SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

Capcom has practically made Guile a girl. Like, getting uppercut by bus drivers girl.

Yeah he has less health, but you shouldn’t get in on him if he’s played properly. Boom is an incredible zoning tool and Guile has brilliant pokes and anti - airs. Low health is standard on any character with that level of keep - away. I run fort gems anyway.

The light punch / light kick nerfs are completely irrelevant as well, if you’re mashing on those two buttons like a retard the pay - off shouldn’t be as large, most of my solid hit - confirms playing Guile come from a low - forward into stand - roundhouse and launch or a stand - fierce into raw launch, sometimes a spin kick, stand fierce, launch. All of those tends to be as a reaction to something my opponent attempts trying to open me up. If you feel the need to mash jab as Guile you’re not spacing well.

The only way Capcom can redeem themselves in my eyes is if they nerf the colour edit mode. Hell, just take it away from Intuitive2011 and I’ll be happy.

but… would that mean I can’t troll with neon Dhalsim and Kuma anymore?

They nerf boost-combo’s in the fact that they’ll get more punishable on block right?
So it makes no difference when Mp, HP, HP with Blanka when it connects, because blocked it’s already ass :slight_smile:

I agree especially about boost combos. I think these nerfs steer higher level players away from the things meant for beginner players. Honestly most of us have been playing fighting games long enough to be able to do links and hit confirms so I don’t see why this is an issue. Because I’ve played most of the tekken cast I can say that mashing boost combos can from time to time blow up some tekken characters strings. I’m looking forward to seeing how the new changes affect pressure game now

My blankie can beat up your blankie.

I just hate the fact some of the community want to drop the game over some of these nerfs. I think we have been through to much, to stop now. Yea it sucks when characters get nerfs, but that’s the breaks on character balancing sometimes. I love this community as much as I did the TVC community. Both had alot going against them, but ppl still played no matter what. And I don’t want to see ppl giving up again… :frowning:

I never thought i’d say it but these changes make me wanna quit the game :’(

I mean Rolento’s health??? Seriously?
Cant wait till they make all of Heihachi’s overheads and lows negative 10 on block…
Whats next? Making Nina’s j.hp hurt box come out 20 frames faster? Oh no, I got it, what about Xiaoyu’s overhead lets make that negative 50 on block.
But maybe its just me but do you guys REALLY think its that hard to kill Rolento? His EX patriot circle can get hit out of by lp mashers in the tenth of a second its still charging. (Pisses me the FUCK off btw)

Why don’t you like my Gief and Cody colours?

SFxT Stream starting. Ryan Hunter is there…and Jibbo?

It’s on!


Ryan on stream now! Get on #SFxT on efnet for stream chatting!

gooooo koji!!!

these matches are awesome

So with this universal DP>switch cancel nerf, does that mean you can be punished if you ever try it? Like happy birthday style or just the character coming in?


the people who take this game seriously in this tournament: Tag Cancels,Raw launcher punishes,optimal combos, showing off new characters,use gems.

the people who don’t take the game serious enough:lmhh lmhh lmhh lmhh lmhh lmhh lmhh lmhh lmhh lmhh raw tag lmhh lmhh lmhh lmhh lmhh lmhh lmhh lmhh lmhh.

With the way the changes are going, I wouldn’t be surprised, she’s still gonna be kinda ass with buffs anyway, unless they do something drastic to her moveset, her glaring flaws will remain. Game simply works against her.


For the FIRST time in my life I was happy to see Julia win a match. Man dat Ryan Hunter always makes me yell loudly when he’s in a match. Dat raw Cross Art…and raw launchers being used in tourney! Made me smile.