SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

Can’t believe I missed it. I did happen to catch Bad Intent beating Mike Ross; it’s nice to see actual SFxT players winning tourney matches. Any word on how Jibbo did? Challonge brackets haven’t been updated yet.

dang i missed those matches. And you people better stop over looking lili. I’m telling you people she’s gonna get stronger because a lot of her even matches such as ryu are gonna be more in her favor with their nerfs. For crying out loud she 6-4 hugo and she’s a tiny girl. >.>;

He was meh…he didn’t seem to do a lot of Cammy’s tricks, like the RH jump cancel stuff; he beat Mike mostly with jabbin’, footsies, and DP switch cancel. And Mike never plays SFxT.

Also I think I’ve played you on XBL before, Heihachi player?

She’s like 10-0 vs Hugo he has no answer for anything she does. Honestly grapplers like Gief and Hugo are free to most of the little girls in this game.

I actually don’t know anything about BI - just that he seems to be in contact with the SFxT community, which is more than can be said for most of the tourney crowd.

And yeah, I play a mediocre Hei/Dudley. I don’t recognize your SRK name; what’s your GT?

I keep getting kicked out for picking Cody lol. No fun

Can’t blame them though. I hate what they did to Cody to the point where I want to drop the game. Instead of learning match-ups, people, mainly those that don’t want to learn the game, cried for nerfs and got them. I had no idea Cody was such a a hard match-up. Pressure game is gone and his one good poke is now shit all because of people crying rather than finding ways around it as I have. Why even try to find another way to play when people will just cry that that way is OP and that it needs to be nerfed?



For real, his moves are still really plus on block, and a 5f cLK is just like what characters like Julia and Ryu have… and those are pretty fucking good.

is 5 frame startup really the norm for most of the characters? I thought it was 4

For a move like that its usually 5-7.

Alot of sLPs are 4f, but mose crouching moves and light pokes with any real range are 5f.

Julia’s cr.lk isn’t -4 on block. Neither is Ryu’s.

Man up, bro, it was a good nerf. The fact is that poke was way too good. Some people may have been blaming the character as an excuse for their own deficiency, but overall, people were right to complain, the move was unbalanced, and ended up dominating the way Cody plays, even good Codys.

They really hit it hard, to the point where it’s not actually much of a poke any more, rather it’s Cody’s low-hitting move into cross rush. That’s not the end of Cody as a character. He still has excellent tools. A great anti-air, fantastic frame traps, and huge corner damage output. Focus on those. His EX Zonk has also become a very scary reversal, given that on hit it now pops straight up, allowing for mid-screen followups. As a frame trap character, he’s also really gained from the throw damage buff and the throw speed buffs.

Cody has lost one move, really. Most of his other nerfs were replicated for the rest of the cast. If you’re saying that losing that one move is unacceptable and makes you want to quit the game, then you’re kind of proving everyone’s point about that move being too powerful.

in a game where you don’t have a throwing game, frame traps are nothing to build your sole pressure game on. I don’t get why people even press buttons when under pressure against him. there is no reason to. further: he’s slow, has a bad projectile, no good reversal, slow overhead, low damage output and his footsie is mediocre now. the only thing he has are his anti airs. I don’t say the nerf wasn’t justified, but you can’t take the only two tools he had that made him strong and give him nothing in return and still say he’ll do just fine. c.lk was also just that good because of the chain combo option - those are a thing of the past, making c.lk twice as bad on block. it’s still a decent tool, but as you said, it’s nothing special anymore (and a LIGHT with 5frames where other characters have a medium version of that…). julia and ryu have many other stuff to rely on on top, cody was a one trick pony really.

again, I don’t say it wasn’t a good adjustment, but I just think they should have made something else better in return.

actually his “huge corner damage” is gone for the most part.

ex zonk damage: 160 => 100.

tho, you might combo after it midscreen now. at least cody has any use for meter now apart from bringing his team mate in.

I’m not even sure this isn’t all going to be a bit of a moot point. Footsies are looking like they’re going to be gone as we know them in SFxT (that is, trolling for cr. LK buffered into mediums, looking to confirm into cross rush). The risk reward just doesn’t look like it’s going to be the same. If that’s the case, then no one is really going to be doing what Cody does with footsies. I think we’re going to see the game become a lot more focused on the in-game, with high low mixups and frame traps starting to come out more.

I think Cody is going to be fine, it’s just going to take a little work. Don’t forget a lot of characters now have no way of hit-confirming safely without massively scaling their damage with two or three jabs. Cody can still cl. HP, f. MP, cr. MP completely safely. The cr. LK nerf is brutal, but the overall nerf to cross rush is going to hurt other characters more than it’ll hurt Cody.

I think with the boost combo’s nerf, the footsies actually kind of resemble to the footsies in Tekken.

5 frame throw start up (perfect imo, I always found SF4’s 3 frames too short) is a decent start to make frame traps viable, however, there was not a single word of increased throw range, which means they’ll still suck mighty balls sadly. in sf4 he has the damage and the frame traps that are effective due to the throws and have a huge reward. in sfxt he has ??? - that’s the problem. one can’t seem to find a clear answer for that. not a zoner, not a footsie monster, not a high/low master, not fast / mobile, not much damage (in comparison to so many other characters), not a strong defense… I think this will be figured out eventually, but on the paper, you just stay still and wait for opponents to jump to (ab)use his godlike anti airs x)

listen, who gives a fuck about cody

cody players are faggots anyway

what i wanna ask is why vega is back to having 1-frame link cr.jabs??

calling “cody players” faggots and then mentioning your character of choice, a gay spanish beauty queen covering his “beautiful face” behind a mask… you might want to reconsider your choice of words.

Julia’s and Ryu’s also don’t have the range of most people’s crouching :mk:'s.