SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

Makes no fuckin’ sense whatsoever

Well I’m sure we’ll get a Tekken change log, maybe a game engine change log too. I’m just sad about the changes to the SF characters because I didn’t think they needed nerfs. If anything, I was looking for buffs!

Hugo has only 4 things going for him now: cr lk, lariat, splash, and damage when used as an assist or setup. Cr lk hitbox gets nerfed, cr lk cr mk becomes -13 on block and has less pushback, lariat loses armor on startup, ex lariat becomes -8 on block, splash loses 8 frames of blockstun, 13 active frames, and 30 damage, and almost everything does less damage. Why? Because he was commonly used in week 1? That’s all I can think of :frowning:

This is making me look forward to the full change list for the Tekken characters. Maybe with this, they’re making it so the Street Fighter characters are more defensive while the Tekken characters are flat out offense?

I’m gonna remain optimistic here.

If she gets nothing but buffs I’m going to print-screen it, laminated and mail it to you. :razzy:

cr. LK - Startup increased from 3F->5F

  • Hit box reduced
  • Frames increased by 3F (on hit ±0F/on block -4F)

How do we get people back into our dying game? Lets nerf all their favorite characters!

I think they went a bit overboard with that…couldn’t they have just made it 4 frame start-up, 0 frames on hit and -2 on block?

I think that would have been enough…

maybe theres some secret Japanese Hugo tech we dont know about lol naw but i agree with you, certain sf chars didnt need to be nerfed… this is good for me though because its like the characters i like from the sf side got buffed and the ones i dont like (CODY, RYU, RUFUS) got nerfed so meh

SOOO not true for me! :slight_smile:

I guess the nerfs to boost chains across the board represent a game engine change, assuming the Tekken characters get the same treatment. They’re trying to make boost chains worse. Boost chains are already not great, basically just useful in footsies and some hit confirms for some characters, or for getting your point character out. I like SF4, but we already have SF4. Why make one of the main engine differences between the two games less effective? Weird choice imo.

The more I think about this, the more it looks like they’re balancing the game based on month 1. Hugo seemed good, everyone was doing boost chains constantly, etc. Great.

They reduced the size of the hurtbox on Sakura’s cr.hp…wonder if it’s a decent anti-air now?

Eh, let’s be real. Most of the people that hated the game before, were going to still hate it if they buffed the entire cast (they’d find a way to complain). That much wasn’t going to change with this update. The overall changes (and cosmetic stuff) are probably far more important in that respect.

What this is right now is the initial shock of “fuck, why?!” for the people that actually play the game. Not really unusual. Just that Capcom is really, really good at making a lot of “wtf really? WHY?” changes. >__>

people are gonna have to get better and not rely on safe boost chains

lucky we PC players don’t have to play this version until July of next year. 1.02 ftw?

sf cast is going to be so weak if there isn’t an engine change to justify these nerfs

There’s just so many changes, I can’t even tell if these weird changes are going to make the game worse.

Gotta see the Tekken changelog.

Yeah, I get to keep my Juri anti air into Super for like 500 damage for a little while longer.


it makes me wonder if capcom even plays their own games

Meter has always been too plentiful in this game personally.

But that’s a complaint I level against most capcom games. So it’ll be interesting to see if I’m wrong.

The stuff they did to Bison is just pure nonsense. Bison is a mid-tier character (that people think is garbage tier) based around three things.

  1. Abusing stand forward
  3. Walk backwards EX Psycho Crusher

Matchups where Bison can’t use all 3 he starts breaking down. Like characters with reliable EX PC punishes Bison has to move forward and avoid corners and that never ends well. Characters who have good answers to devil reverse (Jack, Cody, Juri, Cammy, etc) make Bison stand and fight and THAT never ends well.

So basically they changed a couple buttons to be stand forward but slightly worse (as opposed to stand forward but quite a bit worse). They nerfed his teleport (?!?!?!) which will serve as an indirect nerf to EX PC. They changed devil reverse meter gain which is a slightly more obvious indirect nerf to EX PC.

They did buff his short scissors which was a putrid move in SFxT. I’ll have to play it out before I see exactly how good this is, but as long as it’s -2 on block for a 2 hit version, it can’t be that good. Combining that with his 3 or 4 frame s.short might be a halfway decent setup tool, or it might be nothing.

But anyways, they took Bison from the top strategy to

  1. Use s.forward and s.strong to create CH setups and open up walk shortshortshort. For a charge character he had a pretty interesting shortshortshort game as is, but Capcom is going out of their way to tell you this is how you’re supposed to play Bison now.
  2. Scissor traps to lead more directly into shortshortshort (you could only get that in current SFxT if they’re REALLY terrified of EX PC)
  3. EX PC will still be good but Bison has changed from a solid battery character to a character who requires someone else to battery for him.

So my verdict as one of the 4 Bisons who actually gave a shit on this game.
Bison not only got worse he looks significantly less interesting and plays more like a standard character. WTF Capcom???

–Jay Snyder