SFxT General Discussion #4 - Witty title

Nice guide! That damage…



I was wondering how to do it midscreen. If only my Jin were worth a damn.

Any character can let Raven start the loop as long as you have 1 meter. The universal way is to Raw Launch, Tag In, wait a bit (jumping too soon will cross up) and do the loop.

“Graveyard Shift”

Hugo sucks and EWGF is THE BEST.

Seems legit.

Gonna be supplying some Guile technology for you guys since I fell in love with him (no homo)

Dang it Juri! Stop messing with me!

Excellent…this soul…is most tasty…rape him good Juri will you? I wanna hear him scream in pleasure…and agony…

Great matches of HD Jammerz featuring the one and only Cool Kid! :open_mouth:

You and Juri have some serious problems.

Why can’t you just leave a poor guy alone. I just want to practice with Asuka in peace…

Problems? No no…this is the norm! “I’m gona watch you bleed…” I love that line.

Everytime FSE posts something on here…you always have to read it in Juri’s voice. How did Link get caught by Juri the second time? You’re slipping my friend

That is what awesome sounds like! -Juri Han.

4 gem slots…dafuq is capcom thinking, one touch and your dead

I like to thank everyone so far for continued support of cross…when I first started I was forever alone aka negative man for like a good year or so then I discovered others who play

for a dead game we are like one of the most active threads on here :coffee: keep up the good work

when in doubt, Pandora, always


How about “Haters be hatin’” or “Air Joudan” as the subtitle? :smiley:

Juri has been free after 10,000 years, and it’s time for her to conquer Earth.

SFxT is dead, let it die, god.

New thread R.I.P


I beg your pardon? It’s time for Juri to conquer what? No Mega man…not like this, you’re so lucky I like the “Air Joudan” idea

Oh well, maybe she can go for Uranus instead? That planet’s free for some ol’ school pillagin’.