SFxT General Discussion #4 - Witty title

schoolgirl molestation?

Switch the order of the last two words and it becomes a Hokuto no Ken reference.

SFxT General Discussion #4 - Why Wonā€™t You Die??!!

Didnā€™t you hear? Juri would molest anything that movesā€¦I love it. She can molest me anytime. :smiley:

Street fighter x tekken general discussion #4- Youā€™re never gonna keep us down

So, does SFxT take away rank points if there is a disconnect? I had a pretty good amount of points and then like 2 seconds into a match I get a ā€œConnection Errorā€ message. Soon as I get back, I notice that my score is substantially lower. Like, much lower than if I had just lost couple of fights.

Spent the entire night trying to get back to what it was before and never did. I donā€™t know why, but I never anti-air. Even if Iā€™m baiting it, even if I am intentionally getting into the right range where a jump in is ideal for them, even when Iā€™m crouching to invite it, even though my anti-air is just one button, I never freaking do it. I donā€™t know why. Itā€™s like a nervous tick or something.

Iā€™m working on the AA thing myself. I didnā€™t realize how bad I actually was at it until it was pointed out to me a few months ago.

I also noticed recently when looking at my replays that the matches I AA well in, I generally win. Kinduvaā€™ Captain F. Obvious thing, but hey, I observed it. :-p

Also, on the disconnect taking points thing: yeeeeup, it does. It seems like if the game isnā€™t sure who disconnected (or maybe people have learned how to rage quit in such a way that the game thinks you dropped instead?), it takes a grip of points regardless. Iā€™ve lost points due to disconnects twice during my play time: once on a random disconnect error like yours, and once when I purposely disconnected because the connection was so bad we were moving literally one frame a minute (this is literal)ā€¦ One of us had to save us both, so I sacrificed myself.

Thatā€™s right random connection from somewhere in Nowhere City, ??.. I sacrificed my points for you! T.T

SFxT forums,

Where Juri x Asuka may not be the theory best team, but itā€™s definitely the ā€œbest,ā€ team.

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Lol what do you mean that teams GDLK.

I fell the need to flag this as ā€œagreeā€, ā€œinsightfulā€ and ā€œlolā€. However, the forums only let me pick one ):

Nice video and a thousand thumbs up for using Moonlit Wilderness. Good stuff. :3

After recently just trying/watching Arcana Hearts 3 todayā€¦

Iā€™m the only one that likes the Tag Two version of that song. Itā€™s just so much more hype! >_<

On my end: Got my friends to try playing some of this game a tad bit. Not too much luck cause the skill gapā€™s insane between us, but thereā€™s one thatā€™s already around my level (if not slightly better than me to begin with) and one that I think can catch onā€¦eventuallyā€¦hopefully. Also, is it me or is it easier to AA in SFIV than it is in SF X TKN? I find my fingers just finding the time and spacing to do successful DPs much easier than in SF X TKN. Is there something Iā€™m missing in the memo?

Side note: New thread? Crapā€¦I already peed all over the previous to claim my territory. Now itā€™s locked away forever. q_q

And Iā€™ve got the pics to prove it! Uh, I meanā€¦

That was the reason I sucked as Guile back when I first tried him @the7k, but for some reason after 2013 hit anti airing became 2nd nature with how good of an anti air sommersault became on Law - now I anti air with everyone who has at least a 7-8 frame startup AA normal with a decent enough hitbox :smiley:

The thing is to be actually on the lookout for AAs. If you think you can do it from reflex without actually looking for a jump in then you are gonna be blocking them for quite some time. Most of the time I anti air I am on the lookout for said jump in, with Law its easier since you can AA as late as you want, same with shotos, but even with Nina I have trouble AAing if I am too focused on the ground game and sometimes have lk geyser stuffed by j.hks. Even if just 10% of your attention goes towards looking for jump ins, it goes a long way

Yeah you need to look for jump ins.

I always anticipate my opponent to jump and because of that I hit my lk geysers and mp shoryukens.

Guileā€™s flash kick is good as an anti - air, requiring downcharge means if youā€™re trying to pressure them with his projectiles youā€™re not doing it though. His anti - air normals in SFxT are not as reliable as SFIV and even in that game they get stuffed by a lot of things

4 threadsā€¦nice. Eventhubs keeps saying this game is dead. Which reminds me that everytime I read some of the stupidity posted on that site (for any game) I feel like some of my brain cells die on a sudden moment.

> reading comments on Eventhubs.

Eventhubs is arguably a lot better than SRK for articles, I mean, they keep up to date with the news for one and their wiki is much easier to navigate and is full of useful frame data.

Holy crap their boards are where intelligent thought goes to die though.

I donā€™t see how a game that still has a thriving online community and is played on a regular basis at meets offline can be considered even slightly dead. In the eyes of casuals, maybe, but who gives a shit about them anyway. I just wish more people would actually give the game a chance instead of condemning it. Especially considering how good v.2013 is.

Anyway, itā€™s great to see another discussion thread and that you guys are still 'reppin SFxT. Definitely 'gonna have to start playing again.

Made a new thread to gather all the guides and tech that have been buried in the character discussion and youtube. Please add your guides and tech! The SFxT ver. 2013 guide and tech compendium

So Iā€™m gonna forgo any friday night events (ie. FNM, TableTop) so I should have time for some PSN matches. Whose up for it?!

Note: Wonā€™t be for anotherā€¦ 7 or so hours minimum