SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

They increased the statup by 4 frames. I would think it would be easier for them now

Hmm, well now my bnb does stupid damage now in exchange for less frame advantage. Also nj.hk is a hard knock down…that sounds dirty.

at 21 frame start up i doubt you are going to get dp’d on reaction.

I’m still not sure how I feel about CADCs building no meter anymore. That was like the only way Yoshimitsu could safely build meter so it will no doubt hurt his game considering how much meter dependent he is. But at the same time, it was kinda stupid how easy it was for me to kill so much time while building all that meter for free.

This change is significant enough that I’ll probably have to start using Yoshimitsu as anchor instead of point.

My salt over the changes is gone. I am now interested in seeing what they do from here on.

Chain nerfs should, on paper, make the game play revolve around a bit more SF4esque pressure.

Only this time the hit confirming should be more precise and real instead of fishing off light~medium hits. A lot of people can do it safely and freely from punish. Some of the chain nerfs will make it punish mashing and just out right get punished. Like Zangief pokes are real good for example, changing his chain would bridge him a little closer to how he pressures in SF4.

Same. It’s just those first wtf moments that are the hardest. Coming back to it with a clearer head, I’m just going to wait and see how it all plays out. I’m not saying I’m happy about the changes mind you, but I’m a bit more… patient and open about them. We’ll ultimately see what’s up hen they get here.

Just gotta wait until the Tekken changes come out. Those are the only ones I care about. I hate to say it but I see Lili getting some nerfs, she’s remained under the radar for so long.

I thought you guys hated Rufus, Ryu, Hugo, Rolento, Chun-Li,etc.

They are basically forcing people to play around with the other half of the cast.

If she gets away without a change in her launcher scaling again I’d be shocked.

Graned, yesterday I would have been surprised if they touched it at all, but then… today happened. XD

what could they nerf? as fars as balancing goes she is frail. One nerf could severely hurt her.

edit: ah the launcher, oh well i wont miss it too much if it changes

RIP sim wtf… I dont care what they do to the rest of the cast sim is done…


Elena is buff as @#^! from the looks of things if everything sticks. I just wanted cr MP to have the same hitbox as the animation, got all kinda goodies to go with that.

But does everyone realize that if everyone is weakened, then really no one is. Last time there was these kind of massive tweaks was from vanilla SF4 to SuperSF4. The overall damage game changed.

Uh yeah, yo… I was so busy looking at Cams and Juri that uh… damn, yeah Elena got fuggin buffed. Hell even her throw got a slight damage buff. O_O

Okay, so I uh… may have to give her a second look in 2013.

They wanted a FULL ROSTER re-balancing. No one is exempt from changes, that’s why I’m bracing myself for nerfs on my characters if any. I’ll continue being loyal to my girls even through the nerfs. I may even whine a little along the way but this is part of game that has updates like this. I’ve dealt with this a lot playing MMO’s nothing new here.

Huh. Now that I’m actually taking the time to read through stuff, it really doesn’t seem all that bad. Except for Ryu. He got hit hard as fuuuuuuck.

May have (read: probably was) already mentioned, but Sakura’s cr.HP may be gdlk again now too. Interesting.

Yeah I’m definitely on a more “wait and see” point now, really interested to see the Tekken side of things. I’ll be honest, if it does turn into Tekken x Tekken, it’d be pretty damn ironic considering right now it’s pretty much SF x SF.

Outside of most of us, of course. :-p

Lol I love how everyone disregarded my earlier post, anyways i personally like these nerfs (cept Juri and Hugo) since alot of the derp shenanigans were str8 up removed, i am i little dissappointed that they didnt buff Guys elbow drop, since it loses to EVERY air to air move, but i am happy that they nerfed the hitbox of codys and rufus’s cr lks, now i can actually raw launcher them without them being at constant frame advantage, also, I seriously wonder how many Ryu x Cody players are gonna flip shit when this patch hits… @_@

But I play 2 tekken characters :open_mouth:

may have to pick up Sak again, hopefully these dmg nerfs serve a purpose to level out things like Sak’s poor dmg output.

Well for Vega and Gief nothing changes as far as how i play them and decisions I make…

Hugo on the other hand… is borderline useless. He now has absolutely no good way to get in. So I will probably be dropping him.

Cody, Cammy, Guile, Rolento, Juri,
Ken’s buffs dont look like they were worth the nerfs but iono Ken well enough to know for sure.
Abel looks real good
Guy looks good

I think that this is a pretty bad move by capcom. The issue is that so many nerfs are out there that the general tempo of the match is going to slow down. I wouldnt mind the nerfs to block/hit stun if damage was increased. However, this isnt the case. So you’re going to end up with relatively more timeouts from stalemates than currently. So that means that grey life recovery must really really be nerfed or the timeout issue is still going to be there

I’m waiting for Stanky_Beenur to fight me after that patch drops. Back to beating his ass for free like I was before he found out how to exploit that bs from Cody. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of players who exploited a lot of the bs in this game become free after this. :rofl:

I remember when Ryu got nerfed, I ran into a handful of Ryus trying to frame trap with HK Joudan. It was funny as hell. :rofl:

Now that I think about, I hardly ever face the Ryu mirror match post patch. I guess it will be even worse now.