SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

Because that’s who whined the loudest, honestly, truthfully. People were screaming about the boost chains, “stupid Hugo”, OMG nerf Juri damage, why is this game not SF4 and the like.

Not saying I agree because I don’t and I really hope it doesn’t go any closer to SF4 (because that’s why I have SF4), but that’s pretty much it.

I do agree there, so it’s not all bad in that sense.

I’m still mad about the damage nerfs. Game does not need lower damage (conversely it didn’t really need more either). That grey health nerf better be pretty severe.

LOL! Pretty much!

Honestly I won’t really be able to say much until it’s out and I {play it}. All I can give is my knee-jerk reactions on most stuff. That said, the buffs the other day made me happy - the damage nerfs to my characters today are making me kinda’ ill.

I’m not getting my hopes high for the Tekken changes though. Keep expectations moderate.

(edited because poor wording is bad)

Any thoughts on Hugo? He’s already Low tier. I’m afraid that with that new slow red life recovery and his nerfs He will be useless. :frowning:

I’m expecting good things for Paul if nothing else…at least speed up his dang normals!

this changelog made me expect to quit after 2013 is released.
it’s like capcom doesn’t know what balance means.it’s as if they want the remaining players to drop this game.

Actually, couldn’t the slow life recovery benefit him in a sense? It’d make his already high damage hurt even more in the long run.

It’s like they took the ASW balancing method, fix some things and then throw shit in the fan and hope something sticks. Some of these changes make sense like Elena’s and Rolento’s, but then there’s Hugo who is now as effective as the car from the SF2 bonus stage.

I really hope the system changes are meaningful enough.

Not looking good for our giant. Lot of stuff is even more unsafe, damage decreased.

Is Capcom fucking stupid? Why the fuck am I seeing so many nerfs and damage REDUCTION? That’s not how you balance a game and make it more fun to play or more enjoying to watch. Hey Capcom, pro tip: STOP LISTENING TO FUCKING SCRUBS. THEY WILL ALWAYS COMPLAIN ABOUT EVERYTHING. Nerfing top tier characters will only make players drop them and flock to the new buffed top tier characters. God damn…

The way Capcom seems to think is: “We mostly see SF characters being used in tournaments, that must mean they are super OP and that all tekken characters are shit tier. So let’s nerf all SF characters until they are just as shitty as the Tekken characters and buff the Tekken characters until they are OP! Problem solved.”

That’s a bit reassuring. At least they are aware of what they doing - and are aware that the changelog might make people ask what the fuck is going on - so that gives me hope for the system changes.

Hades if there was a “I fucking love you” button, I’dve pressed it 90+ times on that post.

Case in point: E-Hubs posters are apparently happy to see Ryu nerfs. And such. The last people who need to have a say in how the game is played.

Dawg makes a good point in general, but I’m not seeing how that’s going to work. We’ll see overall soon enough, I guess.

I’m so worried about Xiao.

My heart ;_;

I don’t think Xiaoyu really needs to get touched at all. She seems fine. Good offense balanced by poor defense.

Though something tells me they’re going to nerf her overhead somehow…God, I hope not.

Well it can’t really get worse for her, I don’t think.

I’m… going to need to sleep on these changes.

If Lili is touched, i’m done. I made that clear months ago.

Just Do IT

I can kinda see where Dawgtanian is going to. We’re seeing these nerfs in the current version of the game, when there are still system changes coming up. We don’t know yet how these changes turn out in the “new” system.

They increased the Ex Meat Squasher like I’m going to use it a lot lol. I’m pretty sure Hugo now will be low tier for sure. They nerfed the few things that made him useable. I can handle the entire match with Hei but still, Hugo it’s that last damage for me that counts.

Pffft dude you may as well get ready for that man. No one is safe :shake:


To be fair, everyone (with the minority of people who really know their shit excluded) is still doing boost chains constantly. And getting away with it for the most part.