SFxT General Discussion #4 - Witty title

i hear your sakura is better than mine, so you gotta help me get to that A rank @_@

theres like fucking 8 sakuras on PSN at B+ or and higher. the other 100 are Cs and Ds.

These are the only ones i know
Me (B+)
Zaike (B+)
Her0 (A and Crown)
Luffy165 (A)
MainteH (B+)
Bas-ter (B+)

believe me when i say ive searched for others…

My Sakura da BESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I won’t be on until at least Thursday though. I have family down for vacation and I’m trying to kick it with them since I won’t get to see them again for a year.

In roll back it doesn’t/shouldn’t. Under latency equalizing style netcode, you combo timing does change. That can be easier to adapt to, but your combo timing does change online under sf4 style netcode.

Anyways, my comment was not meant to be a serious analysis of netcode. Just a playful jab at the fact that netcode didn’t stop dayun from whooping me… Though I did better than usual, so maybe I’m figuring out sf4 a little… Shrug.

i think @Links is right… links are muscle memory… when it lags i fail on reactions (AAs, Tech Throws, punishes, etc)… things you that you can see coming but the lag doesn’t allow you to counter…

loses control due to laughter I didn’t realize how much crap I could I start simply being saying Asuka=easy mode. Fuuny as hell…it was all a joke too…from the very beginning…you guys ruined it. :frowning:

It’s that Mishima blood. I hate every character in that family. Kazuya, Jin, Heihachi and now Asuka. (Varying degrees of hate, obviously.) It’s time for a bloodline rebellion.

Yep, time for Lars to defeat the damn Mishimas!

Wait a minute…oh…

Asuka isn’t a Mishima.

She’s Jin’s cousin on his mother’s side.

His mother fucked a Mishima.


Yeah you’re getting it a lot better. Sakura beats Chun 6-4 IMO. Her anti airs are all spacing dependent, and i can mix them up a lot to make you just flat out have to guess. I have decent OSes for backdashes too. It doesn’t help the damage output is retardedly skewed in my favor. >.>

Never would have thought I’d see the day where Asuka was the topic of discussion like this lol.

I really should try her again. She’s right up there with Julia and Juri for me as far as favorite characters and I put a ton of time into her in T5… but she feels so damn awkward to me in this game! T.T

Don’t you ever. Ever. EVER. Put Asuka under “Mishima blood”. EVER.

EVER, you hear me?



Asuka is a Kazama… not a kazama-wannabe like Jin, but an actual Kazama. You can tell because A) she has no electrics of any kind and B) she’s not off starting wars and shit.

I wanna ask you about a few matchups and general stuff, but I wanna get my thinking in order first.

I’ll pm you. But Sakuras LK Tatsu, and adon are involved.

Well if she were a complete Kazama she’d be bitchier. What, you think Jin’s assholeness came only from his daddy?

Kazamas are just goody two shoes. Save the world, all the jazz.

Jun got the hots for “bad boy,” Kazuya and thought she could bring out the best in him. Sound familiar?

That was before he was thrown into a volcano by Heihachi at the end of Tekken 2 triggering the devil gene and being rebuilt by the G Corporation.

So… Jun’s a woman?


(don’t kill me)

goody goodies aren’t bad but evil chicks are so much better and offer much more.

No, it came from his grandaddy, too. When he shot Jin in the face.
Actually, it ALL came from his grandaddy, now that I think about it.
Kazuya never did a damn thing to Jin until Tekken 6…at which point Jin was already a jerk.

Pure Kazamas, on the other hand, are perfect human beings…Disney princesses that talk to animals, prance around in forests, and summon creepy school buses. Even the males, I’m sure.

“Bitchiness” is not in their blood.

sure as hell is in asuka’s.

Actually it turns out that while Jun is about as good as you can get…it comes with a price. She’s insanely cold (except to Jin).

She’s essentially Soul Calibur.

Jun was a pretty good and nice person until TTT2 due to now being possessed and becoming Unknown. I suppose that what they’re aiming for come Tekken 7. That’s probably why Jin dislikes her in that game. He probably can tell something ain’t right there.