SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

This list is amazing. It’s like, just to make sure that any potential resurgence in SFxT wouldn’t happen, here’s what’s gonna happen in a couple months so you can stop yourself in advance. The best part of SFxT is its characters; almost all of my problems with the game are in the game engine. Yes, a bunch characters needed help, but I don’t think I would have made more than just a few nerfs across the entire cast. Can anyone think of a worse change log in a modern fighting game?

so . . . zoning is almost gone.

some fireballs get no meter on whiff and others get 5.

i guess now i’ll get less meter for fireball and whiffing fierce afterwards

i guess that’s fair.

cr. LK - Hitbox reduced

I mean did we expect nothing less? I knew they’d listen to the fucking whiners who did nothing but monster it up, and not the peole playing the damn game.

Guess we’ll know for sure when the Tekken changes arrive.

Eh, I dunno. I guess on the bright side it’s not GONE, but still…

To be fair it was useless for Juri anyway.

hey dude Tatsu trolls wayyyy harder

In a game where offensive pressure is weak as it is, it’s like the cast got sent to Africa and starved to death. Now their dehydrated meatless bones are left to fight.

They nerfed the damage on Poison’s grab and her meter gain but buffed her forward dash - which means you better get good at teching - and made her anti airs faster, I am pleased.

Oh crap, you’re right. Looks like all charge special moves build 0 meter on whiff now.

Crud…that was my main method of building meter…

but isnt this ONLY the change log for the sf cast? it doesnt mention game engine changes or even tekken changes

why did they hurt meter gain so much? it’s not like we have four bars or anything

blazblue tends to change characters and the engine entirely so it could be worse. Nonetheless this is bad i wonder if the current players will even support it, characters potential and usefulness has become hard to gauge its going to take a long time to get used to these new changes if i even bother

That said, it’s not encouraging. That Tekken cast better contain a bucket full of buffs.

I’m honestly a lil’ worried.

Waits for those Julia nerfs to come out for Will08 to realize how op Julia actually is.

I’m still down. I mean I played AE after the update and that game tried really hard to eliminate half the cast. >__>

yeah, guile FK being -36 on block was way too OP’d. I’m glad he’s -46 on block now.

tatsu is fun to fight, and it feels like he FIGHTS back, with u its more like trollollolollll screw the match ima just troll u

Honestly, with all these nerfs to the Street Fighter cast, I’m expecting some engine changes to help explain why. I mean, why reduce the meter gain? I don’t think the rate of meter gain was a problem…

I’m still gonna keep playing the game though. I like it too much.

Runs Out of Room

I didn’t say anything bad about Juri! Just putting my hands up right now mainly because the idea seeing a pissed off Rok sounds really scary. :eek:

Capcom had two ways to balance this game and man did they take the controversial route of dishing out those nerfs. You know sometimes I kind of wish that they didn’t just straight up HAMMER moves to the floor when they nerf things but it is what it is.

Rather they just take the approach of: ‘We’ll nerf this move but we’ll give it some sort of redeeming quality or make moves that have similar uses to it better.’

The mind boggles as to what they will do to the Tekken side next. I fear for the Mishimas especially and my mind, body and soul is ready for if they decide in their heads to nerf Lili. One part of the squad is good, the other part has gotta be good as well.

Though damn those Akuma buffs kind of irk me in the sense that band wagoners will come along. But hey I’m ready to dish out those Misogi’s :slight_smile:

EDIT: Well at least I think those are Akuma buffs.

They either are balancing around meter gems or they really want those 3 bars to matter more.

Again with nerfs to offense. How’s this supposed to make things better?