SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

Rolento HP nerf was an answer to Infiltration stacking Defense gems on him for “time outs.” Justified nerf.

and finally CODY BOOST COMBO NERF. FUCK HIM AND HIS BOOST COMBO FRAME TRAPS. THERE IS A GOD. Overall damn sf cast got raped. Bison looked like he got some buffs. and ken…yeah you gonna see lots kens online lol.
oh and ps… more juri nerfs…damn son.

There never really was a tier list, the opinion was mostly that Ryu, Chun, Cody, and Rufus were really good though.

Only problem I have against boost chains is the fact that some characters (like Kazuya) can pretty much spam them up close and remain safe on block. With the characters I use, if I just AB I’m like -100 on hit and on block (dramatization) and the funny thing is, my characters need to rely even more on ABC then some of those characters.

I don’t really get why Capcom thought it would be a good idea to give some characters safe on block chains in the first place. It doesn’t bother me that much tbh. But I do feel like I should be able to punish my opponent for trying to hit confirm with chains and not being smart enough to EX CADC away or switch cancel on block.

Well I guess I won’t being see much of online ryus with their idk footsies attitude and their famous ‘mix up’ joudan shoryu.

edit: but seriously, are guys foreal? joudan shoryu? really now? that’s like sf4 dudley, MGB U2

i dunno why. but it effectively stops a lot of the boost combo characters like cody. It was needed and moves such as standing hp should not be safe at the end of a boost combo chain even. It still didn’t stop characters like gief. in fact capcom buffed him. and he’s probably now the best capcom character in the game…

Yeah I got it. I think I even replied…
You can DP AA just fine. That’s what Julia’s DP is designed for :slight_smile:
What combos are you talking about? Cammy/Juri-burn-all-5(!)-bars-for-the-fun-of-it-while-doing-750-damage?

GGs to you too. It’s fun to see how we both approach the matchup differently now since the FT5 vid.

More like “fake-ass” footsies.

all these capcom nerfs means lili is one step closer to full world domination. >=D

wait for the tekken side before you get ahead of yourself

Tekken side is going to be so tough >.<

neva! lol. We’ll see what capcom has instore. This game is going to be more nuts. Getting hit now = death now. There’s your time out solution haters.

plus shiny new comback factor. wow. guess we’re playing marvel

Waiting for Nina juggle limit to be raised and Julia links to be +15 each

“Cross Factor” LOL

Where? How?

Pandora = x4 dmg, 2 hit shield against everything, ground bounce on counter hit, super art = 2.5x dmg (initial dmg buff excluded).


Boost chains aren’t a problem on hit. They lead to a bunch of recoverable life, massively scale damage, and switch characters away from a matchup that’s often better (if you’re playing a point character with a bad matchup against the other guy’s point character, you’re already kinda messin up). Most characters can do more damage and put their teams in better positions with a regular combo. If a character can’t, then fine, that’s just character variation. I think boost chains are way better on block as a way to hit confirm. Without that, if I have meter, I’m basically never gonna use them.

Y’all need to learn to calm down. Seriously, see the bigger picture.

A. These are not all the changes. Wait until the patch and other notes comes out to bitch if you absolutely have to.
B. To those complaining about meter nerfs reducing your damage output, half the time you guys only used it to try and safe tag out. It wasn’t about doing damage, it was about not wanting to get hurt. Meter build more on hit for certain moves now, you just can’t whiff em for free meter.
C. This game already had high-damaging combos off punishes, except now punishes will be more likely to happen because some moves are not as safe.
D. People who complain about chains getting nerfed, its only nerfed on block. You can still do all the chains you want on hit. But you shouldn’t be rewarded for spamming 2 buttons over and over again.

Seriously, its like the only things you asshats saw were the nerfs. The fact of the matter is, shit was too safe in this game, you’ve gotten complacent instead of trying to make a legitimate game plan.

Rufus got shut up.

wait what?