SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

no its stupid. it strips a lot of the tools the sf character had and pretty much makes them “on par” which is not even true. Tekken characters have mixs, which are far better than sf characters. Oh i’m ryu derp time to overhead derp…I’m lili i knocked you down. NOW EAT 50/50 DIVE KICK HIGH LOW MIX UP. <==== how’s this make sense. And i still dont’ like the gief buff. Everyone who’s anyone is going to play him just so they can take advantage of spd. WHY GIEF OF ALL CHARACTERS. HE DOESN’T DESERVE A BUFF HE’S ALREADY GOOD. This game’s character base is gonna be some character and gief.

I’m not complaining AT ALL. * throws party *

…okay, that’s kinda’ dickish of me to Rufus players. I’m sorry. :frowning: I bitch about him but he’s really not that horrifying.

I was only kidding, though I wouldn’t be surprised if pandora turned into something insane

Don’t scare like that! Had my parachute all ready to bail outta this thang :-p

now waiting for the paul nerfs.

IMO they actually made him a lot worse. With the chains no longer being safe on block and a slower walk speed, his footsies are going to be hurting. The SPD buff was good but even then i’m not sure it can compensate for his justifiable loss. Gief is back to mid tier.

<.<;;; juri got nerfed too. so don’t celebrate. this is a sad party. sf got nerf and gief got buffed.

What is this bullshit!?

gief lost that stupid lk mp safe chain

Oh I know all about that lol, already ranted about it.

It’s still faster that vega’s and you wont get dp’d on hit now.

that’s good but he got an spd buff. I hope you guys are understanding what i’m trying to say. After a boost combo gief is in your face. What are you going to do. If you eat one spd you eat 200 damage. LP SPD!!! <==================================================================

thats really how gief should be. a grappler

OMG finally someone who understands how Gief is supposed to be played!

Huh… Yeah kinda hafta agree lol.

The best damn one still. And after this nerf one of the best characters. he still beats the majority of the tekken cast. Akuma, Ken, and Gief are gonna be the new top characters after this patch.

Hey what ups people!, hmm change log. Looks at change log Gief gets damage buff on command grab when it already did great damage, his SPD has range of a goddamn hadoken!, Juri nerfed again… the fuck are they thinking, I am a sad panda for Juri changes, what ever happened to actually learning how to fight someone instead of crying like a baby and asking for nerfs.

Everything else, just looks like they’re nerfing boost chains mostly I wouldn’t worry too much for now, except anyone that plays Ryu, Rufus, Cody, Cammy yall are fucked, and that Ibuki Mk Tsumuji buff has to be a typo if not, damn.

We better get some damn reasonable system changes that benefit the street fighters that got hit with the nerf hammer or we might just see tekken characters in a game called Street Fighter X Tekken -_-.

but then again hasnt gief always been the best grappler in sf games?

-Nerfs all rounds to “safe” DP>tags.
-Nerf to Cody cr.lk
-Nerf to Ryu cr.hk

Unless they rape Lei horribly, I’m feeling good about this.

I definitely dont post on SRK enough anymore since I stick to FGC on twitter and other FGC FB groups now. But I wanna say a few things from what I’m gathering from various areas… Take note that I am a big fan of this game but not an apologist for it or Capcom. Just wanna step back a bit and look at the situation…

We definitely know there is some serious tweaking going on and its really easy to react to what we see right now. But the true irony would be if we treated v2013 the same way the rest of the FGC did with SFxT entirely. Judge the book by its cover(first chapters) and move on? and we only have a third of the cover to judge so far (Tekken cast, System changes still coming).

But I wanna analyze the APPROACH to the changes. What is the direction? What are the intentions? How is the metagame(SFxT best strength) affected? Lets look at a broad changes so far.

Alot of us have gathered that Boost combos on block and other specials have been made more unsafe. As an effect, this could reduce scrubby boost spam, while also opening more opportunities for Happy birthdays when people try to switch cancel unsafely.

Meter gain on whiffs and CADCs have also been nerfed or even eliminated. This reduces this tactic as an option. Also mean less Laming/Zoning(I play Poison so I am also affected), in turn wasting time. While meter gain buffs on hit even reemphasize offense.

But why damage nerfs? They have been outspoken about fixing timeouts. What would allow the decreased damage to make sense? One thing could be a more viable Pandora mechanic. Another (better) possibility could be buffs (nerfs?) to damage scaling to make agressive plays and combos more rewarding. The game system does allow for alot of creativity. Another thing about the mass damage nerfs just means the landscape has changed abit. Theres a new normal for single hit damage output and moves that have not been weakened are now made stronger by comparison. In combination with reduced speed on health regen, this also means that damage dealt has bigger impact in the match. Dawg also mentioned “*Chars can only feel weak when compared to one another though. It’s not like we’re tossing them to Vanilla Sagat lol.”
*There are many other questions still lingering. Whats happening to the clock? Whats happening to Cross Arts? Cross Assaults? Pandora? these are all big factors

Let’s remember the goal of this current project is no longer about releasing the title. Its about fixing it. Biggest Fear tho, is that Capcom tries to use this as an opportunity to re-emphasize gems.