SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

Grinning from ear to ear. 2/3 changes (anti airs and worse boost combos) I wanted for SFxT? Is it Christmas!?

I didn’t think people still had problems with boost chains. Some characters rely on them a lot, others not so much. They serve the purpose of switch characters and looking for openings to deal damage while differentiating the game from SF4. What’s the problem?

As for the meter abuse problem Dawgtanian mentions, I can’t recall any situation where I’ve let my opponent do special dash cancel back to build meter without me doing something about it except at the very end of a round. You want meter? Ok, I’ll take a much better position on screen and punish you for it. The only time good players build meter like that is when there are 5-10 seconds left and they know a comeback is impossible. But I don’t see why the solution to that is to make meter building for the rest of the round harder, that seems like a really weird way to fix something that isn’t even a big deal in the first place.

And it’s nice that attacks on hit build more meter, which indirectly encourages offense, but which has a greater effect on whether I can play offensively: nerfing startup and recovery speeds of important normals and boost chains, making them slower to come out or unsafe on block, or an indirect meter boost?

I really hope there are other changes like better throw range. Faster walk speeds seem out. It mentions Gief will walk even slower, so presumably it would mention if anyone else will walk faster, but it doesn’t.

I guess I don’t really care that people who aren’t good are still doing boost chains constantly. Like I said, some characters seem to need them, some don’t, and they lead to the character switching mechanic that was supposed to be a defining feature of this game.

lol I guess I might have over-reacted a little. At first glance it seemed like they were only nerfing SF characters to hell. But then, they are also doing some system changes about meter gain, grey life and risk/reward of ABC. etc. So it could be interesting to see if these changes do in fact make the game a little more aggressive and fast paced. I like the changes that reward the player who takes more risks.

I’m personally hoping they also increase the damage of some characters throws and cross-cancels. That would be sweet.

God I hope this applies to Yoshimitsu’s Windmill LOL. For every meter I burn, I will be building 2. :looney:

Guile…I have no words…vega is ok…

god only knows what they will do to King…

Yeah that would be really bad, because it’s not even THAT great. I mean, it leads into ~350 damage and a California roll set-up, but it’s got a 22f start-up; easily react-to-able. It’s only effective when you keep very tight pressure, and constantly mix up your normals to visually confuse, or for certain set-ups; or even in footsies. Sometimes.

Also, for Cammy:
•Far LP - Block stun increased by 2 (+1F on block)

This is pretty cool.

Yeah, I really, really, REALLY hope they don’t touch Xiaoyu’s overhead. It’s pretty much the reason she has any sort of a mix-up game in the first place. I just mentioned that because it seems like something that scrubs would complain about…

One thing that would be neat is if they buffed the hitbox on that launcher move out of her phoenix stance so you can connect with it more consistently off of a cr.mk. I don’t think she really needs anything though…if they make the overhead faster that would be neat, but I guess it depends on how much faster they made it.


Health - 950->900

You’re talking about Wave Crest? If so just use :hp: version it moves her forward a bit more than the others. Tatsu told me this like a month ago, since I overlooked this as well.

Yeah, I think the nerf to his boost combos on block and the fix for his alpha counter was enough. He didn’t need that.

:frowning: Dudley and Vega. Idk how the changes they made to them are going to make me play more offensive, if anything i’m going to be even more lame with vega.

Ah, I see. I’ve been using this :mp: version; that might explain things. :smiley:

I was too all this time lol! You can thank Tatsu, he’s the one who opened up my eyes to this when I was having issues punishing Jack-X’s :mp:DP properly.

For reals?

I literally only ever use L Wavecrest, just because it’s what I trained my muscle memory for.

omfg wow. GUILE YOU DIE NOW AND RYU YOU DIE NOW. I gotta read the rest. More later.

I’m with Bunny. Right now I don’t even know if this game will even be a shadow of its former self after the patch. Nerfs across the board don’t sound like a fun game to play.

What is the problem? Those functions aren’t removed; making them more negative on block doesn’t change their effectiveness on hit.

Now everyone will know how I feel when I’m being interrupted during my pressure just because I dropped a link. No more mindless mashing, get dat execution up to speed folks!

omfg so many sf nerfs. Chun nerfs and sim nerfs and even some sagat nerfs. OMFG This is JUST DELISH!

rufus got nerf hard. AND FUCK GIEF. FUCK HIM. THESE ARE NOT NERFS. THESE ARE BUFFS!!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!? oh and rolento hp nerf lol LOL

When we will have a New Tier list? Where can I find the old one? When can we expect the Tekken side,any thoughts?