SFxT General Discussion #4 - Witty title

Yup, but I’ve been on a hiatus this week to work on other stuff and clean the dumb stuff out of my system lol. To quote low-health Nina:

“I need a break!”

Ugh, braindead was a poor choice of words. It’s just Hwoarang’s whole playstyle feels like frame trap after frame trap after frame trap waiting for your opponent to press a button, and if they aren’t pressing buttons, mix-up (which turns into another frame-trap). I guess it’s just that it doesn’t feel like I have to work as hard with Hwoarang for pressure and mix-ups compared to some of the other characters I use. It’s like if I’m not working hard for that win I don’t feel like I’m truly playing the game. I guess it’s not so much that Hwoarang is “easy”, it’s just that he’s “easier.” Or perhaps “more solid” would be a better choice of words…I dunno, I’m sure someone here understands what I’m trying to say. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think that’s why I loved that Asuka/Hugo team so much; it requires a lot of work to win with, but when you do win, it feels really satisfying. I don’t get that with Hwoarang.

I think maybe it’s just a case of Hwoarang over-saturation (lolWesker). If everyone’s using him, even when their playstyles work, things can start to feel stale.

Purple spider lesbian meets purple stuff guy.
They’re soul mates, it’s all about purple.

Ugh you just started/trying out hwo players are just…sigh. I don’t know about yall but his wealth of options are fun and exciting. I love trying out fla options, mixing up his strings, playing footsies and I work damn hard as a hwo player. This whole brain dead word, really wish it would go. Seems ppl just found one way to play the guy and just called it auto pilot.

Calling someone’s strategy auto-pilot is pretty funny. I mean, I say it when I’m salty enough, but it really makes you look stupid when you say it. It’s like you’re trying to make your opponent sound like a scumbag, but in the end you lost to a person who wasn’t thinking.

You misunderstand. I don’t think he’s braindead at all (poor choice of words on my part). I just don’t like his playstyle. I don’t know what it is…I’ve always had issues describing these sorts of things. It’s just something about the character…I can’t quite put my finger on it.

In my defense I was calling my own strategy auto-pilot. :stuck_out_tongue:

For me, it’s hard just picking the RIGHT option at the right time. That’s the thing with people like Hwo, eh?

It’s not like Chun and Nina where one basic game plan gets you to the top spot. He’s more like Jin where you gotta actually master his wealth of options and his possible agility to get farther with him. Where Chun and Nina are sort of 1-dimensional, Jin and Hwo are way good because they’ve got many tools going for them.

Also, there’s that, but to be fair, “brain dead” refers to characters where you just do the same one or two things and win. A strategy so good it doesn’t need much alteration to win in most cases. Kind of like UMVC3’s best team compositions.

In simpler terms: A blanket strategy that covers almost all variables.

TTT2 isn’t canon, so all that is a bunch of hoopla until a real sequel comes out.

I can’t stop looking at this…there’s just too much awesome.

I think it’d be best for the human race if insults and mud-slinging were done like this. Had me rollin.

Why is Nina suggested as a partner for Juri?

Nina is the best anchor in the game

Kaz, Bob, Law, Hwo.

Those are point characters mostly. And nina> bob and hwo in anchor

Because they actually get a long so well! They even call each other by name!

In all seriousness, Nina is generally one of the best anchors, but IMO in the case of Juri she adds much needed damage to Juri’s midscreen game, and Juri sets up nice tag damage for her using either Fuhajin or Senpusha enders.

They tend to cover each other’s weaknesses well as far as matchups - ie., Juri doesn’t mind pressure and can zone while dealing with other zoners, so if Nina finds herself stuck out there, she can look for a safe tag and get Juri in to deal with whoever is bothering her.

On the opposite side, Juri’s oki is decent, but not super-threatening overall; tagging in Nina to end combos means now you have a deadly oki to work with, and Nina is really good at getting back out if needed since she can get free raw tags whenever she ends a juggle.

There’s tons of other things I’m sure I’m missing or have forgotten, but low health aside, the team does work really well. I still use it from time to time. :3

Thanks. As I said, my partner plays Juri. Nina happened to be the character I picked to learn, unaware of the apparent synergy.

Good times.

Part of me wants to put Lili on my team just because I like the way she says “Elena.”

I would be that Juri. May as well ask. When he’s on point he’s usually Vega. Who’s a good anchor for Vega?

because kickrangs pressure comes from:
□▲▲, dash, □▲▲, mist step -> dynamite heel, □▲▲ mist step.□▲▲, MIST STEP, dynamite heel…

□▲▲ □▲▲□▲▲; MIST STEP… X OO □OO □▲▲. bleh

Xiaoyu. Steall all of tatsu’s old tech. ALL OF IT.

Well at least you’re branching out. Although I have been playing with Christie more so I suppose that’s some form of a plus.

I might be able to explain the problem you have with playing Hwoarang. Although I could be totally wrong on this front so feel free to correct me if I am.

I think the problem you’re having with Hwoarang and why some people see him as ‘brain-dead’ is the fact that he has so much tools but people are only using a select 40-50% of what he is truly able to do. Of course players of the guy himself feel as if others aren’t using the character to their greatest potential because of this.

In your case, it’s like you can get by with this kinda percentage and I’m probably assuming that you like to find use for all of the characters’ moves to win a match and doing so makes you feel happy to win.

That said my internet has been very finnicky for a good two days. It keeps on connecting and disconnecting because it feels like it (last message I put up took me a good 4 hours to put up because of my fluctuating internet issues just for reference) which sucks because I haven’t been online as much as I’d like to. I’m trying to fix it though,