SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

I’m curious to see if Xiaoyu will get smacked around with the nerf bat yet again. Will Lili be safe from nerfs again? Hopefully all will be answered soon.

I’m curious to see how much further forward Ken moves now with his Super. Maybe I’ll be able to do proper Pandora combos with him now. :slight_smile:

I’m really interested in that Target Combo buff though. Target Combo xx CADC was already only -5 on block…buffing it like this makes it -2 on block now. So it’s a safe CADC now…

That also makes it +5 on hit I think…Ken can now combo off of his Target Combo with a CADC it looks like. I wonder what possibilities that will open up?

-Jab SRK Damage 80->70
-Fierce SRK Damage 150->130

-Tackle: - Damage L. 100->80, M. 110->80, H. 120->90
**-EX TK: **Damage 110->90
-Double Zoom Straight - Damage 90->80
-Jump Double Zoom Punch - Damage 100->80
-Double Zoom Punch - Damage 90->80
-Slapshot - Damage reduced from 150 to 140
-cr. LP - Damage reduced from 50 to 40
-cr. MP - Damage reduced from 80 to 70
-Body Press - Block stun reduced by 8 frames / Damage reduced from 140 to 110
-Giant Palm Breaker - "Damage changes LP: 100->80 MP: 100->110 HP: 140->130

-Forward jumping HK Damage decreased from 100 to 75

-Far LP - Damage decreased from 40 to 30
-cr. MP - Damage decreased from 80 to 70
Flying Body Attack - Damage decreased from 120 to 100
-Target Combo - Damage decreased from 90 to 60
-Galactic Tornado - "Damage adjusted:MP 100->80, HP 120->90 EX 160->80"

-Scarlet Terror (M) - Damage decreased from 100 to 80

-cr. HP - Damage decreased from 90 to 75
-Diagonal Jumping HP - Damage decreased from 100 to 75
-Karen Kick/Assatsu Kick - Damage decreased from 150 to 130[/details] you get it. plenty of dmg nerfs. outweight the dmg buffs. but whatever. just means you need to use damage gems now. bleh :tdown:

I summon @Ultradavid, in the hope that he will share with us an in-depth list of his thoughts on these changes


I meant to edit that. You beat me to it. :oops:

if vega turns out to be worse than the sf4 version im going to be pissed

Traiditional DP’s are even weaker
What the fuck is wrong with Guile
Hugo is garbage
Walk speed is still an issue
People need to use gem/damage gems more now.

My boy Hugo got some nerfs. Who would have guessed? :sunglasses:

I wonder…are these all the changes? It really does seem like a complete change list…but maybe Capcom has a few other tweaks that they’re going to release? Maybe a global walkspeed buff?

I’m hoping there’s more. It seems a bit early to release everything. (Yeah, I know we still have the changes for the Tekken characters, but still.)


Wait, it’s free, nevermind.

I agree, she is getting hammered. Juri got hit too, but she’s in stable condition.

Cammy’s in the ER right now. Maybe I’m just a moron but I literally can’t find a worthwhile positive.

it’s sad because the only people who are angry are the ones that actually play the game

I think the removal of JC’s on block is a good thing overall.

I still wonder why they made it so that far standing LK with Juri can’t be linked anymore. What was wrong with that?

Might need to redo some of my pressure strings with that change…

LOL! Yeah Elena looks to have gotten what she needs.

heres something to liven up the mood


@Ben I’m guessing he thinks it’s no bueno

Am i seeing things here? There’s no more cadc meter building anymore :confused:

Well, while they may have made some damage nerfs and nerfed the overall meter gain…I’m pretty pleased with the changes so far. Mainly because they basically got rid of safe boost chains. That’s the only thing that really bothers me about the game at the moment.

I’m also happy about the Cammy jab nerf…but I think they overdid it. I don’t play Cammy, but wasn’t the HK jump cancel a big part of her pressure game? With that gone, along with her safe boost chain AND standing jabs nerfed…things aren’t looking too good.

They could have at least reduced the start-up of cannon spike or something to compensate…

it’s already a struggle to open up people then i get nerfs to make it even worse.