SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

Man I’m gone for a day and this is what I come back to? Everyone complaining that they can’t pressure anymore with their chains?

Yeah, I’m happy with what Guy’s getting too. I kinda happy with alot of the stuff happening in the shadows of
"OMG RYU, CODY, CAMMY and HUGO don’t even have moves anymore. I QUIT!":rofl:

Increased meter gain for landing hits:tup:
More punishable Boost combos:tup:

Oh man, was playing Don locally yesterday and CADC during pressure finally “clicked” for me (at how many months in? lol). Holy shit that pressure felt good.

I know how but that doesn’t work against the mashers that just hit me right after the the CADC.

GGs from yesterday too rokinin I have a lot of catching up and training to do in this game and I need to work on my set ups again

I’m really looking forward to 2013 Ken. Mainly because of the Target Combo buff. With the buff to his target combo, when you CADC it, it’ll be +5 on hit, -2 on block…so that’s a safe CADC and you can even link a cr.lk afterwards (or a clst.HP if you’re good at 1 frame links, which I’m not) if you do hit with it.

Looking forward to messing around with this in training mode…

Don’t CADC against mashers. You have to fight a masher with frame traps instead.

I take it they are not streaming SFxT?

And LOL at this discussion. You guys are too funny. To my guy that plays cody, even though they nerfed zonk knuckle, that doesn’t mean his whole corner combo game is gone. And also, they made throws 5F so that you can use them in a frame trap situation. They are 7F now and you can see them coming a mile away.

Our initial reaction to the Cody nerfs…


Honestly, I think the overall throw buff is enough for him. It makes his already good frame traps even more devastating now, since it’s easier to tick throw. They just got rid of most of the dumb stuff with him (safe boost chains and cr.lk, though I think they overdid it just a bit with his cr.lk), which I think is a good thing.

I’m just sad that I may never get the chance to abuse cr.lk, me being on PC and all…:sad:

Then cadc backdash if you think they’re going to mash, usually they bite themselves in the ass by mashing dp, which is an easy punish for anyone.

No doubt man, ggs! Every time I play a good Lili and see all that damage… dear lord. Really have to focus on not letting her touch Juri lol.

That’s something I DEFINITELY need to work on then.

Not dp. For example I played a 11 thousand point b+(Cammy and Guile) yesterday that did nothing but jab pressure and jab out the tiny openings there were. Wasted his meter on pointless long ass switch cancels. I can’t believe I lose to people like that…

CASC backdash is really good with tekken characters that have rushing strings like Bryan or Law.

On Live or Psn? I think PSN Since you mention 4000 BP. I wasn’t having a good day So I switch to Live. Lol

BTW, Darkphyre and myself creating an Asuka army to counter the snobby buffoons known as the Lili army.

Our reign is imminent.

I’ll be in there as Douchehulk, holla at me, lol.

Probably won’t be asking Ryan what he thinks of Cody c.lk.

Jibbo lost to combofiend. That’s just fucking depressing.

Bear nerf talk in 5…4…3…2…