SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

You’re upgrading off dial-up?! :smiley:


That’s how they decide what to nerf. They got to a target range with characters as the targets, then they shoot. Whatever part of the character get’s hit the most they nerf it. I guess Ryu got shot…A LOT.

-Izuna Drop Grab range reduced

That shit was small as fuck already, holy fuck none of these changes for anyone are well thought out.

Gief wasn’t buffed, he was more nerfed than buffed. They try to move him more into the grappler department, which is ok. St LK is quite a nerf, in general his foosties are worse.
His walkspeed is probably a quite a big nerf too.

Man I forgot to mention this and it has probably been mentioned ten billion times already but I’m on my 2 week break from college now so I’ll have some more time to study but also some more time to play as well.

I quite like the universal changes. The character specific nerfs seem mostly unnecessary though. There’s some weird ones in there. They added 7 frames to Sakura’s fireball. Was that some kind of sleeper move?

Sakura needed far :hp: special cancelable, getting a combo off of cl. :hp: was stupid hard in a match. I’ll probably be picking her back up, she’ll be a lot more fun now that she’ll be a combo machine.

Why should you get to do them even if you know they are not going to hit? I’ve seen a Cody player do lmhh in my face and gone to punish it and whiff (not even have my cr.lk blocked) and get whiff punished. Why should that happen?
I don’t get your point. Since release, they’ve always been unsafe; some characters just got a free ride whilst others don’t. I’ve wanted that nerf (been bitching about it since day one) even though I main Kazuya (one of the worst offenders). I’ll use links for my hit confirms, buffered specials/tekken strings for my mid-range games and boost combos (manually launched or lhh) for tight punish/tag-out situations.


Capcom better not nerf my Kuma… I like my 800 damage bnbs.

well most of the time gief will get in via his partner. Playing gief on point will be flat out dumb. We’ll see how it all turns out, but my gut tells me get ready for the worst.

Gief is somewhat o.k on point, he has solid footsies, you can confirm a st. mp into a st. mp, roundhouse, launch into a tag combo and the toe poke xx gh works well enough.

I don’t think Gief is necessarily a BAD point character, he just has issues with a bunch of things he struggles with in SF as well, like Sagat. Against a lot of the cast on point he’s quite terrifying though, especially if they like to do random jump ins because you can blow them up with the armour on his charge super.

I don’t think that’s the case at all. They just went and completely destroyed the frame advantage on his boost combos, so you can’t frame-trap with boost combos anymore. The frame advantage for his normals otherwise has remained unchanged (other than cr.lk obviously), so his pressure game should still be pretty good. Just gotta use that +1 on block :f: :mp: more than using boost combos now. (Not saying that’s how you played, though.)

Zonk Knuckle nerf isn’t too bad. I think they may have overdid it on the damage reduction for EX, but hey, he still hits really hard. Pushback on block just makes it easier to punish for more characters, which isn’t a bad thing. I don’t think Zonk Knuckle should be safe in the first place.

The one thing I’m curious about is the buff to his EX Bad Stone. They reduced the start-up by 2 frames…does that mean that counter-hit cr.hp xx EX Bad Stone works now? :rock:

His footsies in this game don’t need to be good because of the engine. If he were to connect with St LK he can confirm into launcher combo for 300 damage easily. I think he just need to be rethought of as where you put him on your team, as a combo ended he could them set up opportunities for spds whis is really what zangief has always been about. Just my thoughts

Ryu got the Akuma treatment. Slower shorter normals. Akuma’s changes are meh. Far HP being cancelable is meh, I guess it helps with counter hit setups, I would much rather have cr.HK be cancelable. I think he can link Far HK into cr.MK now(cant remember the frame data on his mk right now), so that’s something. The second hit of cl. HK causing a bound on aerial opponents is interesting, it could give him so interesting tag-in/corner combos.

Juri nerfs are just disappointing. I’m tired of seeing my character getting weaker with every update. The nerf to her cr.HP hitbox is the most worrying. Jin and Hei and other characters with magical J.HK better get some hitbox nerfs too. Those characters still jump at me like crazy even in the current version.

I guess I’m going to hold off on learning new characters until this is out. The game will certainly feel different. I don’t know if that’s good or bad right now.

I assume the tekken characters are gonna get the same treatment.

I feel like this game is going to be much more like sf4 with tag and a few more defensive options on wake up… Im actually not mad about that at all.

The last time we got nerfs and changes like this we ended up with ssf4 which imo was a good version of the game. Much better than AE imo…

Why do people keep saying Cody’s frame traps are now useless?

He still has a shit ton of + on block moves and a good set of normals to pressure with.

However, his boost combos are no longer good for pressure… just like everyone elses.

Seriously, if you take out the system nerfs:
-More recovery on boost combos
-Less Meter gain
-DP tag’s less safe

And the like, the actual change log isn’t as extensive or severe as alot of you are making it seem.

Yeah I agree Akuma’s changes seem a little ‘meh’ so far even without the system changes being announced yet.

The one buff that I think is major is the Cl St.:hk: causing a ground bounce on the second hit. I think that will be dangerous in the long run considering that you can cancel the second hit too. This pretty much opens the door to new Pandora set-ups and new ways to combo Misogi Mid-screen.

Say goodbye to St./Cr.:lp: > Misogi once the patch drops. Hello to :lk: Tatsu > Cl St.:mp: OR Far St.:lk: > Chained into Cl St.:hk: > Misogi!!

In theory, this buff should allow me to have access to the Lili Divekick resets on my team without having to go into Cross Assault :D. Assuming she is left untouched that is…

Because meter is a precious commodity that should be used wisely and some characters had the ability to insanely build meter with little effort and abuse it while some of the cast were meter starved

My main fear right now if for the tekken cast.

So many of them don’t have a way to confirm off a low without a boost combos. So something like cLK>sMP being really bad on block is a significant nerf to their mixup game.

But at least he got a buff.
They made Blanka’s Super a better anti-air/close range projectile punisher?? I think and nerfed him to hell.
They made his normals even worse and his balls even less safe

It’s like giving someone a cookie and then send them to hell for eating it