SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

When this patch drops and my internet problem is fixed people are going to get wrecked.

Guys main issue is that his elbow drop has a terribad air hitbox, I’ve fought matches where i got hit out of the AIR by crouching light kicks (seriously ask Tatsu that was the dumbest shit in the world)

  • ignores post *

I kid I kid!! :-p

Not a fan of the Juri nerfs of course, but I’ll live. Hugo… man poor Hugo.

I’m glad they did see those Cody/Rufus cr.lk’s were pretty dumb.

I’m sayin’. Let the games begin.

didnt see this post till now but yeah… i’ll admit complacency.

I would say that but his AA is still solid it seems so i cant fkin cross him up @_@

hm guys, I didn’t think about it but, what if all the dmg nerfs were to prep for a scaling drop?
I imagine matches would go even faster without scaling, and people like Lili, Juri and gasp Asuka with their hit-you-a-lot combos

I actually wondered that too. But I’d imagine that if they were going to do that, they’d announce that first and foremost since that has been a huge complaint (justified or not), then the changes.

…then again these are the same people who announced an entire mechanic with a pay-to-enhance mentality in the home-stretch of the game’s release, so I’m probably giving them too much credit to expect a brilliant strategy when it comes to patch notes.


I thought about that too. If soo Then I am soo hype! I normally don’t hype up Emilie cause that’s not my style but she is going to be so destructive if this comes to be.

I’m gonna have to officially learn her if this happens, aside from Asuka, I don’t know any solo combos with more than 15 hits!

I was thinking the same thing, buffs to her normals, quicker super, more throw damage AND pretty much full projectile invincibility on slide & EX Rhino Horn?! Thank you based Capcom! Depending on how they handle her juggle limit her damage output solo should now be better as well. :smiley:

Lili army,hwoarang loyalists, and the few, the proud Ninas better get ready for the worst…

Adding naow. :coffee:

This patch bodied my bad matches for me. #hype

Gief is still up there tho. Walk speed being reduced doesnt really affect him much. He’s still going to be holding forward most of the match… and he’s still going to walk back and forth in and out of max poke range and grab those limbs. He still has Lariat and he still has absorb on running bear grab, and he still has sMP so it’s anything else is just an inconvenience… not so much a hindrance.

what earlier post?

right after ultradavid raged, i wrote that i feel its too early to be jumping the gun, these were JUST the sf changes not the system changes not the tekken characters changes, so its still wayy too early to start trippin, and then after i post that i see posts and posts of salt about “wow ima quit” @_@

There is a big upside to this. With the changes being this extensive, we could be seeing the likes of Asuka and Paul with some dangerous new tools.

I cannot imagine a world where Capcom sees Asuka and says “oh we gotta tone this heffa down she got too much juice cut dat fram advantagé real quick…”

…I hope I didn’t just jinx it. >__>

I won’t even lie, I don’t think said “I quit” but I am definitely prone to knee-jerk, followed by “lemme walk away and start planning my Capcom assassinations” and then hours later followed by "huh. Okay. Not that bad. Maaaaaybe I overdid a little."
I swear I’m not crazy though.

Kaz is going to have reduced pushback on block and probably even less frame disadvantage on block for his twin fang combos… EWGF will probably get nerfed somehow as well… since so many people complain about it. He’ll probably get a damage nerf

Hei, Lili, Xaio, Hwa, Raven, Jin (dunno why honestly) and Asuka (honestly dont think she should) will probably get hit hard too.

sorry i just read through like 4 pages of shit. I go to school for an evening and this thread blows up. I read your post but skimmed over it (like most today) so already forgot about your post. lol

if Hwo gets nerfed I’ll just adapt and be nasty again :rock:

I want fucking Asura as DLC. >:(

How/why would she get hit “hard” though? I mean she probably won’t be able to cleanly avoid the nerf bat but even on their worst day I can’t imagine what they’d–

…you know what never mind don’t answer that I don’t even wanna’ put that karma in the air. :shake: