I can never tell at times because I’m thinking about the crazy stuff I want to do…then I get distracted for a split second only to find myself hearing Lili she can do it
Another soul claimed? I probably wouldn’t even be playing street fighter if I didn’t see her on a random stream. Saw her pinwheeling and shit and was like I gotta play that. I didn’t click too well with anyone in vanilla so I almost forsook the series.
Your new avatar got me thinking…I wonder when/if they’ll ever get animated gifs working again for our avatars? I kinda miss those…and I’m sure you would have loved having a proper dancing Sakura av. :3
So what kind of procedure or initiation does happen then? Any idiot can make up some trollstatic name and slap the ANBU tag. Do you have records of every “member”? As for my comment on worthlessness, I wasnt talking about skill of the members but the silly fake brotherhood aspect of an online FGC clan. You dont pay travel expenses to any of your online warriors. As far as I know your not in the same tier as KaraStorm or Pandaxgaming in anything online related.
A reflection of the evolution of the female open mindedness. I think you are on to something. I still dig Chun’s timeless persona, tho. She must be on her 40’s by now so it makes sense. Her win quote against Nina is strong evidence.
Chun’s been the face since SF2. Honestly Juri easily fits the bill for SF’s new poster girl. Replace Ryu with hmmmm…say Abel for poster boy or hell even Bison. Needs evil characters for posters.
Me and Sonic were just doing rounds before now. <:X
There’s gotta be a better way to orchestrate this. >_>
Need a “You serious?” video…
But if that’s the case, isn’t that the case for most of the female chars in this game? Most female chars have crappy wake-up options, especially against neutral jumps…
I wonder what colors I’d use for partners if I mained Juri. White, purple, and a lil light purple. =3
Too bad I refuse to play chars that force me to hold down attack buttons. ESPECIALLY Juri.
Out of the females only Juri’s, Chun’s, Cammy’s, Julia’s (ex version only), Sakura’s you can’t use normal means of beating them (yeah any of them can be safe jumped, but you won’t always been able to safe jump so you’ll need to look for other ways). The others can beaten with launchers, low profile moves or throws.
I won’t lie, it takes getting used to. But once you do, her fireball charge mechanic is one of the most enjoyable things about playing her not named cr.mk. I know I talk a lot about her from a character design/persona point of view, but in all seriousness her play-style is just so damn fun, and in this game it has a nice balance between ease-of-use, and technical.
Once you get used to storing, it becomes second nature. Hell I’ll honestly say her fireball charging kinda’ spoiled me on other projectile users (though I like Poison a lot in this game). The store portion of her fireball itself is great for any number of reasons. Then you add in the fact that once you store multiple times your opponent has to guess what you stored, and you can hold multiple ones and swap them…
The ONLY downside is that if you depend on storing lows too much, you’re throw bait (if you see me getting thrown a LOT during a match, chances are I was being stubborn and holding on to a low charge).
I could go on about how sexy her fireball store is but I should probably get some sleep lol.
Hwo’s reversal is “bleh” at best. It’s horrid on wake-up…
Also, Juri’s reversal isn’t that awesome. The invincibility isn’t too hot, and I’ve used Ryu’s EX Tatsu to trade with it before. Also, you can’t really NJ Elena’s EX Scratch Wheel. Hers reversal option IS a DP, after all. Even the light one isn’t one to jump on.