

How is it “Not the best”? It’s her first English VA. I love her English voice…

Her english VA is terribad.

I agree with everything roknin said. Also Juri’s reversal in this is great compared to sf4. In sf4 its fairly easy to just option select a trade into ultra. You spend a meter to do like 20 damage and get ultra’d. Now that’s a bad reversal.

“Nothing means nothing, until you make it mean something”

Obviously we aren’t famous but we all have to start from somewhere. We do have a partnership with TGN. It’s not good to be so pessimistic about things sir/m’am. And yes we have records for every anbu member…

I wanted to be a part of something that only good players can be in, so I tried out and failed. That didn’t stop me from trying again, two months later. We aren’t just a clan; we’re also here to help others improve.

Please, take your narcissism elsewhere.

I always laugh when I see people complaining about reversals. Except Juri being traded into ultra, that sucks and should be fixed.

But the rest of all y’all’s spoiled, yo.

Doesn’t even need to just blow through things. Make it airborne so if I trade I’m at least only eating a reset and mixup. Jeez.

I was implying that it’s not the best of her current VA’s both English and Japanese. I should have worded it a little better :3. But yes it’s not really that terribad like some of the other Eng voices but more that I just prefer her Japanese VA.

Juris reversal in this game gets beaten by meaty attacks, just like Rolentos (there’s a reason you always saw Infiltration use ex wall dive to gtfo and not ex rekka), unless you can somehow manage to only tap the buttons you use for them only for 1 frame

No they don’t.

They are just charge moves so if you accidentally hold the button for a frame, you get hit out of the charge. It’s actually, very easy to not charge because its not the one frame timing you just said it was, it’s much more lenient.

Infiltration uses EX Wall dive because its alot harder to deal with than EX circle.

Meh I ain’t worried about shurikens, they got nerfed like hell in v.2013.


Alright, final voting results for my next In the Lab episodes.

The winners are…

Christie and Guy!

…this’ll be fun. Never used these two and I haven’t the slightest idea what the heck I need to do with Christie. But…that’s what the lab’s for, right? :3

Yes! does dan’s jump taunt

What is Lili’s optimal BNB?

Right now I’m doing St.Lp, Cr.HP, DP LK, DP LK, Cr.Hp XX LK Sunflower Lance.

Not sure if it’s the most optimal, but I got;

st.lp, cr.hp, DP LK, cr.hp xx qcf + mp, f.mk > hp

Harder to time, but nets you more damage.

Thank you @LordWilliam. Your combo does yield more damage.

Got a really sick Pandora combo with Nina worked out.

Start with EX Joudan, activate Pandora, EX Geyser cannon, EX Skullsplitter, Super.

With EX Joudan you can safely hitconfirm into it with cr. MP, low forward, do solar plexus, cr. fierce xx for max damage or use it raw for invulnerability.

Um…does that even work? That’s 4 bars with Nina after Pandora and Pandora doesn’t refill anymore. Unless you’re using the Pandora proficiency gem? Even then I don’t think it works…

Lili’s cross up MK Dive Kick is ridiculous. It makes reversals like SRK and Lariat get beaten!

I’ve against some of you guys… and won some… i think you’re very good… but not all of you…