SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

I just glad i won’t be dealing with the chains anymore.

God I hope she won’t be considered top tier. I really don’t like slapping around mirror matches all day. Brings me no enjoyment whatsoever. :rolleyes:

the chains were never an issue to me, the crouching jab BEATING ALL MY MOVES was the issue


Honestly… with grabs getin buffed and the fact that asuka is the only char that has a counter and a command grab,Asuka is scary scary scary shit to me @_@

First, that pic is godlike lmao.

Secondly, sounds like my world in weeks 1-5 lol. A bunch of people who didn’t even know who Juri was jumping around and dive kicking with her. * sigh *

But yeah, fastest way to grow your army? Become a top tier.

That said, I dunno if that many people would make the investment, honestly. She’s not derpy enough (read: at all) for the usual online shoto-heads.

I’m hyped to see Bob get buffed, he seriously is just a MEATY Hwoarang with some DIRTY setups and better full screen punishes, at the cost of a good dash in, but every tool Hwo has (cept that dash in) Bob has :slight_smile:

Please don’t nerf me.


They’re not even aiming! ;__;

So…boost chains got nerfed like everyone wanted…throws got better like everyone wanted…invincible reversal tag cancels got nerfed like everyone wanted…lame gameplay got nerfed like everyone wanted…and, people are still angry.

This is why Darkstalkers 4 will fail. Because everyone wants it.

It’s a Nerf commercial! You never aim in a Nerf commercial, you just pull the trigger once and magically in the next shot you’ve got 30 nerf pullets sailing beautifully through the air!

As opposed to real life, when you try to fire one arrow an dit lands like three feet in front of you. Then you fire three more duds and then have to go pick them up.

…yeah I’ve been online too late again time to go to bed lol

no nonono. Don’t say that

i dont think the nerfs will really change how you play him. You’ll probably be like me and play the same way

it could be worse… They could do a 180 and nerf Yoshi to hell. lol

i actually remember this commercial

LOL! It was the first one that came to mind. XD Saw this thing way too much for my own good lol.

Also that whole “they never work that way in real life!” thing was from experience. >___>

• Close MP - Frames increased by 9F for boost combos (on hit -6F/On block -10F)
• Close MK - Frames increased by 2F for boost combos (on hit -5F/On block -9F)

  • Push back on block for boost combos reduced
    • Close HP - Frames increased by 9F for boost combos (on hit -10F/On block -16F)
    • Close HK - Frames increased by 6F for boost combos (on hit -12F/On block -18F)
  • Push back on block for boost combos reduced
    • Far LK - Hit box reduced
    • Far MP - Frames increased by 9F for boost combos (on hit -8F/On block -12F)
    • Far HP - Frames increased by 6F for boost combos (on hit -13F/On block -18F)
  • Push back on block reduced
    • Far HK - Frames increased by 7F for boost combos (on hit -14F/On block -19F)
  • Push back on block reduced
    • cr. LK - Startup increased from 3F->5F
  • Hit box reduced
  • Frames increased by 3F (on hit ±0F/on block -4F)
    • cr. MK - Frames increased by 5F for boost combos (on hit -9F/on block -13F)
    • cr. HP - Frames increased by 8F for boost combos (on hit -12F/on block -18F)
  • Push back on block for boost combos reduced
    • cr. HK - Frames increased by 6F for boost combos (on block -20F)
  • Push back on block for boost combos reduced
    • MP (with knife) - Frames increased by 10F for boost combos (on hit -9F/on block -13F)
  • Push back on block for boost combos reduced
  • Hit box reduced
  • Hurt box reduced
    • MP (with knife) - Frames increased by 5F for boost combos (on hit -9F/On block -13F)
  • Push back on block for boost combos reduced
  • Hit box reduced
  • Hurt box reduced
  • Now cannot be canceled
    • HP (with knife) - Reduced frames by 4F (on hit +5F/On block ±0F)
  • Frames increased by 4F for boost combos (on hit -12F/On block -17F)
  • Push back on block for boost combos reduced
    • cr. HP (with knife) - Push back on block for boost combos reduced
    •** Zonk Knuckle - Push back on block reduced**
    EX Zonk Knuckle - Knock away changed to shoot straight up on hit
  • Damage decreased from 160->100
  • Push back on block reduced
    • EX Bad Stone - Startup reduced from 30F->28F
    • Guard cancel - Became a 2-hit move
    • Prisoner Throw - Damage increased from 120->130
    Special move meter gain
    • Bad Stone: whiff 15->5
    • Criminal Upper (L): on hit 5×4(20)->20+8×3(44)
    • Criminal Upper (M): on hit 10+5×4(30)->20+8×4(52)
    • Criminal Upper (H): on hit 10+2×5(20)->20+8×5(60)
    • Zonk Knuckle: whiff 15->10/on hit 20->30
    • Ruffian Kick: whiff 15->0/on hit 30->50

So if I’m reading this right, his frame traps are gone and his pressure game is completely useless. Zonk will be ass so no reason to use it and I use it alot, just ask roknin. I never did the whole “fish for boost with cr. lk and keep spamming it until it connects” thing as thats lame as hell and people who play Cody like this make me shake my damn head. The one character I like takes a nerf bat that was snuck into prison to his face. I AM NOT AMUSED!

As painful as it is when I lose, I can vouch for that. XD

Hey guys what’s going on i-

Finally being able to do legit footsies against the SF side makes me smile.

Savour that smile. It will quickly disappear once the Tekken side of balancing arrives.