SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

That’s some fag talk right there.

Probably still gonna be playing Vega after patch, changes are weird as hell though and I still qustion why Izuna drop needed to be more ass.

Any good Kuma tutorial on YouTube. I only find crap. I might need to learn him for my Hei since Hugo doesn’t seen a better option anymore.

Ryan and I qualified in winners.

good shit jibbo.

now i feel really bad for randoming out Ryan last match on xbl… I didnt even know he was good lol

good luck. what’s top 16 look like in terms of players. I hope you two make it all the way. Win one for the east coast!

With the talk of system changes, i wonder what they have in store. Rolls not being a “get out of jail” card?damage scaling tweaks? Maybe cross assault going back to manual control for partners? Tagging partners in while knocked down like in the old builds? Maybe different alpha counters? So much crap they could change its crazy.

If rolls are not meant for that purpose, then I don’t know why it even exists.

Everyone knows it was a little too good but adding frames to its startup, recovery and nerfing the hitbox is freaking ridiculous. -4 on block, so I should be getting punished with supers by having a light blocked? Right. They just went completely spastic on this move.

The fact he has a whole bunch of useless tools (I don’t care what anyone says, rocks are useless) which didn’t see any changes is what really flips us Cody players off.

Eh… I disagree. He may not have the flashiest, prettiest stuff (at least shown on stream), but his footsies are really solid.

Good shit, even though I hate Jin with an undying passion.

Lol at Cody players thinking cr.lk not needing an adjustment. Next I’m gonna hear that the rolento glitch helped the meta game of sfxt.

Not that I know of, the tech I use just comes from lab practice.

Good stuff!

Man, I’m just hype for the Guy buffs.
They buffed the (in my opinion) already good cl.MK, made d/f+HK faster, changed the way both d/f+HK and Bushin Chain launch, and made j.MP cancellable to tie in with the fact that MP and EX air throws now have strike hitboxes, which means I can finally fulfil my dream of comboing into an air throw without having to switch cancel a launcher. Not to mention that Bushin Chain > Throw now does 170 damage.
I’m so happy. :’)

Everything you say here is true, but I think you’re overstating it. He’s still got great damage, especially off a clean cross-up and jump-in, because he can confirm with cl. HP, f. MP as opposed to most characters having to confirm with lights. He’s still got a great pressure game, and although throw range is a big problem to making frame traps threatening, throws get used even in this build, so they will definitely be a part of the game going forward. His overhead isn’t at the level of the best overheads in the game, but it is a two-hitter that can lead to big damage on tag-cancel. This isn’t a gimmick or a scrub tactic either, it works at high levels of play. I definitely think Cody is dropping down to mid-high tier as opposed to top tier with these nerfs, but overall I think it’s healthy for the game, and it will make Cody more fun to play with, against, and to watch, even if he is winning less (and I say this as someone who’s been playing Cody a lot lately.)

By implying that all he has left are a bunch of useless tools is pretty much proving that cr. LK desperately needed a nerf. Again, I don’t think the rest of Cody’s tools are useless at all. If you look at top Codys, although they lean on cr. LK a lot right now, he DOES HAVE game besides that.

Also, for the record, I don’t think cr. LK being -4 on block is going to lead to that many punishes with super. It is still a quick move, and you’d have to be really on point to catch someone within -4 frames. Punishing a -4 on block light attack is a lot harder than punishing a -4 on block heavy attack or special, mostly because the hit-stop is much smaller, giving you much less time to react. You are still running a risk when you use that move, but it’s comparable to the risk you run when whiffing a sweep during footsies. You’re not going to see Cody players getting blown up for using that move sparingly.

Wait a minute, I didn’t see a nerf to far MK. If that’s the case, what Cody player is going to be doing a single c.LK without buffering CU or st.MK?

I’m pretty sure no one said that, can you quote someone. Any donkey can see that a 3f hit-confirmable low with range has nerf stick written all over it (god knows why Capcom didn’t). There was no need to change frames at both ends and the hitbox, that’s just being heavy handed. If they were trying to make him less one-dimensional then where are the buffs to his crappy specials which are nothing more than combo-enders?

Damn I’m disappointed with my performance! Had a pretty competitive match with LPN but I choked in the end lol. My last match I definitely could have won but I think the pressure got to me and I made a couple of critical errors that cost me the match… I am really happy that I got to piss off PR Balrog during casuals lol! I blew up his Cody/Sim team and the whole time he kept muttering “gimmicks…” lololol!


Steve Fox - Combos and Conversion.

Think I met you in ranked yesterday. You the B rank with 4000 points or around there and horrendous colors? I was the Rolento x Heihachi.