SFxT General Discussion #4 - Witty title

FINALLY. Someone else who uses Guy officially.

-Guy is top tier IMO (like top 5)
-Yes he rushes you down and you cant do anything besides uppercut, to which you should read and punish accordingly. His main mixups include cross-up elbow drop, TC run stop grab, overhead > tag out and for my team personally i do TC xx L.SPK (tag into hwoarang) 50/50 with overhead or the trip kick.
-He does well with a character that you do well with. You don’t need to pair him up with someone that covers his weaknesses because IMO if you’re playing right his weaknesses will never be shown.

Asuka will do that if ya’ sometimes. XD

You play Elena right? I don’t know her ins and outs, but having played against quite a few good, poke-heavy Elena players (including one of the most awesome here in AZ who makes me want to headbutt my arcade stick lol), I think she could potentially keep Asuka out with that alone. And Alpha Counter against Asuka is fantastic because once she’s knocked away, she has to march her way back in and her limbs can’t really compete as well against most of the cast. Not to say her footsies are non-existent (that’s a myth IMO), but they are pretty bad.

To make up for that, she has a really dangerous Oki and a nice AA… if she knocks you down, she can make you guess wrong again and maim you. Honestly my thought in the match - if its someone you haven’t played before - is to test their oki knowledge. A lot of the time, people will just go for the same option to keep you pinned; make them prove they know you’re going to roll or reversal or whatever the case may be. Just don’t let Asuka players feel they have a read on your wakeup habits, ever.

I suggest playing Darkphyre or LordWilliam, two of the really consistent Asuka players here (Dark is on both PSN and XBL now I do believe). I dunno’ if it’ll help but I ran a long set against Darkphyre and posted most of the matches, so maybe there’s some things that you’ll see that I do right and wrong (mostly wrong lol… le sigh) that’ll help out?

Can probably bug Asuka players in the irc chat, too. :3

Hopefully that helps. I know the feeling all too well lol: once Asuka gets going, it can feel overwhelming because once she’s in her optimal range, any mistake you make on defense ca cost you near half your life. -_-

Simple answer to escaping Asuka’s ‘pressure’:

Pick Sagat, let her do her GDLK footsie tool, then you press St.Hk= WIN.

Other than that, pick any other character in the game and play your stick like a piano, as all of your buttons will be better.
Furthermore, you can backdash out of so much of her crap.

Juri bodies everybody though, she’s like AE Yun, so it’s not possible to win.

LOL this salt is SO delicious… more… GIVE ME MORE! :smiley:
Seriously though, Just AC her if you’re blocking her stuff and focus on keeping her out. Her options at neutral are some of the worst in the game (note: they’re not unworkable, just really really bad by comparison…)

If you need MU experience feel free to add my XBL account, “Shaniril”… you can hit me up whenever I’m on… and no, if you have the life lead you don’t need to be anywhere near her ass. Make her come to you and give yourself that advantage. …Lastly, assume all Asuka’s will jump at you, because they will… usually with j.hp because thats the only button they know.

This is true to an extent, but she also has several safe ways of blowing backdashes up for 300+ damage if you get predictable with it, so it’s not a cure-all solution…

SF4 Guy in this game would be absolutely top tier with his elbow drop hitbox which stuffs ex flashkicks and shoryukens and also acts as the best air to air in the game, but as he is right now I wouldnt call him top 5

As for Asuka, she isnt easy mode since the character itself has some serious issues (like pretty much requiring the user to constantly make hard reads until they manage to get in somehow) but once you’re in, her mixups are retarded on a whole other level, kinda reminds me of Seth to be honest. Fighting either of them is a series of coin tosses because no matter what you do there is something you can and most likely will get hit by

Nobody calls Seth top 5 or so awesome because everyone knows his weaknesses and his character design will pretty much never allow him to truly compete in high level play CONSISTENTLY, but both of them belong in the ‘bullshit mixup character who pretty much everyone can play with half an hour of training mode practice’, and TBH I feel like Nina also belongs in this category more or less, except she also has great footsies in trade for not all of her mixups leading to 400 meterless damage and back into the same mixup while also being safe and hitconfirmable.

So… Asuka finally got in.



And then she read it and baited it and you lost 400-800 life depending on gems active/amount of meter she is willing to spend and puts you in the same retarded mixup situation :’(

and those same people will drop her the moment they find out she doesn’t have a fireball, no 3 frame uppercut and has to run a marathon before she finally touches your skin loooool

Just make an account, vote and delete the account when the results are there. No reason not to do it unless you have social networks-phobia or a serious reason not to make an account.

Should not be too hard to find an anchor that works with Poison: anyone who does big damage, uses meter effectively, and corner carries would fit her perfectly.
JiBbo used Poison/King for a while in 2012 and it worked really well, and now 2013 King is much stronger. Great damage conversion, good oki, great use of meter, and very underrated neutral game options.
I’d also suggest Nina because she is the only character I can think of offhand that can combo off of Poison’s DP, although I am sure there are others.

I met that guy a few months ago in one of my lobbies. He was looking for good (NA) competition so I recommended him SRK and the guys in IRC. Guess that’s not going to work out…

Or you know you can just not put her on point and just do mixups after you land a launcher or tag cancel with Chun/Hwoarang/Rolento/Bison/Whoever. One combo and one mixup with the right gem setup can easily mean game over vs everyone short of Hugo or Gief if you have Asuka in the back. Also Seth doesnt have a 3 frame DP he has a 4 frame DP (believe it or not it makes all the difference in the world) :smiley:

i am still fucked about the damaga can get of one simple combo… add a switch cancel into Kaz and you are dead… yesterday started to hate turtling Laws again… “i won’t jump”… BOOM!.. there goes like 400 damage… one question: what’s his alpha counter?..

Geez, win one Online Tourney with Asuka and now everyone starts posting on how much they hate her. >.<

Dude, you do NOT want to use my name and “really consistent player” in the same sentence. I literally change my mains almost every other week. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nonetheless, I’d be down for a few matches using Asuka if the7k really wants more Asuka experience. :smiley:

Also, on the whole “AC Asuka” bit…you still want to be careful with that. She has a few ways to bait it and deplete another chunk of your life. Heron dance is one of the main tools she uses for her “footsies,” and also one of the main things you probably try to alpha counter. However, you can stop it at the 2nd hit, and since it’s somewhat difficult to react fast enough to AC the 2nd hit (unless you’re really, really looking for it in which case you open yourself up to an overhead), you’ll probably be attempt to AC the third hit; so if she stops at the 2nd hit, say hello to a whiffed raw launcher and another 50% health gone. It’s also possible for her to cancel into CADC backdash (makes slower ACs whiff), or if the Asuka player has a really good read, EX Cancan, which blows up most Alpha counters due to the massive amount of invincibility on it.

Not saying that AC is a bad option vs her, it isn’t at all, but if she gets a good read on it, say goodbye to another big chunk of your life.

Asuka isn’t awful, and you can’t treat her as a non threat.

She’s kinda like T Hawk. Not very good, but can blow you up in hurry when she works.

She is pretty easy too, which makes things saltier.

I aint hating you know I love Asuka but you gotta admit that once you got the knockdown and shes in, its not a lot less ‘coin toss’-y than fighting Seth in SF4 (only thing which helps here are rolls on knockdown, and the thing which Asuka compensates with is making each of her mixups count 2x as much as Seth does in SF4)

Anyone who puts Asuka on point…they are very brave and lool I wasn’t talking about Seth when I mentioned the 3 frame DP

Lordwilliam is clearing house with Asuka x Hugo, he is the bravest person on SRK :smiley:

I am obviously the bravest, because I use two characters (Sakura/Rog) who have nothing ridiculous about them. For now that is.

I guess that makes me the ultimate chicken :smiley: