SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

There were tons of buffs in AE actually, but people did not care if the characters that were pure ASS or mediocre in Super got better for a long time (some recognized after 2012 with minimal changes on them rolled out). Super’s balance was ass as well , since on hindsight especiallu, there were strong characters that shitted on the ones below, and most of the bitching was silly, but that is a different story.
Whether people will cry again and we get a rebalance that is better than BOTH of the previous versions, we will see.

If you have fast, long reaching normals, but one or two more recovery frames wouldn’t hurt since they seem to nerf all other spammable lights.

Cross assault isn’t buffed as far as we know. Double pandora is something else, but this has already been said.

I really hate playing dp characters. It’s like having an unwanted panic button

I feel the opposite. I know I shouldn’t be saying this, but having a panic button makes me feel so much safer, even if I don’t actually use it.

It’s like having a blankie, except my blankie hits people in the chin if they are too greedy.

Can everyone please just stop whining for two seconds and consider these facts.
1. The majority of the nerfs are to things that people have complained about in this thread, like how DP tags are now less safe, boost comboes are much easier to punish now and they’ve weakened overpowered normals.
2. “Characters can only feel weak compared to other characters in the game.” A lot of things people are complaining their character had nerfed alot of the other characters had nerfed too, Cody’s normals and frametraps are still great, Rolento still has really good pokes etc.
3. We don’t know what changes the Tekken side are getting yet (except for a tiny ammount) or if there are any other changes being made to the overall system that have not been announced yet, there are still plenty of changes left to come so we should all just try to be patient and wait to see what happens.

but whining is what the FGC does best!

I wouldnt say that Super’s Balance was ass… it was pretty good but it did have it’s flaws. And yeah I agree that there were a lot of buffs in AE but there were a lot more nerfs because Ono wanted yun and yang to be strong. Remove yun and yang and i’ll agree that AE was the most balanced. But it still got more nerfs than buffs. And i can see 2-3 characters dominating the cast after this

Yun and Yang were strong no matter what happened to the rest of the cast.
I remind you that characters like Fei, Akuma, Viper, Seth, Sagat, Cammy(still strong) and Makoto(at her best_ were in that version. Outside of Makoto and somewhat Sagat, those characters were strong in Super too. Heck, some were STRONGER.
As for nerfed overall characters, It was less of half the cast.

And saying 2-3 characters will end up dominating the cast after this when you have not even seen the changelog of the Tekken side is just a weird claim.
People should wait a bit so their whinging will at least seem satsfied

Hey, I would also love to be able to mash AB/ABC until something connects. But I can’t. I actually need to play much smarter when I pressure. I need to be able to react with EX CADC, EX special or switch run cancel if I try to hit confirm/punish with chains and I get blocked. And if I have no meter, I get blown up for trying that.

imo they need to either give everyone safe chains or make them all punishable on block. Why should Kazuya, Gief, Cody etc (of all characters) even need this? What’s the logic behind wanting to create voluntary imbalance in risk vs reward for a universal mechanic?

In TTT2, the damage boost to Netsu and the disadvantage on block of Tag Crash is the same for everyone. You don’t make some characters be -2 after tag crash but put other characters at +5. You don’t make Asuka receive a 10% damage boost but give Lars a 30% damage boost during netsu. That’s a little unfair and creates an obvious imbalance. Every character needs to play by the same rules.

You’re right. It was present in SF4 as well: Some characters had better focus attacks than others. I hated the fact that a universal mechanic was not as universal per se.

Who? …well so far… Disregarding the Tekken changes.


Ready for SF25 SFxT results

Oh yes, I’ve never even used him outside of SC. Lol.

1 hour later.

That feel when you say that something might happen and then suddenly it happens.

Well, see that’s ok to me. Because focus attack still works the same for everyone. It’s just like in this game where some characters have really good Launchers with more pushback and others have really shitty range. But they still all crush the same moves, they still lead to a combo on hit and they still are unsafe on block so I don’t mind if they’re not exactly the same. It’s important to have variety even in uniformity or else everything becomes bland.

But now imagine if Jin was the only character in the game with a Launcher that crushed highs in addition to crouching normals. Imagine if Cody’s Launcher was +0 on block. Why would you even use one of the weaker characters who don’t have that?


Universal mechanics with no variety between characters makes for boring gameplay.

Dude, Ryu and Cody team for SFxT 2013 is the worst nerfing in the history of nerfing. Even Sentinel is in the corner pissing his pants.

I know it would probably grow to be equally annoying as it is now, but what if they’re playing some bizzarro patch where all the bottom tiers are top tier, and vice versa? Cody and Zangief are living in dumpsters, Cammy has to get a second job at McDonalds. Abels and Asukas are coming out of every corner, and everyone, EVERYONE, has a pocket Kuma.